Is it possible for another Hitler or Napoleon to appear in the age of the atomic bomb?

Is it possible for another Hitler or Napoleon to appear in the age of the atomic bomb?

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Napoleon did nothing wrong

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Please don't compare that manlet cuck with one ball with napoleon

Yes but he'll probably cyberpunk CEO villain.

He looks very Russian

This, but unironically.

>Falling for the Jewish-Anglo lies.

useless wanker


huge compliment for russians

Attached: 117695-004-63B45752.jpg (550x391, 19K)

he has already appeared

Attached: macronthrone-640x480.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Apparently Franco had one testicle as well.

Why are Jews so obsessed with monorchism?

Lame in comparison

Attached: Xi Jinping.jpg (4000x2250, 1.61M)

Please stay in Sup Forumsand.

only people who think he did anything wrong are brits

Macron is the puppet of the jews.

>eternal ruler of the most powerful nation in the world
>your pants don't fit
feels bad man


I think there inevitably will be one when things start getting really bad in the West, in ~30 years when automation drives millions into unemployment and cultural differences drive people to violence.

I think the next great conqueror will probably come from some humble background in North America, but they could very well appear in France or Germany. I doubt they will come from the UK as its population is far too servile to produce any truly great leader.

>like hitler or napoleon
Let's be honest our God-Emperor will eventually proclaim himself ruler for life, and have his scientists find immortality as well.

Hitler or Napoleon were like Alexander, impressive but in the end they were only short-lived conquerors.

Macron is more like Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne, or even Jesus Christ : he will influence the entire world for centuries (at least), he will durably unite people all around Europe, he will provide peace and prosperity, and he will be deeply loved by the people. God bless.

Attached: 7788516282_emmanuel-macron-au-soir-de-sa-victoire-a-la-presidentielle-le-3-mai-2017.jpg (880x586, 89K)

With the help of a single minister our King would have absolute power.
We always force our politicians to hail the Kangz against their will to show them who's boss.

macron will make all non-french languages illegal and the world will become frenchified.

>impliquant que vous allez pas tous parler français volontairement
>impliquant que vous allez pas être francifiés volontairement

good post