Yuro lies and corruption


>“Greece was strangled by the creditors in 2015. We stand with Yanis Varoufakis and with the truth.” Professors Jeff Sachs (Columbia) and James K. Galbraith (Texas)

Thomas Wieser’s claim that Yanis Varoufakis and the Greek government of 2015 cost their economy 200 billion euros is ludicrous. As Wieser knows – because he was one of the architects of the policy – the Greek economy in 2015 was strangled by its creditors. The creditors inflicted severe damage from the first day: by undermining liquidity of the bank system, refusing to restructure the debt, insisting on harsh austerity, and most importantly and blatantly, refusing to negotiate or even brainstorm in good faith. The creditors’ measures were highly destructive for Greece, as even former German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble admitted. Schäuble told Varoufakis that, were their positions reversed, he would not sign! The creditors’ terms were not aimed to help Greece at all.
We stand with Yanis Varoufakis and with the truth. We know that the Greek people have the wisdom to do the same.

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fuck your shitty country, everybody wants you to leave the EU, stop making these threads, if Sup Forums could decide greece would have been kicked out years ago

Greek roach, EU will absolutely destroy you.

>everybody wants you to leave the EU
Why don't you kick us out? Too pussy?
>stop making these threads

>EU will absolutely destroy you.
The e""""u"""" can't destroy an anthill. They use the burgers for military purposes.

subhumans trying to keep Greece down

subhuman shitskin

subhuman mongol


any comment on statement on op?

>Jeffrey Sachs

you know, it's kinda heartwarming to see proponent of "cold turkey" method was capable of adjusting his opinions and learning from his mistakes


Also well, he's not wrong. Politics took upper hand over reason, as is usually the case whenever bad decisions are being made by the state.

Elaborate. By cold turkey you mean uncontrolled default?

pay denbs groats

pou einai ta xrei greacse


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Thought so. Pathetic.

What are you trying to achieve with these threads?

Inform the public

The Greek or all? Do other Greeks know what you posted?

nah, it was about transitioning from socialist economy by enacting drastic liberalisation reforms

All. Nope.


What do most Greek think or know about the causes of this crisis?
Could you tell me about the current situation regarding unemployment, wealth of the common people and so on, how bad is it?

>suck on the EU teet for 30 years because the EU used you as a propaganda poster against your Commie neighbors
>increase your standard of living several fold
>bills start piling up
>creditors actually "forgive" several hundred billion of the debt and only demand you remove the extravagant shit like 19th monthly salary, people moving paper from one drawer to the other getting 3000 euro a month and people retiring at 50 with 80% of their wage
>"WTF they want me to pay it back?! FUCK THIS NAZI SHIT!"

Opinions are mixed. Some blame external factors like military spending, too much dependency on imports, others say we have only ourselves to blame, corruption and all, and others that it's a combo of both. Unemployment is at 20-22% and higher for youths. Income is on par with eastern Europe with the older generations having somewhat more money to spend. Budget runs on surplus.

based greekposter

>creditors actually "forgive" several hundred billion of the debt
Can you name those who held those billions of debt?

>Unemployment is at 20-22% and higher for youths.
how is social security for all these people? Is it enough to get by?

>Can you name those who held those billions of debt
held as in "owed" the debt? The Greek government. If you mean the creditors, fuck should I know, some German banks maybe

>social security
Provided you have worked and paid social security contributions for a year and a half you get unemployment benefits for about a year. 360 euros is the sum i believe. If you don't find work until then and your family can't support you tough shit. You won't starve to death but still.

>greeks so lazy that they can't even leave the EU so they're waiting to get kicked out


Held as in posses greek bonds.
>some German banks maybe
No. greek banks, greek state organisations and institutions as in social security institutions even universities and finally civilians.

Yes please kick us out.

doesn't look like that m8

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That pic is true, now. Pre 2008 crisis the greek state owed private banks, holders of greek bonds in general like civilians, insurance funds foreign and domestic. When the bubble burst and we defaulted the 1st priority of the e""""u"""" was to bail european banks. The debt was taken fron them and was placed on the shoulders of the average european. A private bank crisis was turned into a public budget crisis and therefore the we pay for your debts meme.
We got sacrifised in order to restore balance in european banks, for now. Uncontrolled bankruptcy and exiting the euro would have been much better

while I would never cry for a defaulting bank, I really don't see any possible way to make Greece the victim in this scenario. Other than the average Greek being a victim of his retarded government but then this happens everywhere to some extent. I really think Greeks have lost perspective as to how good their lives are. Our economic crisis after 1989 wiped 75% of our GDP and we still haven't really recovered 30 years later and we still hear Greeks complaining about repaying debts

>1989 wiped 75%
Ours wiped 25-27% of our GDP. Even the IMF admitted they were wrong on their calculations about the impact of the measures on the economy. e""""u"""" never admitted anything. Moreover they get into a hissy fit when we accept Chinese investment. Sometimes they even try to somewhat block it, it happened in 2015.

>The EU is Nazi

>Has not gotten rid of Jew bankers and non Whites.

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