no no no NO NO NO
-3 here,it ain't too bad
Autumn is coming, wich means temperatures will be bearable soon
comfy 3ºC here
That's cute, sweetie.
highs yesterday
fucking Poland ahahahaaa
>tfw never experienced temperature below 4C
feels good man
Keep calm man and carry on take sauna. Our thoughts are with brave finnen people.
I envy you user, here it's always between 0° and 20°, super depressing.
25C is one of the best temperatures. How much of a fucking pussy are you?
its 0 here, kinda comfy
How come the cylinder only spun one time? Did he not let the trigger go back to resting position all the way after the first pull?
how about a nice cup of shut the fuck up?
>not even 29C at 10pm
LMAOing at your life rn
that literally never happened
>muh global warming
Fuck , April soon and the forecast is gonna be like winter.
>tfw saw the sun today
Lucky bastard.
In what way is it the best temperature? Your bike lock getting frozen shut? Or when it's snowing like a cunt and the roads aren't plowed yet and you can barely drive a car if you even manage to get it started?
Misread your post. Thought you said 25C not -25C.
But it still isn't THAT bad.
electrical storms and tornadoes but otherwise /comfy/
25° living in Florida is great
Nigger, just a few weeks ago it was so hot I nearly passed out. Be grateful for the cold.
I fucking hate summer. What state are you from?
>mfw 28 Celsius in the middle of the night
Can't wait to leave this shithole and go back to Canada.
Dude you can't say that word...... Unless Brazilians aren't white?????
You're a migrant now, you have to stay there.
Very comfy 20℃ bois
Arrêtes Jean-Mi.... Tu sais que je suis un Québécois et que mon sang est de stock purement evropéen.
>Never had 36°C at 10 pm
Abit chilly mate
Teach me how to read celsius
Thank god i don't live in northern europe
I want to live in arkhangelsk
lol that's nothing, it was -10 fahrenheit here this morning.
how is -20 celsius worse than -25
I said -10 Fharenheit
It's supposed to fucking spring in less than 1 month
Kill yourself, faggot
It's almost April and it is fucking snowing in Tokyo.
been living with these conditions for 4 months straight but one day temperature raised above 0 celcius and it unironically felt I could go out with nothing but t-shirt and shorts
t. northern finland
exactly, -20 celsius
fire up those neurons, cleetus
Wish it was -25°C again
I didn't say Celcius, I said fehranheit
must suck being bönde lmao
don't even think my fridge gets that cold
Ok Yusuf
that's what I'm telling you
>it was 20c today with rain after 2 weeks of 35c weather
it will soon be the best time of year, fellow southern hemisphere brehs
I'm talking about temperature
then why aren't you
>cherrypicking pictures from the eastern district
Good thing barely any Finns live in that horrendous containment zone
24C is pretty chill for me
that's only bad if it's humid tbqh
Looks like a perfect spot for getting JIHADED
sounds awesome, I miss living in russia where we had that well into spring.
The sun is shining so it's not that bad boys.
We're going to be ok.
I am, -10
13 degrees celcius