I honestly consider this part of the world as one big, Spanish/Portuguese mistake

I honestly consider this part of the world as one big, Spanish/Portuguese mistake.

Attached: 550px-Latin_America_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (550x550, 95K)

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I consider that your mom should have gotten an abortion, or at the very least, she should have learned how to swallow

They should've never killed the population

At least you have the biggest amerindian admixture.

Attached: 1521560987406.png (625x463, 305K)

I know you do colombia, you are mexico tier when it comes to respecting boarders.


>mfw we wanted to make all Latin America a big monarchy submitted to the Empire of Brazil, but failed to do it due to France and England were cucks

Attached: Portrait_of_Dom_Pedro,_Duke_of_Bragança_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (481x599, 76K)

There's still a chance for a /lat/ union.

>A country full of pardos control many countries full of mestizos
Good idea, what could go wrong?

Meant for

Portuguese bull conquers all those women

Attached: carib.jpg (489x613, 66K)

Never! I will never speak spanish in my life

Plus Brasileiros macacos would fuck the union

It worked just fine for a long time m8

..... You know you can still keep Portuguese? The union could be bilingual. It helps that the languages are very similar to each other.

it's the best part of the world though, once you get rid of crime

>implying Im Colombian
LOL, I would kill myself if I had been born in South America. Hahaha how silly can you 3rd world monkeys be some time.


Attached: brazil-after-whtes.png (1280x960, 1.71M)

What about during colonization? My main point is it should have stayed either 100% Amerindian or have been genocided entirely. Imagine yourself living in a South American Canada or USA.

What went wrong? Why has it not prospered like North America?

Caste society

>genocided entirely

They were never genocided here. Today the injuns make up 5% of our general population (and 25% of our prison population, kek)

Volta pra sua reserva, indio feio.

Ou vai pro paraguai/bolivia

The game was rigged from the start

Caste society and latin america had no real countries until independence. It was Sin City for all the iberian catholic debauchery

they did till the early/mid XX, after that all went to shit there

Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans, so leaving all America full Amerindian was the best option.