

Attached: img_1706512_4107.jpg (500x500, 58K)

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Prvi za smrt smrdima

дoбap пpoкcи мaјмyдинe л0лapa

bampiram konac dok se onaj drugi ne izbrise


svi smo ovde, da zna svako ko slucajno udje u ovaj

Svi smo ti u mamu l0lara

ovo dbi

djcoko i fikosn cnri macroi dbiii
b'o'j+anica harizmatovic dbiiiii

hello i heard there is anime here


02 or 15?
Opinion on after the rain?
Have you seen the new Code Geass recap movie?






Did somebody just said the m/a/gic word?

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love my mother

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Whats your season pick /anime/?

3gatsu no lion for me

alri lads

your mommy lives another day

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hello friends :3

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I have been staring at your picture speechless and in awe for the past hour or so. That deep gaze in your eyes, your perfect smile, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost angelical in a sense I suppose. The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful woman to grace us with her presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you. I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably get many of these types of messages/posts on POF and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of perfection, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a woman as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful. I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt.

I was to post here or my mother dies, I love her dearly so I will not be taking any chances.
This is my post.

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this is a good story

Your mommy lives another day

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what if i saged?

your mommy lives but gets crippling bone disease and turns into a vegetable


i used to tell the bosnian i worked with that he was being a serb if he pissed me off

well to be fair calling someone a smrdian would be an insult to anyone


zbilja oni zadnji najljigaviji neet sati, ovo nije realno kakvi degenski sati su ovo

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Samo zadnje, najgadnije NEETarchine postaju sad

Zbilja ovo moj dragi Majmunko, samo rotujem i neetujem uz Berserk mangu vec 48 sati

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bojanicina kaka

i also knew a montenegrin girl that got legit angry if you mistook her for a serb

Kako je dobro biti NEET

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zaista jeste

bar imas dobar ukus
nisam otiso na faks taman od kad je 2018 pocela dbi, rekli mi moji da bar kopam ako vec necu da studiram
msm boli me kurac samo /anime/

moja fit waifu

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Jel ovo ono sto je Killing Bites?

kad si zadnji put spavao i kad ides na spavanje?


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How is it in the other side of the Adriatic?

pretty ok windy af tho

laku noc mojoj neet brachi

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Дoбpo јyтpo дoбpи љyди и пeдepи.

wtf shkljavs

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anime je moj jedini način da rešim sve probleme

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Jutro stoko.

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