Why do virgins on this board complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner...

Why do virgins on this board complain so fucking much about women being picky about their mating partner? It makes all kinds of sense from an evolutionary standpoint.

It's for the greater good of mankind.

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My gf played a whole lot of video games though

Why do w*Men post on this board?

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Virgins on this site think that women are picky coal burners if they dont want to have sex with a fat unemployed manchild.

Real men want to play video games and watch anime/trap porn and not throw their lives away for a nigger-loving THOT like a cuck xddd

Obviously because it's deleterious from the point of view of the losers of that arrangement. Why focus on the good of the collective when you can't even attain the good of the individual?

>It's for the greater good of mankind.
Fuck mankind. A good 95% of us have never provided any thing of value and die with a legacy of doing more harm to the world than good.


and this fat unemployed manchild are picky too. they would never fuck a fattie.

You know that's not remotely accurate so why even try to argue it?

it's true, they only want to fuck "wife material"

Because we want to have sex with the cute and hot women, like everyone also want to

We were promised sex with hot girls, we want it

>We were promised sex with hot girls
By who?

That is wrong. I dreamt about having a relation with a chestlet womanlet just because she smiled at me.

some of you are fine user. but most of them are retarded enough to prefer remain virgin instead of touching a (1;2;3;4;5)/10

by (((them)))

I'm very picky but not some angry imageboard virgin that blames women for all his problems.

What does that make me?

Everyone, society

When people said "look at that gostosa"
when they said "come to x party, there'll be lots of cute girls"
films showing average guys with hot women and so on

>but most of them are retarded enough to prefer remain virgin instead of touching a (1;2;3;4;5)/10

Me, unironically.

The average 4channer is middle class. So not a bad pick. Probably just friendless.

a virgin, unless you are good looking.

>We were promised sex with hot girls
I mean this part is obviously nonsense, but
>we want it
is true

can relate lol

this is kind of false. sure, a few people do most of the work, but you still kinda need a large population in order to have the potential for productive people... do you even get what im saying?

i don't know what wrogn about fucking an ugly girl. it's not like you are going to told all your friends and family about it.

This is not an issue for me, since I want a real woman, not some idiot who's unable to cope with the others' pastimes.

(At those times it's kinda heartwarming my ex-girlfriend is going after game design. Way to go, girl.)

They're angry incels because they're fat, have no friends and no social skills.

With that being said, there's nothing wrong with video games. Everyone plays them.

>i don't know what wrogn about fucking an ugly girl

They're gross and probably can't fuck right. With additional 100$ you can bang a good looking one.

>can't fuck right
not always true, some of them are really good at bed.

>They're gross
even if you find her gross in bed, it's not hell, just not fuck her again

chastity is worse, friend.

I tried to fuck a fatty. Couldn't get hard.

Wizardry here I come.