Attached: European Humor.png (800x1966, 550K)
European "Humor"
Eli Jackson
Brayden Hughes
Pray tell, specifically what Yuropean country made this cancer of a comic..?
Camden Sullivan
This is Canada before the Muslims and Indians moved in
Daniel Turner
Robert Clark
Ok well Denmark needs to be genocided for this shit. Their humour is literally worse than Germany’s.
Mason Ross
>cancer of a comic
Do you not se the irony of asking id why posting the absolute cancer that is a Facebook image of neo-Pepe?
Of course you don't, Americans have no self awareness.
Justin Cox
Why the fuck is USA portrayed as brown? If anything the French or English dude should be brown
Leo Murphy
>france: les cites obscures
>england: judge dredd
>merica: hellblazer
Brayden Morgan
I don’t care about your opinion, Ausfailia
Chase Gomez
let me guess, you're fat and the comic made you uncomfortably aware of it and now you're turning it into a joke so that you and your fellow equally-obese countrymen could feel better about the sad state of your nation state and indeed the whole of your continent.
Colton Russell
It's so shameful it makes me cringe.
The vikings were feared so Norway could be this dumb?
Josiah Williams
But is funneh! Humon is genious and very good.
Jackson Perry
I find unfunny autism to be charming
Cooper Garcia
>Why the fuck is USA portrayed as brown? If anything the French or English dude should be brown
Average American is brown compared to average European. Even with massimmigration forced on us by the winners of WWII, we are still not as mixed as the USA.
Our governments also do not consider Middle Easterners as white.
Gavin Gray
I don't think that's it, I think he's supposed to be like a New Jersey guido with a shitty tan and bleached hair
Justin Mitchell
>Average American is brown compared to average European
Not anymore. Today the average Euro is black or brown depending on which country. I've seen pictures of your streets and subways, no white people.
Lincoln Perez
I liek humon sometimes.
Lincoln Collins
>I've seen pictures of your streets and subways, no white people.
Yeah, White people are at work while the pictures are taken.
Juan Nelson
Benjamin Miller
I liek how Humon turned America brown.
But seriously Humon is the concentrated phenomenon of unreflected, aspergers female white, feminist "leftist" European.
With reading Humon you can learn how to scratch on their Worldview. She is so retarded and unable to reflect. It's lovely!
John Lee
>American is brown
Is the author /ourguy/?
Angel Mitchell
No, it's an aspergers fat white female.
Totally mindfucked and helpless. Will jump at anything in the media and interpret it according to public consent in Denmark.
It hurts seeing it. Completely dense and selfcentered. Humon is like what Americans would be like if they lived in Denmark.