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Is it happening?
A third French Empire is waking?
Ma bite dans ton cul
I'd rather speak italian desu.
Oui oui j'aime la baguette au fromage honhonhon ææææææææææ
That's right.
They should switch to latin.
>Frenchies actually think they can revive their dead language hahahahahahaha pitiful why do they even try
This goyim is afraid
>French language
Holy shit I can't
oh no no no I'm choking rn
goyim is the plural form my friend
goy is singular
He hides his fear via an attempt of humor
Shouldn't they speak german instead?
I thought Merkel was the fuh..leader in the European union
what do we do lads
how can we stand up to jupiter himself
You though bad
Why is he spending time addressing this?
>implying France's neighbors will just all speak French and forget the English they already know.
I'd sooner learn arabic.
>still no arabic or farsi on duolingo
>klingon, high valyrian and the made-up jewish language are
>Americans unironically believe their hegemony will last
Oh please English was irrelevent before WW2 when you guys came up as a superpower. Wait up a couple years to see how world events turn out. I dont believe in 100 years English will still be the main lingua franca.
Probably won't happen. Europeans don't like the French that much, and I dont think they wanna learn German either, even though these 2 cunts are the only reason why the EU is still a thing.
Encouraging plurilingualism would be great, as was the habit a couple centuries ago. But with American and their Jewish nihilism people dont want to be educated anymore and prefer resorting to English as an easier mean of common communication.
>what do we do lads
>how can we stand up to jupiter himself
Let the Micks tell him to fuck off.
Germany is a bigger economy but French hegemony and global influence is bigger. Same reason why the French language is way more relevant than say the Japanese language.
French will be the majority when Africa joins the EU
fuck off france
Suite à la déclaration du Président Macron, je propose que les posteurs Français & Francophones sur Sup Forums se mettent tous à parler uniquement en Français.
Pour donner l'exemple, à partir de maintenant j'écrirais TOUT mes posts ici en Français.
J'invite également les ressortissants de l'Union Européenne à parler Français, pour libérer notre continent de la subversion Judéo-Anglo-Saxonne.
Vive la France, vive la République, et vive l'Europe, merci.
Beaucoup de basé ce Macron.
Vive la France! then
>I thought Merkel was the fuh..leader in the European union
Non, c'est Macron le patron maintenant
honestly if the EU wants to have its own official language other than english, it should be latin. anything that gives specific countries more power than others is a bad thing
Latin is the only answer. It would be too hard resurrecting PIE or teaching Basque.
Just use esperanto, that's the exact reason why this meme language exists
EU is mostly an union between latin and germanic country with slav who saw a good way to stop being commies
so french a romance language with germanic influence could be chosen as the EU language even if that won't happen
>Romance language with Germanic influence
Meant for
except it doesn't give more power to france, since all europeans are now french
you can't call it french favoritism if all europe is french
french is the language of africa
in the future french mandarin franrarin will be the lingua franca
>Oh please English was irrelevent before WW2 when you guys came up as a superpower. Wait up a couple years to see how world events turn out. I dont believe in 100 years English will still be the main lingua franca.
English is half latin half germanic, so is easy to learn for everyone speaking western european languages.
It has 24 official languages
Marine would have been so cool
now now identity and culture is bad
embrace divercitys
This. Since Bongs and Merkel shat the bed France has became the de facto leader of EU.
The French have cuckoldry codified into their law. France will never rise again.
j'aie acheté la bescherelle pour la conjugaison. je parlerai francais
What did the Bogs do to him, Sup Forums?
we asked him why he likes granny bashing
What are you doing in the UK? Give us pics of your current visage now.
>What are you doing in the UK?
shit posting at 6am why?
english is the language of the world today bc its easy, clean and full of cultural references, why would replace something that is working? bad move on france, I know they love their own things but they only separate themselfs from the rest of the world, like when they refuce to speak english with turists or on the internet, english is for everyone
The English language is too dominant on Sup Forums
we should use French instead
Because we're locking onto your position now.
>anything that gives specific countries more power than others is a bad thing
>the EU
>not a vessel for German domination of Europe
You have more chances or a better quality of life If you speak french, besides there are like 5 countries in Europe who has french as an official language.
Besides, I'm learning it so all the time i've spend on it must worth something
Germany has no cultural projection. French, Spanish and Portuguese are more used worldwide than German.
Agree on reducing use of English, don't agree on wider use of French. Everything should be done through Irish.
This could have worked 50 years ago but today after the EU enlargement we have a ton of East European shitholes that are all Anglophiles and need to be exter- need to be taken into account
I would gladly learn French just to stick it to the eternal Anglo
parfois il y a des bons allemands
How should they be taken into account?
>go to France
>French people never speak English, even the ones who clearly know it refuse to speak it and reply to you in French, and if you force an English conversation because you don't understand their gay language they get mad at you and speak a horrendous hybrid Engrish
>now read this
Why are the French so annoying and entitled? Every other euro country speaks a perfect English (except for us, but that's because we are dumb and ignorant), but French people always think their shit language is superior and they refuse to speak English with strangers.
>and portuguese
Stop making me like the French.
When I went to France french people spoke English just fine, sometimes too much, they would start speaking to me in English when I was trying to practice my French. Their English was fine too.
Mais quel cocu c'est pas possible. Mais regardez-le !
Il a abandonné sa langue, sa culture, au profit d'une chimère judéo-anglo-saxonne. Et il ose se plaindre quand d'autres ne suivent pas son exemple !
>english has been the official all-purpose language for centuries because it's easy and has zero grammar rules, literally designed for brainlets
>suddenly a french PM says "let's change it to french, and force everyone in europe to learn french"
Nice delusion there Macron
try like 70 years maximum, ever since America became relevant, maybe even shorter, French is the language which has been the official all-purpose language for centuries and it will be again
>for centuries
you mean for 40years ?
I am ok with learning French.
Face it losers, English will be the world language FOREVER, it's too late to go back now. Accept your fate and enjoy it
пoeбaть вooбщe
>French language
hahahahah this faggot is ridiculous.
>dit le polonais
The only european language that's worse is Portuguese.
sorry Macaroni, French world relevancy ended hundreds of years ago
and we're accused of living in the past?
But I'm sure that English is used more than French
surrender monkey
I like the fact that we have this discussion in English desu
Not sure why foreigners think this is insulting, we're happy that the US made our language even more indispensable
within europe German is much more relevant
Even 100 years before means 1918, France was in the top 2 nations in this world
toi peut être, il y a beaucoup de français dans ce fil
Type out ninety four in french.
Case closed.
J'aurais préféré apprendre le Japonais plutôt que le Français honnêtement
Its also a complete overexaggerated meme spouted by JF to get over butthurt that they are living in an English world. While there is some truth to it, why do the Americans speak English and who are they most akin to culturally?
It's our language lol