would you rather be
>mixed and attractive
>wh*Te and average looking
Would you rather be
Greek or suicide, pray for better roll next life go next
I am already mixed and attractive.
This guy is a model now and is dating a rich British women btw
mixed all the way m8
Former and I'm the latter
Ana de Armas or some shit like that.
She's goofy looking.
I'm one ethnicity and ugly as shit I wish I was mixed with a handsome race
White. They live on tutorial mode and never struggle at anything. Basically it’s winning the lottery
>thought you were bullshitting
>go check
>its actually true
I wish i was hot
Mixed. I pass as multiple races and girls want the cock.
stop baiting faggot
I'm already mixed and ugly
she isn't atractive , people like her because she is famous, that's it
I'm already mixed and ugly
She is very good looking what are you on about?
White anythi because pf white privilege
you just want to get called creatura
she is famous cause she is attractive you goblin
no it's not
She is brown therefore exotic to birdshits
mix and attractive
I'm white, but it doesn't really do much for me bc I am also butt fuck capital-Ugly
What the fuck are you trying to say? Ana is objectively one of the most beautiful people i've ever seen, perfect complexion, top tier facial symmetry, beautiful smile, beautiful eyes etc etc.
She isn't that brown. She's very pretty. Stop this autism.
Maybe not brown enough for jewish standards.
She is not brown at all, she is from upperclass in Cuba dude she is more Spanish than 80% of modern Spaniards, that fag is some butthurt arab rapebaby
Jorge, i.... It's time to go back
>Ana de Armas
bad as name
el beta albino de las nieves... you are surrounded by angels and you like this muttina, what the fuck is wrong with whites
People like her because she's a green-eyed hispanic. Those things are rarer than hens teeth.
Mixed. Us "proper" whites aren't just on the market right now. Women will pretty much always go for the dark handsome guy rather than the guy with such white skin he starts to look pink like the ass end of a pig.
You are delusional or something, Ana is miles above average literally anywhere in the world.
top kek at this butthurt slavshit cygani
t. Roastie
white and average looking is globally attractive though
Are green eyes that rare? I have green eyes
She would be really attractive if not for those ridiculously protruding cheeks giving her insanely pronounced laugh lines. Not that she's not pretty though.
I wish.
What compels Europeans to write these self-hating posts?
its ahmeds writing it
post your hand al andaluz
She is of Spanish descent, though
oh the bladerunner chick. thought she looked familiar
Why? All meds have the same skin tone, dumb slavshit
She is ok/10 t b h
Therefore non white
ahahah mohammed pls, there are pale med people and there are darker ones, sadly there are also nort african subhumans like you polluting it there
A lifetime of having girls and women falling head over heels for every mixed looking guy around? It's less about self-hating and more just accepting the truth. You just have to look at Hollywood, pretty much every male sex symbol around is more of the "dark" kind rather than blond, blue eyed and pale, and those that are are more categorized as a weird crush rather than classically handsome.
One day our stock will rise again no doubt, and one day it will again plummet. Such is the world of personal attractions.
Yeah no. I'm about as white is it comes.
Joke's on you, I'm mixed and average looking
post skin, then
Absolute, unadulterated autism
Depends what mix
now iberians are wh*Te become some random slavshit says so, your are a pathetic guy
Australian abo with an Indian midget
This thread and this sperg spaniard only further confirm that all the whiteness obsessed posters on Sup Forums are not white and have some weird complex regarding it
If u like mixd gurlds than u r mohamed
Mixed and ugly here.
why are all the "mixed" people who are posted on this shithole always 100% (+/- 1%) white looking?
You fags only find mixed people attractive when their features are white-only.
Is this guy consired good looking?
I look just like him
>Ana de Armas
She is literally the granddaughter of northern Spaniards emigrants who fled to Cuba from Spain during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39
In fact, she could flee from Cuba because she was automatically accepted as a national Spaniard due to her recent and unmutted Spanish heritage by laws of "return". Ana de Armas has both Spanish and Cuban citizenship.
Here she is without so much make up and tanning when she was younger, she looks more like a Slav than anything else, very typical phenotype for someone from Asturias or Cantabria
spanish chicks are hot. hand 'em over
I don't think he has a reputation for being particularly good looking. I mean still probably way better than the common rabble though, so congrats?
>why are all the "mixed" people who are posted on this shithole always 100% (+/- 1%) white looking?
Because OP is a faggot
>Retards actually thing this girl is mutted
All of her ancestry is from northern Spain, no nigger or amerindian taint, not only that, her surname denotes "hidalguía", (lower nobility)
This hairstyle is how you know a female has autism.
Flag attached to this reply is how you know the poster has autism
Don't need to be spiteful bruh
We are too black to have autism. A*Tism is a wh*Te gene.
she doesn't wear that hairstyle anymore
What do you mean? I sure as fuck wish I looked like him I can tell you that.
Tell me again how this girl didn't look like some gothic whore from St. Petersburg.
It blows my mind that some retards actually think that this confirmed 100% ethnically spanish girl is some kind of native american because she was born in CUBA, a place where all natives were exterminated.
russia bad example, its very mixed
I mean just by the way you type things it's evident that you use /r9k/
You get my gist
yeah, she reminds me of my friend from Minsk, except shes blonde, she has same eyes i love that color desu
You probably won't believe me, but I genuinely have never visited /r9k/, and I've been here since around 2008. I don't even know what that board is about.
White and literally anything else aside from 'poor' is still better than the alternative
>Racemixed people are ugl-