Why don't you want to find your love in Japan?

Why don't you want to find your love in Japan?

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braaaaaaaaaaaappaaaaapppp braaappppaaaappp brap

love is overrated

Only if they let me eat their ass.

wtf I love Japan now

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You can find only some sluts in Japan

Would you marry Nonsummerjack?

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but where is the peepee

^ this

I'd rather find love in America.

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Do they give love for free? I need a female from Japan for love. Do I have a chance?

that girls don't look japanese. they're chinks i guess.

Do you love Japan?

You are right. You caught me. Just wanted to shitpost

thats horrifying


Too low test to handle a real woman?

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t. never been around niggers

i don't want slut gf

why is she wearing shoes inside?

this. people who have never been around them are way more likely to think positively about them.

Because I don't want my children to become weak, slant eyed midgets...
Would totally go there for some Fickificki, tho.

racists on a blue board. lel.
also, did you just assume his race?

Yeah, I've been robbed twice by somalis. I happen to live in the worst Place of Finland and there are gangs of somalis/gypsies robbing elder peopel. Fuck you and fuck niggers.

what an honest person. i love portuguese now.

Their ugly mongoloid faces like the girl in your image.


Why don't you want to hang yourself weeb?

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Good, if you are that much of a cuck that can't self protect and fight back and not protesting against the decision of your goverment to let in any 3rd world criminal ape, don't expect anyone to have compassion towards you. As you brew, so you must drink.


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>be 16 years old
>five niggers come up and pull out a knife
yeah, what did you expect me to do, you imbecile? also, luckily, we still have public stats available for crime etc. for different ethniticies in Finland. Africans are overpresented in the crime statistics. Niggers are human waste.

I was pointed with a gun at the head by a bigger here, fucking human scum, even when a lot of my country men are worthless assholes, niggers are at another level.

>16 years old
old enough to punch somebody
old enough to lift
old enough to practice kickboxing or bjj (or both)
>there were a couple of uga bugas with knivs
then stop going alone
carry out a weapon aswell
>inb4 muh I am a civilised young man in a 1st world country I should be the smart one
They clearly aren't civilised and you'd be smarter if you'd do something about it. Nobody is going to do it for you, seems like not even police is prepared for what's going on there.

How about your kin stops committing crime instead? Finland is a very safe country and we have relatively few nignogs compared to other European countries but the Place where they all are concentrated have turned into shitholes.

Just imagine that, we only have a few niggers and even they just can't help themselves but to act like chimps, robbing, stealing, committing crimes in general.
Agreed. I have nothing against other ethnities, except for sand niggers. Basically, if it comes from Africa = bad.

That's a juicy brapper right there

>your kin
What are you even talking about. They're a minority and represent under 5% of the total population. Imagine being stuck with them and imagine what I think about the fact you take them in. Take Canada for example, they said they'll take bulgarian and romanian immigrants but they stated that Roma ethnicities aren't allowed.
Also, on a side note, I got my cheek perforated by a gypsy with a rock when I was 5. And that's not even my 1% experience with them. Just saying to realize what a mistake the west is making. Remember the magyar trucker that was swearing at those syrians in Calais? I could have sworn they are gypsies. I just couldn't believe it.

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Keep crying roastie.

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Post more JP cuties.

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High IQ post

kek saved

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Which app?

Can you find your love in your country? If not then u won't find it in another.

oh god i need to eat that smooth arsehole and pussy

Here i can find better asian girl than in japan.

Wtf? I thought Finland was safe.

Never was robbed except our goverment that waste money taxes on their own castles

Japan is overrated so u should go to Korea or China instead

Not true. There are tens of thousands of losers from white first world countries who come to slavshit and asian countries to find a gf, even though they couldn't find one in their own country.
If you are a failure when it comes to mating in your own country you can go to a lower, shittier country to find a partner. It is true for people from richer, more decelopee nations mostly.

>A pack of niggers try to rob you
>Be trained in martial arts
>Fight back
>Get stabbed in the back
That just for 20€ in your pockets.
I want see you fight against a group of thugs.

It's really easy to think you'll be so tough and alpha in a situation like that while typing on an anonymous Chinese cartoon imageboard

>Because I don't want my children to become weak, slant eyed midgets...
You already are Fritz. They dont have a soul and cant do shit. All the germans and turks that made the Germany you see today are dead.

Why are you such a faggot? Serious question

But that's not about love, that's about money.

So how come it's okay if we do it, but it's the worst thing in the history of humanity if sandniggers and niggers do it?
You people have no actual principles it seems, you're just bitter virgins.

grüße /r/de cuck

>preferring Asian women due to animosity towards white women

they're doing it wrong and make the rest of us yellowfaggots look bad by association
all women end up being the same so choose your preference

Why does he have the face of a child?
I think atsuko might be lying about her age a bit too



>>five niggers come up and pull out a knife
Pull out a gun. You do live in a country where you can defend yourself from unlawful attacks, right?

>Why don't you want to find your love in Japan?
Because Japanese woman are really dificult

>living in japan for 15 years
>not beautiful guy 6/10
>lucky with woman here
>got one in a bar, fuck and everything OK for a week or a month
>suddenly she stops
>same happens several times
>friend tell me is cultural difference, woman like an adventure because latin americans are more expresive than regular gook, but in a long term relationship, they preffer japanese men because of family, friends, social circles, etc.
>start a long relationship with a college girl
>sex everyday
>go to shopping or eat everyday
>after two years of living together we marry
>she suddenly changes, she dont want to work anymore, she expect me to pay everything
>sex never ever
>she only want to take care of home and spent more time with other housewifes from the block.
>after seven years i leave japan and never come back

Dont get me wrong, japan is a fun place, but love is something odd there.

Cause they're ugly AF. Just look at every pic here.

I'd rather find love in Korea.

I want to find my love in Japan!

>gypsies literally call themselfs ROMA
>t-they're a minority i swear guisee!!

Fucking wish hitler had finished you off before starting on the jews you wagon wheel scum.

3 dorra fuki fuki

Because white people aren't subhuman animals.

Imagine if your daughter came home with a chinese guy. Now imagine a nigger. Which would make you more mad?

Can you project any harder?
Most people aren't deranged internet racists you know.

>Most people aren't deranged internet racists you know.
I know, just my mother, father, and all of my IRL friends.

Brown people aren't liked anywhere Tyrone.

>ask him to project harder
>he actually does

you don't want to know what that ass looks like without 2 layers of clothing supporting its shape

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Fight back, you cucks.

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Why lad

Oh baby

How the fuck can you even tell?
Gooks literally all look the same.

He can smell the pheromones through the image, this is how most of them can tell each other apart.

>you can totally beat 5 armed guys by yourself
Sure m8

Yeah you can, here's proof

>tfw fluent in English and French


Holy fuck. Why all women whoring a lot? I will never ever find a virgin chaste gf :(


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God, i want eat her pussy so bad now.