This is the Iberian family.
This is the Iberian family.
We are AMERINDIAN you cri*Llo scum
Way too white to represent us. That's fake and gay
I would bang only the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Brazilian guy. The rest are meh
Sure sure
We are incans, accurate
Lmaoing at hispaniggers
Only our natives were so alpha they cucked the spaniards into speaking their native language.
el goblino...
Are you going to keep posting that retarfed insulting pic?
You don't look like iberians at all amerindian scum.
Fuck off
This Portuguese is always butthurt
Mais respeito com seu co-cidadão de seu país.
Dios mio...
Where are the central americans?
Darn, mexicans are ugly.
Ancient Iberians were Ayy lmaos
We don't want to be associated with them., except for costriquenhos and panamenhos, the rest can fuck off.
Spanish look like brits
>Spanish look like brits
Get off the proxy mate you're not fooling anyone
would you fugg that prehistoric princess leia?
>Getting triggered by pics of your own actual countrymen, not even immigrants
You're a sad, sad fuck
this. and why these people are always trying to speak with us? why?
Dude, only by looking to that pict i can spot at least 4 not natives (immigrants)
I think that is in brazil desu
our commies are not sun-deprived soybois
t. moor rape baby
so the moors rapebabies for some mysterious reasons magically converted to christianity instead of moving out, dying or keep fighting against their christian non-moor rapebabies enemies? even after two massive deportation?
This is the pic they used you mouthbreather
b-basque master race
Why so mad moortugal?
The red circled are the only true Portuguese? Wow.
mexico has better woman than others on pic
Freak people