Do Koreans feel closer to Chinese or Japanese?

Do Koreans feel closer to Chinese or Japanese?

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I think they feel closer to Japanese. Stockholm syndrome must works great.

It depends on the economical situtation

>I think they feel closer to Chinese. Stockholm syndrome must works great.

nigga check a fucking map

Sup Forums
couldn't have about 5% of Japanesies.
m6川\......."[ ̄]"......./川6m

Attached: 905696__safe_rainbow+dash_bait_low+quality+bait_meme_needs+more+jpeg_reaction+image_this+is+bait.jpg (546x546, 4K)

Why did you write this? Well, I'm going to tell you. You're so disappointed in you that you need scapegoats to ease your own inferiority that swedish actaully consist of finno-ugric,



Attached: korea2.jpg (800x600, 58K)

Why are East Asian posters so autistic? Just answer the fucking question

I'm from Korea and I wish we were still part of the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Take us back, Japan.

Historically closer to China because they were under chinese rule and was so afraid of them they'd make emperor beg for mercy when shit gets wrong between china and korea
Economy and modern korea is literally japan in denial
People work overtime, people live like ants in big cities, suicide is always a good option when you can't continue with your life
Emotionally they're close to being the owner of the universe because they believe they have created chinese history, conquered half of earth when other civilization isn't even there and shared their superior technology to japan and rest of the world because they're heirs of korean jesus


who is your favorite horse you dirty jap fuck

Korea is the new shit. Better electronics, better idols, better skin product. It's incredible how japanese became irrelevant in my adult life when I basically whorshipped them in the '90s

watch Jeon Woo-chi: The Taoist Wizard, amazing movie

Koreans are Japanese in denial

>they believe they have created chinese history, conquered half of earth when other civilization isn't even there and shared their superior technology to japan and rest of the world because they're heirs of korean jesus
Wat? Really? Sounds exactly like a bunch of other countries, which I won't name itt (except mine). A rising of such low quality nationalism is a symptom of a social economic disease which I seriously didn't think Korea was developing. Not to that extent, anyway.

So this is what jap believes, interesting.

>they believe they have created chinese history, conquered half of earth when other civilization isn't even there and shared their superior technology to japan and rest of the world because they're heirs of korean jesus

Top kek

>they have created chinese history, conquered half of earth when other civilization isn't even there and shared their superior technology to japan and rest of the world because they're heirs of korean jesus

Based desu

Because we can find interesting MAPs in South Korea

Attached: koreamap.jpg (600x414, 26K)

It's a fucking """hypothesis"" that no one believes not a common and well known shit that we learn from school you know? Basically what you're saying is
>"japs do believe the Jesus died in japan And jhinggis kan was japanese"
God, Radiation surely fucked up your brain.

A fierce battle between nips and gooks is about to commence again! Go get some popcorn and cola before it starts!

daily reminder there are literally 0, i repeat 0 japanese and korean citizens on Sup Forums, its just weebs and english teachers fighting with each other

>Korean Jesus
is this?

Attached: Jesus.jpg (400x300, 28K)


Actually, they are jealous of Japan and USA

So they wanna help china destroy both, so they can feel less inferior

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But if they are neither Japanese nor Korean, why do they so easily get triggered by Korea vs Japan posts? I've seen tons of them fighting tooth and claw over the same thing on every Kor vs Jap thread. can't they just get over it and make peace?

the ones who post in broken english are definitely native speakers lol

Divide and conquer?

Or maybe they are overseas Koreans and Japanese who sometimes act ultranationalist to try and fit in

Hello, Daily Best Storehouse user.

I see you enjoy stay in Sup Forums. Good.

japan,because of the war crimes

weebs view japan in higher regard than their own nation, ofc they will fight tooth and claw for it, which is funny, cuz japan doesnt like foreigners

but their flags don't say so, seeing they're fighting under their respective Korean and Japanese flags.


Japan kun

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>watching them fighting tooth and nail

You have such a decent taste for it m8 :3

Thank yuo Japan for developing us back in the early 20th century and get nuked instead of us!
Thank you !

Living in Japan seems to make foreigners depressed and submissive (defensive of Japan, eager to conform, apologetic), living in Korea makes foreigners angry and aggressive (resentful, selfish, sociopathic).

To put it another way, foreigners in both countries are actually assimilating swimmingly to the local culture :^)

I meant like returnees finding their roots or whatever.

Korean flag posters are probably a mix of weird mentally ill gyopos and lazy waster English teachers

IC hope u guys can make up with them soon. It's no good to stay on bad terms with your nextdoor neighbors :)

>East Asian so autistic
If we are so that,they are 10 million times austraistic.(pics)

>Just answer
desu,Its so serious what i never get smooth english with using my full power
i had english skill even like a 3 years old,so A time of making this sentence were 30 minuts.
so when i clicked "post"button,50% of posting were already arcaived. ^^
but it's growing a few that.
I stated to learn English 15 years before and like this^^,but unbelievably my English skill is far abobe japnese Average.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

desu, i don't understand what i say always too when the moment to push my post ,w^^wwww

>they are 10 million times austraistic.(pics)

Attached: 4ちゃんで.jpg (1489x851, 286K)

>I stated to learn English 15 years before
Wow, even after 15 years your English is terrible

top kek

Well, It depends. If one have a strong dislike and hatred toward communsism, he'll more likely feel closer to Japan, but some people with muh 'Based Asia' mind would find China more friendly.

Although I guess people in here feel close to no nation.

Attached: sad eagle.jpg (640x480, 44K)

He is very good actually

seriously,but truth,

This is funny but true.

I never really thought of it that way before.

It's a meme dude.

Anti-Korean Propaganda
so crazy
unfortunately,more than half of Japanise general have been eating the Bait without knowing the backyard Talmutters.

Hello Zainichi

Genes: Yayoi people are from Korea

Culture: Confucianism from China and modern education and technologis from Japan.

Get off your proxy and stop LARPing like an Asian.

That ain't jesus nor a something that related to topic, now get lost in the woodsand neck yourself.

>uh it's your imagination jappy we clever coreans will never be that dumb
Dumb gooks your shitty nationalism forced by some fake researchers are beyond human's understanding
You now want japan to apologize for war crimes but still want to kill japanese and chinese and do the same thing
Literally barbarians

Some gooks believe entire thing written on
but most gooks ranges from "we give japan technology and basically everything but they kill us instead so pay money:(" and "china was at least occupied by korea once"
They're shameless

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I also enjoy the “Kim Gu and his merry men were supposed to be parachuted into Korea after the war to liberate it from the Japanese but instead the Americans took it over, installed Chinilpas and robbed South Korea of true independence” delusion


>You now want japan to apologize for war crimes but still want to kill japanese and chinese and do the same thing

>Dumb japs still don't understand what i'm implying

I hope your boosted ego goes back to oblivion by hanging yourself because you're nothing but a pathetic jap just like your dad.

by 巨人の星

> (OP)
>People work overtime, people live like ants in big cities, suicide is always a good option when you can't continue with your life
>Emotionally they're close to being the owner of the universe because they believe they have created chinese history, conquered half of earth when other civilization isn't even there and shared their superior technology to japan and rest of the world because they're heirs of korean jesus

holy shit


The picture shows Koreans inferiority complex.
It's a shameful display.

Korea created pizza
Korea created pasta
Korea created sushi
Korea created wine
Korea created Anime
Korea created computer
Korea won the war
Korea is the greatest country in the world

Look at the comment section some japs are actually baited.

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This, deep down Koreans know they are just illegitimate children of Japanese soldiers they also know that their mothers sold their bodies for money, that's why they got extreme case of inferiority complex and need to fake their whole history, without it they are unable to live on, that's also why they hate Japan, they will never be truly Japanese, they are aware that japan is an actual great country and that they will never be at same level no matter how much they try .

Japanese came from Korea literally.

Mutts came from Africa literally


>but it's growing a few that

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Not really both countries were created by people coming from different regions in Mongolia.

>Monkey education
Manchu isn't mongolia nor a region of it :)

Korea had long been a vassal state of the empires of China and Mongol throughout history so it should be obvious.

So did the Japanese

what do koreans think about russia and its history?

what their general opinion on ww2?

what do they thinkof russo japanese war?

question to japanese/koreans, do you have inferiority comlex because of your race? Be honest

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>do you have inferiority comlex because of your race? Be honest
may be before the russo japanese war we said Yes :)

i bet you do

Filthy communists who ended up being collapsed

>what do koreans think about russia and its history?

No idea
>do you have inferiority comlex because of your race? Be honest
I used to be, thought asians are the least liked race but all thanks to K-POP atleast i can fug landwhales and sand niggers.

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we care about nationality more than race
becouse you know almost white country is worth than my country
like your country

t. João Takara

井蹴る根 感たソ鴨 歌レナ毛lever

is every asian country WE WUZ JESUSEZ NSHIET?

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Source on that Japanese genetic groups are traced back to Mongolia and Tibet