Would you rather like to see your daughter with a light skinned muslim or a brown Latino?

Would you rather like to see your daughter with a light skinned muslim or a brown Latino?

Attached: 1492458812136.png (600x332, 350K)


with a black man of course

with me in my bed m8

In a convent.

with a korean

Honestly, much rather a brown latino. They're culturally westerners and can (in limited numbers) be generally trusted to integrate.

Also, you're a moron if you think the problem with the West is racemixing rather than all-out replacement migration.

with a BLACK latino MUSLIM

It's the same shit so I'm indifferent.

Also, the light skinned Muslim could be a Persian or Tatar that doesn't give a shit about his religion anymore, in that case I'd much prefer the light skinned Moslem.

>doesn't give a shit about his religion anymore
How do you know? last night dreaming about crussades?

brown latino

neither because my daughter will never exist since im a pathetic virgin



Attached: miniaturka_480x360.jpg (480x360, 16K)

brown arab

White Jewish Latino

daughters needs a strong BLACK man to satisfy their needs

Attached: Whities love the BBC.jpg (326x750, 104K)

I would like to see my daughter with me


latino, spic genes weak they will get bleached in one generation and they are fanboys of anything european so he would assimilate n shit