Ugly languages

ugly languages

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Cute boys

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ur ugly

What's that? Being an English teacher didn't work out as you had planned?

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*Language, they are just dialects

i'm japanese

ching chong tiny penis ding dong

おはよう英語先生! あなたは、日本を好きですか?

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Bad opinion

scandis are cute af

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Portuguese is worse

Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish are beautiful languages

Danish is what happens when you give another scandi brain damage.


Chang chong ding dong apologize to China for war crimes rang rong ching chong

I have never heard nordic language
All of them is speaking english very well

>All of them is speaking english very well
This. They are killing their own language.

also they have no culture, I can't think of one thing even.

nordic languages sound very pleasant to english natives

One could say that's evolution

Besides, everyone talks swedish to other swedes, we just adjust very quickly

But fuck me, the world would be more convenient for everyone if we all just used a global language

>They are killing their own language
I see nordic still use their language in their own /general/ and their good english skill is just result of education


>Killing languages for convenience

Shut up gook. Our language is elvish.

>Outdated meme pride

your language is hardjbardskardlard ??? No one want to hear that

« Shī Shì shí shī shǐ »

Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.

Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.

Shí shí, shì shí shī shì shì.

Shì shí, shì Shī Shì shì shì.

Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shìshì.

Shì shí shì shí shī shī, shì shíshì.

Shíshì shī, Shì shǐ shì shì shíshì.

Shíshì shì, Shì shǐ shì shí shì shí shī.

Shí shí, shǐ shí shì shí shī shī, shí shí shí shī shī.

Shì shì shì shì.

Ho chi hi how

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Well you probably haven't gone out of your way.

We're not a very well-populated nation, merely ~ 0.6 % of yours, but if you've ever heard of the nobel price you know of our culture

>Besides, everyone talks swedish to other swedes
But your internet segment is poor, right? And no one translates movies to your language, writes new books, etc?
>the world would be more convenient for everyone if we all just used a global language
What the fuck Sweden, stop being so cuck, you're just killing your identity.

>Beautiful, cultural and convenient

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giving out prize is a culture?lol who cares about that

You eat dogs

kek.I thought it was Korea.

>says mongol rapebaby

I'll beat your ass, Wei Shen

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>But your internet segment is poor, right? And no one translates movies to your language, writes new books, etc?


93.1 % of our population use the internet, of course we have lots of swedish websites

The subtitle industry is also a boomer, literally no relevant movie released in Sweden goes without subtitles (while we don't dub our movies in the shittiest way possible with the same guy just interrupting everyone blaring the monotone translation like you do)
all children movies are dubbed in swedish

We have a shit ton of authors, books are one of the things many struggle to write outside their native language, and we translate all mainstream books even though I personally believe that it's insulting to the author when you read their words through the filter of some underpaid pleb bastardizing their original words

Stop just assuming your own facts

That's still far off from the level of something like Germany or Russia

Yeah forgot about the non-correlation between China and "culture and science"

I guess we have freedom of speech, democracy and a happy population so you wouldn't care much for our culture :^)

Yes, but so are we in population, besides am I arguing we have a bigger internet segment than them?

The day I envy russian internet is the day I'll swallow the bullet

Yah, but you don't have cringy dubs for movies, so I guess your culture is done, sorry bro.

Ehh I’d say Swedish is nice sounding (relatively) at least when she was riding my dick

Fuck you're right, how will I ever experience films again now?

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A swedish woman rode you?

Good for you?

When your leader are complete idiot it does not matter that you can vote. For freedom of speech, who cares, what do you want to say that can change anything? are you really happy about those, Skardlardjardvard?

Oh sorry let me translate. It’s called sex. Happens to fortune of us

I guess you meant to sound dismissive of my claims but this is just sad to hear.

I hope your people break their chains some time in the future, decisions shouldn't be for the elite but should lie with their population. Also, hope you don't get thrown in jail for receiving this post lmao

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Tiananmen Square massacre

>throw in jail
Funny exageration but chinese are more free than even nordic if you think about it.

"Happens to the fortunate of us" is what I guess you were saying

And I don't know how this is an insult, go try for more Preben

Copenhagen is one of our favorite nightlife cities so you can bet your potato chewing ass we're doing the same


You're not a Chinese are you? :^)

>if you think about it

If you think and come up with that conclusion, think again

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seriously, I am not joking. Can you drink alcohol in public in nordic? Or pee in public? Think about it

Hehe I mean you could take it as an insult if it applies to you. Nightlife is pretty good. I’m starting to outgrow that phase tho. The really women are at the coffee shops ;)




Ah yes, the esteemed "Freedom to pee and drink in public" index

Also technically no, but don't do it in front of people and nobody gives a shit. You are allowed to be drunk in public.

>technically no
Nice Try, I knew it, so much for "nordic swedish freedom" lol

We have the freedom of clean air

He's right, don't you see? We're chained by the bondage of our own urine and alcohol! Not until we get a black bag over our head for calling Löfven a cuck will we experience true freedom!

This person isn't Chinese, they get their internet cut if you mention July 4 incident. Unless it's Xi shitposting

Oh look, more chinese is unfree meme. So false, silly Brainwashed nordics ;)

No obviously if you slap out your dick in front of everyone you can be charged for offensive behaviour, but the peeing part is harmless

You are allowed to drink in public if you're above 20 here and lower in other nordic countries

Its probably a proxy mongolanon, he would have been swatted by now.

Go drink your own piss in public Cheng


He truly taught us a lesson about freedom though

At least I can ;)

yep. grossest earcancer ever. nuke them all. fucking pussy ass soybois with their pederast "languages"

In china I can drink alcohol whenever and wherever I want at what any age I want. I though nordic was free lol

that's not a good thing
that means you people are like filthy drunk slavs

>we have lots of swedish websites
Which aib is most popular in Sweden?
>no relevant movie released in Sweden goes without subtitles
Lolwhat? You have no professional dubbing for released movies?
>monotone translation
That was a pirate translations from 90s when we could buy a film in Russian before it released somewhere, kek.
>the shittiest way
No, it was the best one because under the monotone voice you can hear intonations of the original voices.

that's called lawless not freedom Zhang

I have to say, thank fucking god our teenagers are trying to hide when they're getting wasted, loud drunk fifteenyear old brats are the worst thing since Chinese freedom

i think dubbing sucks
we dub only kids movies cos kids cant read

>Lolwhat? You have no professional dubbing for released movies?

I guess none of the nordic countries dub their movies, they always come with subtitles.

as long as we are more free than nordic I'm okay with that. Feels good man.

*inserts communismus*

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yeah well... if youre happy living there thats cool...
good for you user...

gtfo a*ime cancer


No we don't dub our movies. If I want to experience Tom Hanks I want to hear him aswell, not random Ivan Dmitrislav who speaks clumsy translations out of sync. Besides, we actually know english AND can read. Impressive, I know, but that's the norm here.

Last time I visited I had to endure it, it completely ruins the experience anyway. Don't defend dubbing, it's inferior in every way. It feels like watching a movie where some third party dude has to stand beside you trying to explain everything happening even though you obviously understand it yourself.

holy shit rare bjork people

But subtitles sucks because all the time you focused on the bottom of screen.

yeah that's kinda true too

Anonymous ImageBoard

t. yūutsu

You're among the third-worlders claiming the esteemed 130th place, nice try though

Not if youre a fast reader, you get used to it really fast.

Stop, China numba wong in freedom

Sup Forums, no contest

We have no anonymous image-boards I'll grant you that. We use mostly english sites, that might be a contributing factor to kids knowing english

It requires too much energy when your eyes each N frames run from the bottom to center and then back. So subtitles still sucks.

>biased western propaganda site making china look bad

oh I never saw that before :)

To be fair they lack the freedom to drink your piss in public statistics in the study

It comes automatically and you barely notice it when you are used to it.

>Anything not chinese propaganda is anti-chinese propaganda!!

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