Brazilians are not whi-

Brazilians are not whi-

Attached: br2.jpg (640x480, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:

south belize


Manlet, amerindian genes

he'd be considered a shitskin in south belize

negro albinos.

he dont really have negroid features.
we are white bvlls

Attached: sul.jpg (534x355, 36K)

who cares if you're white or not when you have a chin and jaw profile like that, this dude is probably never going to get laid in his entire life

whats wrong with his chin?
also he can always hire a hooker

receding. ugly. lengthened.
>he can always hire a hooker
premartial sex is not a christian quality, in order to be white you have to be christian

>not degenerate nihilistic atheists

That was just joke, man.

Attached: the guy who call homself white.png (476x401, 165K)

I bet he's from the south. I remember going there and my eyes were literally blinded by how white it was.

list of good brazilian states:
-santa catarina
-rio grande do sul
end of list
>santa catarina police
he is

one more dick for you to suck

He is going to prison la. He will get laid first day, I guarantee it

São Paulo is better than all those states combined
You feel for the memes dumb leaf

Obviously a tourist

Nice proxy monkeyzillian samefag

nice try

Attached: 18a913ce8aad6f1066567ea913537d39.png (374x102, 5K)
He is a brazilian med student, arrested for drug trafic

hdi is a retarded meme tho.
chile has bigger hdi than chile for example.

than portugal*


Attached: sudacas.png (1436x1908, 600K)

and here is his partner
there are lots of white people here.
you think we are meming, but we are not.

Attached: brw.jpg (640x479, 60K)


Why are latins always so sensitive about it

Are you sure he wasn't an Argentine?

Attached: macaco.png (1003x715, 1.21M)

>Guilherme Schmidt Damo
>Paulo Victor Faust

what the fuck kind of names are these

Attached: guilherme.png (764x492, 113K)

You dissapoint me

Portugal is a shithole

I can't into repeating letters

>what the fuck kind of names are these
T. North West Kardashian

Schmidt = German Surname
Damo = Italian
Faust = German

he looks like la creatura

>180 cm

Attached: 1517624614447.gif (400x200, 2.54M)

he is taller than your country's avarege

Lol manlet

Lol another one

how is he a manlet when russia's avarege is roughly 1,76?

stop trying so hard joao, no one fucking cares

Do you know that average includes old people?
I'm 1,93 and I feel small.

Attached: 1521212253008.jpg (419x387, 24K)

They would not lock him up with typical Rio type Brazilians would they?

>El ogro cree en los memes

you are literally a sand nigger


we are 90% EVROPEAN

Attached: sulrace.jpg (1164x263, 176K)


>1,80 manlet
so this is the power of the so called South Brazillian masterrace...

>all these retards saying he is a manlet eventhough their countries avarege is 1,74
makes me think

my countrymen are mostly manlets too

Why are Brazilians on this forum so cringeworthy? Please, stop embarrassing us.

Sou sulista, não brasileiro

That's great. Can you guys just declare independence then? I'm sick of mutts LARPing as Germans under a Brazilian flag, and I don't wanna send more of my Paulista money to you.

Brazilians dream of looking pure German like Guilherme or Gisele Bundchen.

t. brown son on northeasterns that larp as moortuguese

whiter than you chupa cu

Attached: CB6C35C2-1EC4-4D05-BFB9-42A30A0773BF.png (612x655, 24K)

And we are better in every single thing, education, safety, healthcare, lower corruption, etc

is chile white like brazil?

Even if chile were 100% niggers it would still be better. Brazil is Colombia tier at best, even mexico is better.

neither Chile nor Brazil is white
You might be confusing them with South Brazil, the whitest country that has ever existed

Look fag do you think I use this shitty flag and "live" in "your" country because I like?

Stop phoneposting.

South BRAZIL is white
South BELIZE will be white when we purge the mestizo menace there

>the whitest country that has ever existed.
he doesn't know what is south Belize.
south Belize has non white killing tigers which makes Belize 1000% free from purge the mestizo menace

Attached: 1518937772043.jpg (1300x954, 270K)

we are both white brothers.
stop the divide and conquer

Attached: Neve_em_Canela.jpg (1200x816, 95K)

Of course, we Southerners are best equipped to deal with the world today. Who else? The northerners ? Please. European ? They brought non white death to us all!

Attached: download (23).jpg (306x165, 3K)

Hey wtf r u talking m8 neitherbof u r white kkkkkk the south shall pay eternaly for trying to exit the union, and this meme moviment will only make we fuck the south agaun


And you post some criminals as the representative of White in Brazil?