Do you like Lenin?

do you like Lenin?
I like

Attached: lenin-smiling.jpg (468x375, 60K)

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He was pretty based. I read some excerpts from his book about imperialism and it was interesting.

No. I am american.

>pole who loves a russian communist who was sponsored by the germans
absolute state of sl*V(e)s

I like Lenin, not love. But when it comes to love, there is only one person.. ;)

Attached: felixdzerzhinski.jpg (1356x1600, 235K)

I do, his work was very important in freeing big parts of the world's proletariat and raising class consciousness

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Sup Forums hates Lenin.
Sup Forums is cuck.
I wonder who pays to make Sup Forums think that brown migrants are the biggest problem.

French-Polish-German-Russian Socialist Union when?

State and revolution was a fun read

Based. Love him. It's weird. Even the American right has some strange affection for him. Grover Norquist, Richard Nixon, and Scott Walker have all used his bayonet quote. The Cato Institute has a self-described "Leninist strategy" for privatizing social security. Steve Bannon called himself a Leninist.

Attached: lenin2.jpg (736x546, 120K)

He was jewish.

I do
>muh german sponsorship

it's nice to see representatives of European culture nations in quite comfy and peaceful thread

>*uroPEEan culture
>implying Lenin wasn't a BLACK man

Attached: KARA_LENIN.jpg (517x388, 45K)

Come on, Lenin was Di Caprio all the time.

nu otlichna

Attached: vladek.png (654x829, 503K)

Of course not. He reportedly liked playing ch*ss.

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I recently read '10 days that shook the world' by John Reed, it's very interesting book, it made me think the only reason why Lenin seized power is because Kerenski's government wanted to send the Petersburg garrison, around 60k soldiers, to the frontlines, so they got scared and decided to side with Lenin, in general the book gives the wibe of how very unlikely it was that the bolsheviks take control and manage to uphold it

Attached: john-reed.jpg (1000x800, 95K)

more like amerimutt

there were two tragedies:
- birth of Lenin
- death of lenin


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WTF Why he fucks Argentina?!


Attached: Lenin Cavriago.jpg (843x700, 242K)
Do you know he was a mushroom?

Attached: Lenin Liberty.jpg (1000x769, 122K)

not particularly