Can we make a list of pros and cons of race mixing?

Can we make a list of pros and cons of race mixing?

Only objective arguments please.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No more white people

No more black people

Pros: I get a qt white girl

>pro race mixing
>con race mixing

No more black people.

No more white people.

Hybrid vigor is a huge pro.

Con would be potential racism inflicted upon child, lack of cultural connection(s) to either side but this can be easily remedied by parentage/family, lack of identity, etc.

Both pro and cons happened with me. I turned out fine for the most part, though. I never thought of my creation as a ''pro/con'' list, though.

t. Mulatto -- half black, half white.

That's a big girl


Hybrid vigor is a fucking meme

t. half nordic, half arab

Mulattoes are for all intents and purposes black

There are neither pros or cons, ut's just something that exists and that's it.

>There are neither pros or cons
if you want to see the cons, step outside the door and behold your poor murderous mutt hellhole, retard

Did your mom get blacked or bleached?

White """""women"""""" are bland as fuck. Give me a black gf any day.

Con - it's virtually impossible to find a bone marrow donor if you fall sick.

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Hybrid vigor only works if you mix strong with strong. Half nordic half arab is a mix of two beta races.

:( Sorry it didn't happen for you, mate.

>mutts are posting on Sup Forums
thanks for the warning

Eternal Teuton shows his true colors
kill yourself

As I said before
The only people who need to exist are white men and non-white women
The rest are waste of air

>was getting COLONIZED part of your plan?

Based this user's dad

1- race mixed people are more exposed to certain illnesses
2- the average race mixed people are much uglier than the average normal people
3- race mixed people go through identity crisis that undermine their integration, as for a few generations they'll produce foreigners no matter what their passport says
4- see point 2, they truly are an eyesore
5- race mixed people naturally vote for more immigrants and to make it worse for every native of their host country

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kys italic rat

He's right about everything, deluded mutt.

>average race mixed people are much uglier than the average normal people

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lmao, it's the only attractive racemixing combo if you don't count jews as another race that looks attractive. Mullatoes, hapas and mestizos look like goblins, meanwhile I look like a frenchman or northern italian. I am just saying I am not special compared to other danes, "hybrid vigor" is a jewish meme to encourage race-mixing.

t. basic white thot

Go get your pumpkin spice refill while I get head from an enthusiastic full-bodied West-African goddess.

Dude with the chest tattoos and the brother on the far right in the picture of the Ball family are actually good looking.

But yeah, everyone else looks pretty disastrous looking.

Pros Get to breed Ebony Queens

Cons As long pure people exists mulattos will always be treated as second citizens.

>it's the only attractive racemixing combo
>not only saying this to make yourself feel better

>also less likely to catch certain ills
>evidence needed
>for some not all, alot of whites feel the same and adopt black culture
>they don't natrually do this it's socialised

Stop being a brainlet.


You realize that it would be incredibly easy to cherry pick images to show the exact opposite as well, right?

this rlly depends on what ethnicies are being mixed.. Lol but in general

pros: > your kids sometimes come of as exotic (rare) (bronze skin with blue/green eyes and brown hair)
> get to experience new culture and eat new food

cons: > you lose your ancestral connection
> you destroy your bloodline
> your kids can end up looking NOTHING like you. (caucasoid + mongoloid).
Can you honestly imagine your own blood having slant eyes, being a foot shorter than you? It would breed resentment in a lot of cases in both parents and children (and it does)

> you’re a mutt, you belong nowhere, you have no home and you”ll never be seen as either of halfs your blood
> society will ostracize your children and you
> they might end up with mental health issues

at the end of the day I just want my kids to look like me. It’s not a bad emotion or racist it is tribal instinct. My gf is kashmiri I’m punjabi thas good enough for me and my parents. I’d never marry a south indian or east indian or even a european/asian girl.

know the truth

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Me on the left

Racemixing is good

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>mutt hellhole
>we're part of the most "pure" people in the world since we have been breeding with our own race for 500 years
You sound like a buttblasted amerigoblin hating Mexicans, as always. Your country is so irrelevant we don't care about your mutts.

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The reason you are not special is because you are not race mixed

arabs and europeans are from the same race, they are both white

there's no point splitting hairs here, all caucasoids are white

t. actual nonwhite

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White male - Asian female isn't racemixing though. It was God's plan for humanity since the beginning.

pros: less wh*Toids
cons: has to involve wh*Toids in the first place

Im mestizo and i still have an ancestral connection


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I would believe this, if the hapa men were not weird looking 9/10

iberian+nordic is the best combo

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Race is a trivial accident of the historical geographic separation of human populations and will ultimately be obliterated by the end of geographic separation due to modern means of travel. It is already happening and its continuation is inevitable. The post-racial world is in progress and it is driven by the greatest of all forces - love. Humans will literally love racism out of existence. And then they will find something else to hate each other for.

What is this from?

Yeah, to taco bell

A race is mixed by definition. That's how biological evolution works, dense fuck.


Seems to make Jews Happy.

Jews dont get happy.

What film is this?

pros: more probabilities of having a healthy offprising, privileges in the West
cons: racism, identity problems, lower IQ

"The whlte women must cohabit with members of the dark races, whlte men with bIack women. Thus the whlte race wiII disappear, for mixing the dark with the whlte means the end of the whlte man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shaII embark upon an era of I0,000 years of peace and pIenty, Pax Judaica, and our race wiII ruIe undisputed over the worId. Our superior inteIIigence wiII easiIy enabIe us to retain mastery over a worId of dark peopIes." -Rabbi Rabinovich, 1958

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>God: "hmmm, let's see. What height should we give user?"
>Angel: "he's a purebred sir"
>God: "manlet it is!"
Wtf, why couldn't I get some hybrid vigor. Fuck this purebred shit

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Down with hair-straightening

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Why is it always canadians making god awful /r/le_Sup Forumsnald-tier posts?

i want to impregnate her

Sorry user but the Jews love WMBF now

>t. mutt

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Natural hair = best hair

>Americans using hybrid vigor for non-domesticated species

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No, Zhang, you are not white.
No, Zhang, you are not “based”.
No, Zhang, you are not “redpilling” anyone.

>tfw my first fap was to a niggress

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More qts.

More competition for qts.

More non-white women

More non-white men

>amerimutt's shrill cry

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Good movie.

>straight outta hongcouver

>when you can't handle the banter so you throw on a proxy

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>Sup Forumsleaf strikes again
Go get bullied by Jamaicans

>mutts are this mad

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And their numbers keep increasing. Only like 1 year ago you could see one or two in a while, now it's the norm to see them everyday

>Amandla Stenberg
>Stenberg identifies as non-binary,[30][31] and previously came out as bisexual;[18][32][33][34] however in an interview for Elle's September 2016 issue she was quoted as saying in part, "Bisexual is a word I am not too attached to [...] it implies a dichotomy that doesn't take into account trans people. So maybe pansexual is more accurate for me."

What the fuck?

>he defends amerimutts for free
t. Xherdan Shaqiri's cousin

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>that damage control

t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

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>getting this mad at the mutt meme

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t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

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>it's another american deepthroats a leaf's shitposts episode
This is why we can't have nice things

>half arab

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I think this guy must be an actual mutt tbqh

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t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

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The only con is the kids who will have identity crisis and will they will be mutts.
Its for them, otherwise I don't care

poor bud

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t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

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t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

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t. virgin with no friends who got bullied by Jamaicans

Attached: you.jpg (770x513, 33K)