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what are these wrods

for / against

What is it about?

What is it about?

>only 3% of the Netherlands is white

It's little internet nerds getting BTFO by the chad boomers.


I didn't follow all of it but there's a referendum about expanding the power of our security agency regarding internet surveilance. Like give them the power to hack everything and then ship your data off to the USA.
Government already said they are going to pass the law regardless but people get to vote to give their opinion.

It's a REALLY big thing among the Sup Forums crowd. On my uni there were heaps of neckbeards spreading flyers and I have a CS studying friend who's completely obsessed with this new law. Nobody else cares though so all the dinosaurs will vote in favor regardless (municipality elections are at the same time and only Christians vote for those)

fuck old people, I hate everybody over the age of 45

haha get fucked nerd

I'll be laughing when the fedoras their CP is taken away and they're being shipped off to gitmo.

i have nothing to hide. only that my kikebook is filled with racist shit. so if the government sees that ill be fucked

tegen/ voor wat?

He warned you. But you didn't listen.

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Regardless it's a councelling referendum. It's only there because of a law they passed 2 years ago and already scrapped. It's non-binding. None of this shit matters.
Remember that Ukraine referendum?

Nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten


babyboomers were a mistake, they probably have an average IQ of 80

kanker normaaltjes hebben geen idee wat dat betekent

racism is punishable by death nazi

I understand, canadian bull

als ge niks te verbergen hebt hoeft ge niks te vrezen :^)