>american ''''''''food''''''''
American ''''''''food''''''''
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Would have a point if literally ANY other flag posted this
shut up poutine
Hot dogs are good
Hamburge is good
American pizza >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> European pizza
at least my poutine cheese isn't processed
>maple sirup
Totally retarded dumbass
yes it is retard
cheese is just processed milk
It's not processed in the sense of what would be defined as a processed cheese obviously
are leafs all dumb like this one?
you can make unprocessed cheese burgers in the US too. if this is your point, it's a dumb one.
>Bacteries minding their own business means processed
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich is pretty based, I just ate one
I can make sweet potatoes fries too, still isn't as popular as regular potatoes fries. So what's your point?
t. sauerkraut and kurrywurst barbarian
its unprocessed because its not even cheese for real poutine, its curd
good post
bad post
sauerkraut is good
I'm trying to figure out what yours is
Why do Americans bully their digestive system?
I know but according to swede user all cheeses are processed.
Yes, to be honest it's pretty good, but kurrywurst seems quite harsh
I like it too. Thanks america for peanut butter. I don't even eat nutella anymore thanks to it.
not how you make cheese frog. bacteria and fungi are only for aging. cheese curd is just a coagulant agent and milk. rennit in this case.
currywurst is peng
Only dreadlocked communists hate hamburgers
Wtf is peng ? benis ?
My point is if processed food wasn't such an important part of the average american diet, it wouldn't be a stereotype.
enjoying you kraft dinner? canada is even worse with this crap and you know it.
t. dualie.
Haven't had Kraft dinner in years.
it's not though.
it's a stereotype because it was basically started here.
and americans are fat because they eat fatty food, processed or not.
you know my point. most of canada eats the same crap processed shit as america.
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger