time to learn french boys
Time to learn french boys
ca plane pour moi
give it up pierre, french will never ever be lingua franca
m-mais je le fais déjà
juste rouge, garçon
It's just faggy italian
Italian is faggier imo
j'aime blanc fille
>ywn be born in the french countryside
o-oui mon empereur radical centriste
o..oui maître
Je l'ai déja appris dans mon enfance.
I hope I didn't fuck up the grammar. And gender always gets me for some reason.
il y avait un fois où le français était le lingua franca, il y en aura un fois encore
gloire à Macron
je suis mikayla
je t'aime
tu n'as fait qu'une seule erreur: c'est déjà, et non pas déja
>everyone can speak french
>I can't even speak Japanese without fucking it up
ça va personne ne peut parler japonais
ceci, mais je ne peux pas parler francais non plus
c'est probablement du charabia j'imagine
Il aura des filles françaises mignonnes pour tout les garçons européens qui apprendront français pour satisfaire les rêves de nôtre empereur radical centriste de l’Europe et du monde aussi prochainement? Oui? Compte sur moi!
Pls r8 my french
Be my gf
Il manque un y au début
مرحبا! كيف حالك؟
je ne mange pas toujour
Rate my jappy.
ToujourS, sale enculé d'ouvrier.
Haha. He looks like some villain from 007 series.
Très bon à part l'oubli du y
*j'aime les filles blanches
tu est le merde francais
they've tried to hammer it down my skull for 8 years straight and i still suck at it
snails es muy bien
French needs to be inserted anally.
Tu eS
Merde est féminin donc La
Enfoiré d'ouvrier
Please learn our language, French very nice people. Btw we're gonna insult you and mock every little mistake you make
Unlike foreigners french people are not fragile and prefer to learn in the hard way.
Toujours quand j'ai l'intention de parler on français, ils me repondent on anglais
Solía hablar español bien pero ya no
>thought about learning French last year but was too lazy to start
>suddenly the Emperor tells me to do it
That's a sign I guess. Gotta start it already.
lingua franca litterally means "french language"
répétez après moi
>ouga bouga où sont les femmes blanches ?
Payez d'abord votre dette...
domme untermensch
then how about you replace "lingua franca" with an anglo equivalent?
capitulation is a french word! :D
J'appris francaise a l'ecole mon emperuer! J'oublie beaucoup mais je veux reapprender tous!!
"Do you speak american?"
Je te souhaite bonne chance, mon frère français.
Donc, on peut vivre dans la campagne comme varg avec 300.000 Euro? Je deteste mon pays Autriche
Why should I learn French?
>Why should I learn French?
You'll gain acess to a superior mentality and outlook on life
Je dirais oui, pas sûr pour le coût d'une propriété par contre
Tres bien, merci a votre response, je vous souhaite une bonne journee
Bisous :)
J'ai oublié tout mon francais.
Baguette au frommage
Language was only useful for watching french dubbed anime via satellite TV.
Apprends-le à nouveau, c'est la nouvelle lingua franca !
I did it in school but forgot it all. Spoken French is way too hard to follow, wouldn't recommend.
Any good French TV shows/movies to help me?
parce qu'il le faut
we mine amigo
Watch kaamelott
>still think neo-liberalism isn't cool kiddos?
But i'm already learning. I can read short to medium sentences, understand the overall meaning of texts, but can't write shit... won't even enter in the spoken french topic, it's gibberish.
Bien fils de la FRANCE !
The English language has enough French impurities in it after the Normans invaded Britain and perverted ye olde English, watch this video of someone speaking old English and see for yourself the beautiful language the the stinky Frenchmen corrupted:
sounds like some lotr larp
The girls are barely understandable but it's cute. At least it seems like Russians have no problem with our "R" pronunciation.
get fucked by a dog, my LARPing orc friend
you fucks would just berate me for being bad at it
Sounds like your typical germanic gargling monstrosity. Should be glad it isn't like this desu
Oui monsieur, Donne-moi un baguette sil-vous-plait
C'est faux. Rejoins la Francophonie !!!
J'aime le vagin
>You will never live in a word where the french didn't stop breeding in the early 1800s and grew at a similar rate to the germans to have a population of 105 million people
>you will never live in a world where Napoleon won
Oh France. First this, then we find out Sarkozy spearheaded the destabilization of Libya just to make sure Ghaddafi didn't go telling tales about a bribe. You guys really are the OG.
Consider this, even at 105 million people, you'd STILL have a lower population density than Germany, Britain, or even Italy.
Your country could have 115 million and still be lower in population density compared to those countries.
If your country grew at the same rate Britain did between the 1800s to 1950s, you'd have around 150 million people in France
It's even more than fucking Russia
And just like America, we go to war in backwater shitholes in Africa and the Middle-East to secure resources except it's uranium instead of oil. Truly the greatest ally
Sup Forums sucks at making these holy shit
Thing is, even at 150 million people France would have about the same population density as Britain does.
At 150 million, you'd still be waaay below the population density of Belgium and the Netherlands
>It's even more than fucking Russia
Keep in mind, France was the most populous state in Europe, yes even above russia, until the late 1700s and the 4th most populous country in the world at that time.
If you wanted to go belgium tier, you'd have around 205 million people
If you wanted to go EVEN further beyond that and go Netherlands tier in population density, you'd have almost 230 million people
And this is only including mainland France as the area.
Can you imagine the garlic stench of 200 million french*Ids? I imagine Europe's skies would look like Beijing under the smog.
What I'm trying to say is that France is pretty empty
>le dab