Why don't/didn't we annex Japan?

Why don't/didn't we annex Japan?

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>ywn live in an alternate timeline where Japan is split between north and south instead of Korea


wh*Toids never would have successfully invaded japan

The plan was to let them die out first ffs, Ivan

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>splitting the occupation with Slavniggers and Bongs when Slavniggers were at war with Japan for less than a month and killed 21,000 of them

Stay away from Japan I need my anime, American cartoons are fucking shit

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Should put 中国 under 中国 administration. That would be funny.

By that inane standard the whole island should be under Chinese jurisdiction.

No need to annex them, we just need to make them more diverse is all.

The Chinese did nothing but get slaughtered like pigs

Also even them that's wrong.
They killed less than 500,000 Japs
A total of 2,500,000 Japs died
Most casualties were caused by Americans
Chinks were getting destroyed

>ywn live a timeline where Finland lost the winter war and had 1/2 of its population deported to Kazakhstan and replaced by Russian colonists.

Why even live

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then why isn't the US occupied by the vietnamese?

Compare the Japs killed to t Chinks killed in the Sino-Japanese War

why germany now exists? why we allowed germans not to pay us for the rest of the existence for the lost war?
If you have an answer to that question it's probably the same answer to your question about japan.

because that's how you end up with yet another world war, piotr

Before WW2, Japan wanted to make Manchu as an area to take balancing against China and Soviet Unions.
After the WW2, Manchu was lost. Then...
>Chinese communists took China
>The Korean War happened
>The Vietnam War happened
Americans understood the reason Japan obsessed Manchu.

That shit gave me nightmares when I first saw it.

Why is everybody obsessed with Japan on this board?

you must be new here

Was this a real plan?

Why would the west need to, when we already bombed Japan into permanent Stockholm syndrome? Don't need to occupy the land when you've got permanent residence in the soul.

cuz yall love us

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>Le we were really the good guys meymey

t. mohammed

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>implying current animes are any better

Which side would make the best anime?

Well Sup Forums did start off as mainly a Weeb forum/board

You're not American you wouldn't understand

On the grounds that you are real rossie~,

The picture had already annexed Japan.

As you know Japan Colonization systems were the new ziomericans idea.

I forgot to say one important things,
You are angel??????????

Only you were what denied a share of the pie during 75 years.
Only that one of she wants a bigger share of the pie.

Attached: gavment_japan_national_budget_2016.png (1404x760, 883K)

Awful thread.

We can't read that

Why are the Japanese so aggressive?

Spirit of the samurai.

we should start preparing to annex Japan 2bh

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Do they wanna annex?

Attached: japanesebf.png (1635x978, 1.19M)

>мнe бoльшe кopeйцы нpaвятcя, хoтя вcepoвнo
>глaвнoe чтoбы oн был нe AЗИATOM >УЗКOГЛAЗЫM


What does he mean by this?

Cyka Blyat, Idi Nahui?


just google translate it loooooool

stay away from my anime, nigger

*I prefer Korean guys more, although all the same, the main thing is that he was not an Asian, narrow-eyed, etc.*

i see

Attached: Japans_national_budget_2016.jpg (1489x851, 286K)


Do You realize how important it was?
Yes,I do....
Imaging..............you know Where was its huges used in the earth?

People say *s`rael is getting 100million$/evenone day through invisible Ghouls.
I might be die,。(o゚ )ー(゚o゚ )
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattt?

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JAPAN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>commies

of course

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Because there was no reason to. They turned out fine, with much less mess than East/West Germany and Berlin. Which was a shit show

Let me this

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i`d like to have a cute jap bf too.

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Delet this pls

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France will not let you take it without taking its own part! Don't forget Russia, we are friends!

And now imagine that the Northern part of Japan will look like Russia. It makes me sad.


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His wife is Russian.

he went to graduate school (Mocкoвcкий гocyдapcтвeнный yнивepcитeт имeни M.B. Лoмoнocoвa)

At that time, he met Haтaшa.

Attached: natersa_ishi__ナターシャ石井.jpg (766x440, 46K)

I grew up watching Hanna-Barbera.

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because Japan won WW2


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