
Edition:Based qt Algerian grills

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you didn't see the ugly tourists we got

Can you please stop creating med threads?Tha k you.We are not even in the mediterranean.
Para porfavor fodasse...

Most of algerian grills I find on google are qt

only east algerians are

I want a Algerian gf now!

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med threads are southern europe threads under a different name. Most posters are usually euro meds.

saved, one more qt for my harem

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I honestly like the med thread more than luso, luso is pure cancer

Death to Nafri mulattos, death to mulatto residents in Iberia death to nigger OP

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Also, death to mutts.

Sofia Boutella

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> el aberrante de oscuro...

>born as a Palestinian
Litreally worst med country of all
Wish I was born as a North African or one of these Balkan countries instead

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Hello my fellow brothers.
Don't be fooled by my flag Im med as well

>he doesn't think that oranaise women are the most beautiful algerians
stupid berber, kys


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He is a mentally ill mexican. Ignore him.

Is it really Him though?
there are thousands of pics of that dude on the archieve

Dios mio...

he has that typical spanish lack of upper lips

What about your genetic med brothers?
How med do I have to be to be here?
20%? 40%?

> Other Arabs seceretly and sometimes opnly hate you and sometimes they would opnly discriminated you in public
>be at the heart of the drama
>political setbacks which makes it hard to move forward
>have to deal with family members being killed
Nuke us already

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Lol he must be those inbred villagers, us city folk palestinians will take yo bitch and can still keep them blonde genes

Wow if this isn't the most beta shit ever. Any Palestinian child could whoop your ass lol. Grow some balls

Don't worry user, I like you Palestinians
and Israel is the ones who need a nuking

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Also have to deal with retarded Palestinians
Sometimes I feel like Israel should genecide half of Palestines in the world

Curious, what part are you from?


Disgusting weebfag diaspora

Ayyy my mum's side is from there. Baba's from Nablus tho

went to all of falastin this summer, was pretty fun and good food of course. Got some senpai in the west bank

What do you do with legs?

Fucj off retard mouro do caralho.Ja foste rezar à mesquita central de lisboa hoje?

Fuck off you fucking pathetic victimizing cunts.
I wish your whole fucking country was blown the fuck away and totally populated by israeilis.You and the lther arabs don't deserve a place in this world.

Fuck off

Ann an ainm a 'bhan-dia Calledih, mu dheireadh thall, cuiridh sinn às do bheatha agus bheir sinn sìth an t-saoghail a-rithist.


Just letting everyone know, this faggot is Angolan Diaspora


Esse é o teu método infantil para descredibilizar um post?Sou do distrito do Porto,perto de Amarante agora vai pa puta que te pariu seu retardado do caralho lisboeta

Se és do distrito do porto só podes ser aquele atrasado o pescador que passa a vida no luso a lember o cu da macaca brasileira lol

Understood. keep doing your good work.

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Mata-te judeu filho da puta, a tua raça é uma raça de parasitas que merece ser exterminada

Both side of my parents are from Yaffa
all the people that are from Yaffa at my age aren't bothering to work hard in their schools and just sit on their asses all day. They aren't trying to get a better future for themselves.

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Damn dude that sucks, my dads side is all educated and have high statuses and is pretty wealthy mA, but my mom's side isn't so much. My mom says it wasn't instilled in their youth like it was with my father. She's the only one with a degree. Regardless my mother's side is hard working class and most are upper middle class. My age group is in college.

Side note this is all in the USA and Palestine, I'm working abroad.

I have been friendly to Algeria since the last World Cup in Brazil. In and around the stadium they were pretty cool.

how are you doing my brown friends

woah my family are also wealthy. I really feel bad since my family lost everything from the war. And somehow they still managed to become wealthy. I don't know if I could ever achieve such thing and I feel like I don't deserve to be born as part of the family.

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I feel the same at times. I think it's just blessings man. Anyways we will figure it out for sure. I don't know what I am doing right now, but down the road I'll figure it out. After I graduate Imma bust my ass to build an empire like my family, you know? Travel and shit

Cant' vote silly, no palestine on the list. But I'm not joking it's the best. I have a bottle next to me as we speak from the motherland

I never tried foreign olive oil, so I'll abstain.

*Israel you meant sweety ;)

>Travel and shit
ayyyyy same.
I wanna travel the world
do you have discord by any chance?

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there's portugal on the list , just read -___-

You're the moroccan-turk, aren't you?

Arabs are not med

im chinese

I know silly, but how can I vote if I just tried Portuguese?

you never tried spanish or italian? !

/se/ is the answer.

No. Portuguese brands rule supreme here.

based tbf
i tried portuguese olive oil once, it was delicious with bread :d

If you are not him, then why do you type like him

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Do you remember the brand?

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wHaT dO I tyPe liKE?

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a friend from portugal gave me some from his family , it was not one from the supermarket

Ah nice.

Condescending mutt.
The Maghreb is filled with good history, art and culture.

>comparing an irrelevant island to a real country
mutt education

kek. With all this fucking whining ITT, it turned into a spin-off of mena.

Medder than you, Jimbo.

Malta isn't an irrelevant island though. It's pretty famous and well known despite it's size.

for touristic purposes yeah but living on a surpopulated island with tons of tourists isn't relevant

Chupa-me a piça mouro do caralho

we will make malta great again inshallah

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they already speak our language habibi

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Time to re-islamize them

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No im really happy to see their countries dying under SJW, faggotry and all degeneracies on earth, best feeling tb.h

I am mestizo but Med at heart. You guys are my ancestors.


Maltese people mostly still have dignity.
They're like christian versions of maghrebis.

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What did you eat today /med/?
I ate cooked mashed tomato with olives and makdus

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Bagel toast with goat cheese and peppers

>passed my first Midterm test
>18.5 out of 20
any success in your life /med/?

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Some fine British lads

As I've said before Mediterranean is a word middle eastern and Latin Americans use to sound good to white people and to pretend they are not Shitskin. This is no place for a southern European man such as yourself Malta. Let the north africans living in france and Spain argue over whatever version of the quran is best

das rite

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meds are truly the master race

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Greetings my fellow BLACK brothers

the Tunisian gfs

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Last time I checked, I'm in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.

yea, not being a weeboo

>American intellectuals

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Sorry shitskins, I'm too white for your gay subreddit full of weebshits and mudslimes. Sage

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ugly our girls in general are better looking than those and less whorish

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