French wins at the end
French wins at the end
screw french
America should become greater Louisiana
New England should be annexed by Quebec
I don't want to be "French American"
I want to be American French
Please no, french makes even less sense than english pronunciation wise.
won't happen though
English is well too cemented as the lingua franca, French will never replace it, nor any other language for that matter
>English tabloids are so insecure that they have to specify Macron can speak English
I refuse to utter that silly language.
Been a while since I've seen a genuinely RARE flag.
go home Nigel
It'll happen and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Just embrace your French overlords.
je servirai sa Majesté avec loyauté
Je souhaite la bienvenue à mes suzerains français
>Francophone countries
>some of africa, and a region of Canada
French is shit
t. threatened anglos
english is already the standard for international maritime, aviation and programming languages, too much effort to change any of that
english is the language of humans for our entire future
Lol shut the fuck up
not if america gets destroyed
t.Implying Sahara-nigger.
ITT: seething monolingual anglo brainlets
>the level of angL* butthurtness
I don't get this meme where people call Macron Jupiter.
Wouldn't it make more sense to call him Charlemagne?
Jesus fucking Christ, France. LET. IT. GO. The language war is over. We won. French will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER replace English, as the global language. Just accept it. Why do you as a nation, as a people, insist on exerting such mental and emotional effort into such an obviously fruitless endeavour. If it makes you feel any better, the domination of the English language has more to do with American cultural hegemony, than it does with us.
Fuck France. The only person from there who was loved by Poles was Napoleon, and he wasn't French.
tous les non francophones devraient être décapités
Because he called himself Jupiter during an interview
I support a francophone over an anglophone world.
Do you really think that French will surender to you ? Never give up
>they ACTUALLY think Macron would make a baseless statement
The fact that he has to do this proves that French is irrelevant compared to English which just spreads naturally by cultural global domination.
No, I don't want to learn French fuck that
>Do you really think that French will surender
nobody thinks that
if you don't feel threatened why did you make this long post? that's right, you know Macron can back his words up
>channel islands
U wot?
It's a start, a start is always good.
only way the french language makes a comeback is if its from africa
so whould you rather have a white majority speaking english, or a black majority speaking french?
Ikr that would be silly
pero espanol es la idioma del futuro
the filthy angl* will repent for his sins and join LA FRANCOPHONIE!
Daily reminder that Polish aristocracy taught French aristocracy how to use forks. They were barbarians before they established diplomatic relations with Poland centuries ago.
>Bunch of anglo colonies went on to form a country which speaks English
>implying Macron didn't secretly ally with Putin to destroy England and then annex the US
It's all going as planned
>cucked belgian that sides with their franco overlords
French? Isn’t that a language spoken in Afrika?
Why are the french the only ones who care about pushing their language so hard
Sore losers.
I love how frogs shit on English while speaking English on an english speaking imageboard. the lack of self awareness among french people is outstanding
better than being cucked by mutts
>30% of obese people in the UK KEK
>Dreams of French being the global language
>Dreams of reforming Islam through French civic virtue
>French becoming so polluted with English words that laws exist to counter English influence.
>Islam is putting France to the torch.
Sick burn!
French people are among the stupidest people I've ever met
It's all they have to offer the world and they still lost. We already go this, don't worry.
French in Sup Forums represent 0,000000000000000001 of French on internet
If I stop speaking the silly and useless gibberish that is the Sp*nish "language" and instead je commence à parler la langue française, will you welcome me?
woah it's almost like there's francophones outside of france....
Point is, a hubdred years ago french was still the language of diplomacy and culture. Do not be so cocky, what rises will sink again.
all FRENCH speakers are ubermensch mon frère
>t. Hamburger university dropout
>implying it won't be rising because of the ballooning African population that speaks French
>bowing down to *france* is more dignified than a superpower
Oh no! It's happeninggg... doit resist... NoOooOOoooOOOoOOOooOoOn!!!!!
Le français m'infecte!
Good, English is a better language.
English is already 30% french words anyway
itt: delusional frogs and crypto-frogs
I dislike you claiming Switzerland,Luxemburg and Belgium as francophone. Neither, except Belgium, has a big french majority. But I like your language purity councils desu.
excellent post
Anglo propaganda at its finest. We are a GERMAN and MEXICAN country
I didn't, I referring to Belgium exclusively. I know that Switzerland only has 22% Francophones
Yeah now.
Easier, not better. It is basically a pidgin language after all those conquests of Britain. Celtic,germanic and romance elements.
Smarter than you, Tyrone
I love how french people thin french language is still relevant
>befriending a powerful, distant, foreign power is better than befriending your bigger neighbour with common interests
Nigel, I...
>hamburger insult
Wow, very original Muhammad. Not that I would expect you to insult me with anything smarter
bande de petits cons vous y croyez vraiment vous ?
même dans nos anciennes colonies ils s'y mettent à l'angliche parce qu'ils sont pas trop cons pour capter laquelle est la lingua franca
maintenant faut arrêter d'être con, si vous pensez vraiment que l'on peut rendre au français son rôle par le biais de l'afrique ben putain vous vous foutez le doigt dans l’œil
Vous êtes dans le déni
Americans will end up destroying the English language before that happens.
>I am rustled we spoiled all dreams
fucking based
Celtic is virtually non-existent in English. In fact it's a major linguistic argument at the moment.
I call it “Bastardized German” with French words
Un seul avenir, LA FRANCOPHONIE!
I am just salty Hitler fucked up all dreams of better relations between german speaking countries forever
If only those teaching it wouldnt be so smug
my mum went to a french catholic school and those nuns absolutely hated everything about argentina
lmao sad attempt
nah, m8, that's not true, English pronounciation is way more fucked up
while French pattern are certainly weird, they're very systematic, once you know them you're pretty much set
50% of the English words have a pronunciation that can't be deducted from the way they're written
let's have a game: try to pronounce all those words the right way
protip: none of them rime with each others, despite all of them ending with "ough"[spoiler][/spoiler]
This is just sad desu
pajeetistan is unironically less foreign then to us then you "people"