Krautchan is dead.
Press F
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Spend every day of the last 5 years of my life there.
Admin team has grown out of KC, they lost control of the domain and think this is a good ending point.
precursor to the end of Sup Forums
What is the difference between krautchan and Sup Forums, the respective Sup Forums boards in particular?
8 years of my life, I grew old with Bernd and now I have no home.
when i got banned, it was my refugee camp :(
KC is slower, more personal and in general less about stupid memes and more 'quality' (though actual qualityposting has died long time ago).
It was really good. It was my social life more or less.
kcint wasn't 80% generals
sounds VERY gay lol
exactly what said. No fucking generals for the same people to keep circlejerking in. Also very few namefags.
I've been lurking since 2011
This is triggering me so hard
the era of ylilauta begins
heinrich is kill too
Ernst, please go.
autism and pedophiles
Enrst isn't suited for casual shitposting like kc was
Are you the Spanish Bernadette or hapa swede?
8 years of my life.
about time
I'm probably going to kys myself. I can't go back to 4kanker. Everyone here is young, I miss my chan for 30 y/o's.
I'm having an anxiety attack
Endchan xyz/kc/ has serious conversations
He finally succeeded. ;________;
This remains one of the greatest videos.
round 2 of 522
>made Russian honey cake
>was planning to do a recipe thread for Bernds
>KC died before I could post it
My last threda was about growing lion's mane mushrooms.
No more gardening threads.
No more homebrewing threads.
No more discussions about Ottoman industrial output during World War I.
Remember when Bernds played a SimCity 4 multiplayer region using Dropbox as the region/plugin folder, so every time you saved your city, it would sync for all other Bernds?
.net/kc/ seems to be the one. is Lambda's little tranny dictatorship.
Damn, I'm having Kuvalauta shutdown flashbacks from you cunts.
fuck kc, menes will rule the world
the age of assburger is over
Fucking loser xd
8ch is shit. It's just not the same without our russian bros.
Wtf, you've changed.
Its no time to rudeness
I feel like KC Sup Forums had a lot of people in their early 20s, myself included. The median age was probably 25
That feel when spent my 30th birthday on KC a few years ago.
it will be up again next week or next month
who the fuck cared
just a dead board with kusaba lmao kys
What makes you say that
good riddance
they range banned tuniisa
He's in the denial phase.
KC is much better than Sup Forums. It's not really that much slower but since it's not hosted on Sup Forums there's no edgy reddit kids. People are generally nicer, more serious discussions happen, but it's also somewhat more autistic.
What even is the point of that?
And why did 8ch rangeban Russia? I thought it was the ~free speech~ imageboard.
Where will assborgers go?
an entire chan, consumed by their autism
it's like watching a shipwreck and you can't look away
It was the original Sup Forums board. Many influential menes were borned there despite it's small size. Sweden Yes, Polandball, Proofs etc...
And the average age was mid 20s to mid 30s.
rip in pisses KC ;_;
not to mention the use of fucking national flags
this board sucks so fucking much
90% of the front page is fucking generals
jesus fucking christ
kindly go to /p/lebbit