Preposition + relative pronoun

>preposition + relative pronoun

I want to kill up with whoever came this

Attached: 1482566905399.jpg (600x418, 27K)

I don't even know what that means because I learned english from playing video games.

Attached: 1521242024186.png (748x753, 1.01M)

Same. Games and cartoons.

What? Example.

in which
of which
on which
to which
in such
in that
of that
up which
of those
and another fucktons of annoying and irritating phrases

>capitalizing common nouns

Attached: stnassar.jpg (1200x799, 153K)

How you about you give me an example in which you illustrate your point in such a way that makes it easy for me to understand

I would like to produce an example in which I can demonstrate this concept, but there are only a few that can do so effectively, of which none will be concise and simple to understand. I am typing this with a keyboard, on which are 26 letters and many other symbols. I am replying to a Qatari poster, to which I tend to explain this topic in such a matter that he is fully able to comprehend what I am typing. I type many different examples out, in that of a frustrated yet determined teacher, so you can know of that I write about. Learning the peculiarities of a language is like traveling on a road, up which are progressively more difficult obstacles, but the practice of the simpler ones make them easier to traverse. Of those that are challenging, practice will help to provide the skills necessary to learn this aspect of our spectacular language.



To which I reply, It's easier for Koreans and Japs to learn English, than for English speakers to learn Jap or Korean.


How can you say NEAsian speakers acquire English easier than vice versa when almost 90% of Korean and Japanese barely make sentence and still it's all incomprehensible gibberish? Even I'm not sure about whether my post is readable or not

*even now

배양 외부 구현

사망 전 성 전 국가 전 문화

인생은 빛에 한국에 대한 시작

서양인에 대한 인생은 출생에서 시작

리더는 사전 왕조의 생각이 필요

왕조 = 사전 + 의식 가입

Your English is good. I can understand everything you say. Meanwhile, when I try and speak Japanese, Japs can't understand anything I'm saying.

Try seven different cases and relative pronouns which morph depending on arbitrary rules and change trough tenses and where letters can morph because folk wanted to say things faster and easier a thousand years ago...

Attached: 1506987689288.jpg (300x300, 12K)

This. One of the reasons why I never got best grades in English was because I never bothered to learn shit that OP is talking about.

And my IT grades were shit because the MS Word tests were in Latvian and I couldn't understand shit.

GOOD American post

That's just because you haven't leaned Japanese grammar with some efforts.
I can't speak English, but understand relative pronoun sentences thanks to high school education.


호주 태생의 싱가포르 중국어

Alright (You) deserve it

nice post
already read the similar shit on scientific articles
everyone should stop doing this

Kenapa lu mau ngomong seperti itu?



Shut the fuck up you smelly little gook

> folk wanted to say things faster and easier a thousand years ago
Hey thats the core of some grammar rules for us too

>read like a motherfucker all throughout school
>on adult lit by fifth grade
>maximum bully but I know so many words and my grammar is impeccable
>95+ every English class
>actual mechanics of the English language never come up
>it's just reading and writing about what you read
>tfw had French language rules drilled through my head for 13 years and am not even fully fluent but got fuckall in English and know every mechanic and niche clause by exposure alone
feels weird
Canadian education is fucking garbage in general