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International #872
WW2, Japan & USSR/Russia
Bonjour. Can you spare a few moments to talk about the French language?
Europeans of Sup Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?
Strange laws in your country
Why do hate your homeland girls
God bless
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Do you think there are any adverse health concerns from masturbating?
I just bought a Montecristo cigare, about 250 euros just one
What do you think about the death penalty system? All cunts should abolish it?
Your cunt
Penis sizes world wide
What is Sup Forums drinking tonight?
Why are black girls generally more athletic than girls of other races?
How do I achieve immortality?
Be belgium
Im a US soldier deployed to Germany
There are many Forever Alone type girls here in Hong Kong who work from 9-7 and have no interest in finding a man even...
Why is India such a poor shithole? Literally worse than Africa
*Sends AmeriMutt to btfo Iran*
Why do Americans like India?
Yuropoors, pay your trainees!
Hows the weather down there manlet countries? ;)
Why do jihadist dogs tremble in fear against Italic people?
God damn it bros why do all the good men die
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1989.5
How conservative is Japan, South Korea and Asia?
/ita/ - Il Filo
What happens here?
Ur cunt
/esp/ - Hilo del Reino de España
Is this the worst flag in the history of mankind?
Post what ur doing right now
European lies and corruption
Finnish terrorist was imprisoned in Denmark
Kurva anyátok
Thank you for your free money
We finns will never give him to spanish authorities
Hear a slavic language
America Land of the Free, yeah not really
If I come to your country, they(your people) will kill me there or beat me or what will they do to me?
Is it true black girls are really strong and easily can overpower you and rape you? I've never met one but I heard this
What will Macron do?
Memes aside, what are your thoughts on this cunt?
How do I get a job at the Kangaroo sanctuary?
How did you meet your bf?
Ask a heavily drunk american anything
I actually got a tear in my eye while watching this...
Can we finally admit now that we got fooled and that Hillary probably would have been better if not the same
We are all different shades of brown
Tfw next monday China will start buying oil in yuan backed by gold
Sverigetråden - Ensamhetsupplagan
Your race
Iran was so cool before Muslims invaded
ITT: Sup Forums in 1000
What country has guys like this?
How are gay me treated in your country??
Annex us into the anglosphere
Why is a boring snow nigger shithole like Norway considered first world? There is no culture...
Do they like each other?
Tfw Europe will be non-European within your lifetime
Tell me about Singapore
Most British people live like this
Should 'American' even be considered 'English'?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Hello Canada
What would Australia and NZ look like today if the British had started colonization in the 17th Century like they did...
Why do italian diaspora see themselves as italians first, their adopted country second? Even after 3+ generations?
Why are you here on a Friday night?
Which place in Asia do you want to live in?
Evita Peron
Taiwan policewomen
Are Finns elves?
Korea, why are you guys so bad at electing presidents?
What are CHI's honest and true thoughts and feelings on Mexico and its people?
ITT: We post our 23andme results and make fun of each other
How are 175cm men treated in your country
1. Your cuntry?
Dutch "girls"
Feels thread
Hilo latino
Walk into you're room
I am 175kgs as of today, but I was only 136kgs a year ago. I have been superbinging for a while now haha
In retaliation of tariffs, the EU will restrict import of goods produced in key republican states
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
“Mongrel complex" (Complexo de vira-Lata in Portuguese) is an expression used to refer to a collective inferiority...
What is your country's opinion about soviets and Soviet Union?
The Portuguese armada just arrived at your shores
Where do you see your country in 2050?
Male hotness index
Kühle /nachtschicht/ /deutsch/
Is it true new worlders and 3rd worlders feel very inferior when they are near Europeans?
Can we have a beautiful Sup Forumsernational women thread
What do you think about Hungary and Hungarians?
American education
A neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the...
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition de la conduite
Sverigetråden - Asiatiska upplagan
/v4/ + friends
Third world shithole
Do you ever do some stupid shit when drunk and then regret everything same day/in the morning?
What's the Sup Forumsernational stance and shadman ?
Is it gay if I think Dutch guys are kind of cute
*spins around*
tfw no 15 yo Ukranian gf
1. Cunt
Portugal is weak?... That is incorrect
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1989.5
Second refugee wave started
Post em
Spain is an anti-democratic state that imprisons politicians just because they want the independence of Catalonia
Why is this board so racist?
That ''day'' is approaching
Would Hispanic America be First World if it had been colonized by the Crown of Aragon...
Here we discuss nations with self importance complex and generally very arrogant posters
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is your leader a living God?
What is Sup Forums's favorite Chinese dynasty and why?
Why do a lot of Asian guys always look like they play in a fucking boy band or some shit...
ITT: Thinks that would cause an outrage in your country, but are normal in USA
Dr. Curio rettet /deutsch/ land
What do you call this country?
Thank you allies, together we will make the r*ssian menace pay
Sup Forums rate my shaved head
How come Spain doesn't have any major far-right parties like most of Europe?
Post pics you took with your phone
Why do most popular apps or websites in western countries are from USA ?
Why do Germans hate USA so much?
/ITA/ - il filo
If your country doesn't appear in this list, it is a non-country
How do you call this in your country?
We roleplay our countries as they were in the 1800s
Muslims hate faggots and feminists
Why didn't sweden help finland during the winter war?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why isn't Spain a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world...
/v4/ + frens
Post ur cunt's Air-Force
Opinions on Sicily?
American Who Decapitated Tinder Date in Japan Was a ‘Spoiled Child’ Whose ‘Dream Was to Marry a Japanese Woman’
Street food of your cunt
/world of polska/
EU does not have a giant tech company like Samsung or Apple
Kill unarmed black child after talking him in the night
Browsers of Sup Forums
How will they be remembered? Especially their cultural output
I do know nothing about this country except they hate weab so much
Be french
For non-Americans who visited America: What's the weirdest thing you saw?
Explain yourself, Spain
Culture Pals - /cp/
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
User, we're going swimming, grab your speedo and come with us
This guy is an Argentine of British ancestry. His surname is Morgan
TL;DR - any tips for someone getting ready to move to a new country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Am i white?
Family tree thread
W-what if I don't want to speak French?
Why are American fat and stupid???
Süd-Tirol ist nicht Italien
At least i'm not Indian
1)Cunt reeee
Do you love kpop?
I doomed to live in Russial for all my life
If a uni student from the uk and I'm going to spend either a semester to a full year in brazil studying...
Map thread
Why do Americans fear the muttness?Why do they still try to deny it...
Hilo latino /lat/
Why don't they have pop-culture?
Poles stole Breslau from Germany
/gee/ Greece + Eastern Europe
Brazilian women are racist even against Portuguese, Spaniards and Italians
This is the land of my grandparents
/fr/ - le francofil
Which Latin American country is the safest for an American to live in?
User, stacy thinks youre a virgin... i-is it true?
Why does the UK hate blue collar workers?
1. your cunt
I hate them
Be me, 22yo college student, musician, for this threads sake, call me Tomoki
Wow, your spanish is really good
You get a cute Chinese gf, but in return you have to sell your soul to the PRC
Polish """""revolt"""""
1. ur country
Would you support EU united as a country?
Sup Forums is NOT a gay board. This poll will prove it:
Be French
/minions/ vormals bekannt als /deutsch/
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, dairy life, etc. of Japan
Something we can all agree on
What is it with Finland and cocks?
Now Japan minimum wage lower than South Korea
Are Malaysians the chads of Asia?
Do Native Americans still exist?
/lang/ – Language Learning General
Why do weebs love japan
ITT: Things you want to do but never will
1. You're cunt
Am I supposed to be proud of my British heritage...
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Police was shot in France
Many accouts say that the amerindians received the first portuguese with great enthusiasm, even giving them gifts
Tfw your leaders are so incompetent you'd be better off if a foreign power took full control of your country
Crackhead throws itself in front of a moving car
Herr doktor:
What's the first italian brand that comes to your mind?
Hey user, I'm your new neighbour. Wanna come over for a meal later on?
You'll never be 15 and in love
Dirty american mma sexpats
I pity UK
How can we get rid of all the eurocuck influence in latin america?
/savižudybė/ besišypsančio Daktaro leidimas
Why do they hate each other so much?
Post your favorite 3rd world country
/map/ - informative map general
Does your supreme court has any religious symbol?
What is the most popular non mobile platform for gaming in your country?
Someone has put a corpse on some air baloon in rio de janegro
150 whales commit suicide on Australia
Tfw you become the bull
Do you pay taxes for state propaganda?
Oh, how interesting, the French are protesting about working conditions again
When Game of Thrones will resume in one year, I will spoil this board...
Who is Sup Forums's favorite rapper?
Traditional Chinese houses look comfy
Russian school
ITT: Countries you think about all the time
Do you love Japan?
Kurva anyátok
Why don't more Asians look like this? What Asian country has the most people with this look?
You wake up today
Tfw you have missed out on teenage love
What do you think of china/korea phones?
Ask an American who just got to India anything
Your country
Do any other countries boil water in the microwave to get hot water...
Do girls in your country love asian men?
My favorite band is Depeche mode
Was he the last President who actually knew what he was doing abroad...
What do Japanese posters think about him?
/frühschicht/, nachhert irgendwann au amol /deutsch/
Post your results Sup Forums
Conservatives will defend the police who murdered this man
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do you and people in your country eat their steak?
Tfw there's nothing worse than being a paki/indian in the west ): we are the lowest on the social and sexual ladder
I like this meme
Whites are the Real Americans
The day Merigan /bantz/ won
Be american
Is your body ready for WW3?
Wake up
/Hilo Latino/
So my mexican frients, centrist and right wing have fucked over your country time and time again...
Most hated countries
Hey faggit, do you know French yet
Seriously, who likes burgers anyway?
Hello Sup Forums
White people getting bad grades
/ita/ il filo
What do you know about Portugal?
Sverigetråden - Fångad av en stormvind-upplagan
Demand for American Sperm Skyrocketing in Brazil
/v4/ + associates
I have done with this book
Is there a race more qt than native brazilians?
How did you meet your bf Sup Forums
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Truly an Sup Forums thread
Wanna work in, user?
Manlet metre
This is Important
Really makes you ponder
Ywn go back to 1970s ireland and join the provos
Holy shit
There are straight "people" browsing Sup Forums right now
1. your cunt
Post the best fast food from your cunt
Largest group of subhumans in your country?
Why do asians age so slowly and look young into their middle ages...
No identity
I will make Japan communist
/rus/ - Russia and friends
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone
What causes liberalism/leftism?
/ourgirl/ Lauren Southern calls Allah gay in Luton, England
In brazil even a 16yo kid can kill you in the most brutal and evil forms for a cheating in videogames
/ita/ il filo di umaru
Butthurt Portuguese
Sverigetråden - LUFupplagan
His language has grammatical gender
*Turns around*
Where does your cunt score?
This wouldn't have happened if the pasta was armed
Your cunt
Издaниe тюмeнcкoй дeвoчки, кoтopaя взялa и иcпopтилa caмy ceбя
/v4/ + lads
Do you have friends, Sup Forums? I don't
This is what kebab looks in england
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
If America split up tomorrow, and looked like this. where would you move?
Why do all Russians and Ukrainians look like this...
Do Europeans hate Russian people or just Putin?
Are people in your country redpilled on the shape of the earth...
Do japanese fear him?
1. country 2. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
Can we have one of those threads in which we show each other typical houses in our countries? I'll start
Can girls love other girls in your cunt?
English is the language of business, technology, and diplomacy
Why does Russia bully their slavic brothers so much?
Get to know a handsome muscle daddy on the internet
I love South Brazil :3 :3 :3
/fr/ Le Fil Francophone - Edition confite
So, I decided to move to Uruguay in this year's august
Post your DNA test results
Countries you hate SO MUCH you crave war with them just to kill their populace
Literal Translation of Country Names
How tall are you?
Even though they are stupid, Why don't they take effort to be smart??
Sverigetråden - Snöupplagan
How do you call this in your country?
Is this true that Macron is the new Teddy Roosevelt ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You wake up in Åland
Are the French people generally rude? Or is it just a meme?
How do we save Europe from the American menace?
Excuse me Sup Forums, are you aware that Portugal is SUEBI and GERMANIC?
Best poet from your country
Japan to hire 200,000 Indians
/ITA/ il filo
German payback for mistreating volga germans
Turkish subhumans attack and assault American citizens peacefully protesting on US soil
Most Hated Countries In the World
ITT post patriotic/nationalistic memes
How do you say "Monkey soup, a delicacy" in your language?
/flags/ + /extraflags/
Is Sup Forums white?
La creatura servitor de machina inteligente
Wow Europe really is progressive
Portugal is
Would the world unite to fight off an alien invasion?
What race has the most beautiful woman in the world.(serious mode)
卐völkisch卐 ehemals /deutsch/
Finland, what does this image do for you?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Your cunt
How do we make more weebs and pro-japan gaijins
Demands better border security
Wants French to be one of the three most spoken languages on Earth and return to international prominence
Relatively big country
Your country airline design
Your country
Why do white women tend to be sluttier than women of other races
/v4/ + orcs
Sverigetråden - Somaliaupplagan
/rus/ - Russia and friends
I’m a ginger, how would I be treated in your country?
You may only post ITT if your country has NEVER committed a crime against humanity
Why are East Asians so ugly and weak? They look like disgusting twigs made out of cheap plastic...
How many posters under Western flags are actually ethnic people?
What is your cunt's general opinion on Donald J. Trump?
Tell me about your personal reason for hating Russia
Why does the US force too much patriotism? It is the opposite of Sweden
How many interracial couples do you see each day?
Once a briton came to india and asked a hindu, "what's your holy flower?" "lotus", replied the hindu...
/lat/ - hilo latino
Señor cortes, should we really destroy these great monuments and replace them with shanty towns?
Finns are awake
Be ameripregnant
This is what average poles look like
Wait, what? Japenese have caucasian faces???
Will you support mr. Xi Jinping in his efforts to destroy Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and United States?
/ibe/ - /esp/ + /tuga/ Fio ibérico
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is it true that Southeast Asians are to East Asians what Middle Easterners are to Europeans?
Why Germans are so Mexiboos?
Should we keep rescuing people yay or nay
Why are Chinese woman so ugly??( ≥[]≤)//
Why do they do this?
Beautiful spring has come to lithuania
Are they asian?
Europe is Heaven on Earth
Why are they so fucking poor?
This is a normal happy family
1. ur cunt
How could you help the bees?
Big titties > Flat chest
If you had a daughter, would you allow her to have a black boyfriend?
Hmmmmmm? Is there an important day approaching?
Why Americans hate this?
We can all agree on this right?
So the why did they fuck off from *Taly
The mutts are sleeping! Let’s seize the opportunity
What do you think of gay marriage?
First name thread
Kurva anyátok
Sweden took million Muslims into the country
Japan carefully chose and only attacked military installations like pearl harbor for fear of civilian collateral damage
Do you love Japan?
We can all agree on this right?
Eyes of Sup Forums
Haiku your country
What would happen if i call a Jew kike face to face??
Why is Chile such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by dictator rule...
You were going to be reincarnated, had only a choice of being a mutt and suicide wasnt an option...
I'm a Nationalist
How do we save Japan?
1. your country
/sino/ - 中文
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why does the healthcare stii costs so much in the US despite so much public money going into it?
Why live and procreate...
Preposition + relative pronoun
Are Mexicans the worst posters in this board?
"Service Canada moves away from calling Canadians Mr., Mrs., or Ms."
Face app genderswap time
What's wrong with Americans?
Tfw i'm not too dumb for eu4
Which is the best city in Latin America and why is it the vastly superior Buenos Aires?
So you think FRANCE is weak, huh ?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/rus/ - Russia and friends
Hey Canada if you ever wanna join the US we’ll still accept you
Christianity is the core of European traditional culture
Why is this country so pro-American?
Why does Taiwan have their own flag?
Post your waifu
America isn't Angl-
Wow, Russian men look like THAT
Do you like "curvy" women?
Culture Pals - /cp/ Having a good time edition
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...