The Portuguese armada just arrived at your shores

The Portuguese armada just arrived at your shores.
>Your land will be taken out of you, they belong to the Portuguese crown
>You and everyone you know will be enslaved
>Your wife and daughters will be raped
>Your gold will be taken
>Your language, culture and religion will be forgotten in time
>You will forcefully have to adopt the Portuguese language, culture and convert to Catholicism
>You will work in some mine or plantation until you die
What do you do?

Attached: 1485058501489.jpg (1582x1180, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Your wife and daughters will be raped

Attached: IMG_8624.jpg (3072x2048, 2.36M)

Please spare us in South Brazil, we can help you agaisnt the índios :(

>Your wife and daughters will be raped

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i thought it was spanish


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Ai dios mio, el hombre blanco

Attached: 1521848065338.jpg (180x177, 27K)

None of this will happen to us because we did the same thing to everyone else. Plus we are the friends of Portugal!

The same word can be used to the old Portuguese fleet, Hiro. Portuguese and Spanish are very similar, hence the confusion. Now submit your waifu so the Portuguese merchants can sell her to an African Warlord.

Beh, just another Wednesday. We'll deal with you accordingly. We'll leave no hole unraped.

>Arctic Ocean

Third from the right is cute :3

Serious question, how did you fall so low man? What made your country go from the portuguese empire to what it is today?

The Eternal Anglo

I spot 2 qts

Take wild guess. Atlantic slave trade didn't end quite well afterall.

Attached: IMG_2378.jpg (2009x1419, 214K)

Not that far-fetched

Be realistic, there's no qties in that picture.

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Wave the union jack.

Welcome them with open arms as our longest and greatest ally.

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This one

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>The Portuguese armada just arrived at your shores.

We already won before it even started.

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>The Portuguese armada just arrived at your shores.
lol ok

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I thought you'd go for the one behind her. She has symmetrical face.

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The ((albanian)) under proxy trying this hard. Lost time,to find pictures and literally posting white meds, 1 or 2 not natives and some strange dudes, It must be hard have no heritage and be a shitskin like you are

Attached: albo_183.png (1025x480, 532K)

>"african"(caucasoid berber neolithic)


You would not got your independence throw a revolt so easily that's for sure, we are not those British cucks


Attached: images.jpg (429x343, 17K)

What are you so butthurt about? Jews and giorgians look like you. Are they "white"?

Attached: IMG_9168.jpg (1024x697, 257K)

That one is specifically for ssa.

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O Brasil foi por causa de um rei corno manso que gostava de chupar pirocas africanas, não de uma revolta

White is a made up term, so anyone light skinned enough that isn't asian should be white

They don´t sorry and
do they genetically cluster like me albo shitskin? no sorry again

Attached: pca_west_2DNA_sampl2000_6si485.jpg (4000x4000, 932K)

Para de te armares em branco, mouro de merda


try harder retard
L have been found in all europe, even in norway, england and germany.
haplomemes is not admixture

Attached: eurogbigkruns_kdmapl4_dna.png (1256x1240, 246K)

Pouco barulho escumalha immigrant

>L have been found in all europe
L1B wasn't.
It's pretty hallarious you're calling me a shitskin (even though I'm Russian) and albo when albos look just like you portugese. Amusing.

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>0.85 vs 0.06 for russians
Is your last name mourinho?

My first ever holiday was in the Algarve. It was lovely.

Were the locals quite morish for your taste?

Very. Very morish.

This is not the thread to discuss whitness. Fuck off

Have you ever see people from algarve (s. portugal) in your life? you have some mental issues, haven´t you? they have nothing in common with "moors", absolutly nothing

Attached: Algarve-portuguese_igm2ff5.jpg (967x571, 101K)

There's always a thread to discuss whiteness. It can be done in any thread. I prefer this one.

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Think again you Moors.

Attached: salina-cruz2.jpg (1600x1149, 267K)

*sinks your fleet*
*steals your colonies*

nothing personal hermano

Attached: de ruyter.webm (970x400, 2.9M)

That's some lifetime memories mate
Can't see faces mate. U got a high quality pic?

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Holy shit this Albanian fuck literally lol never fails to be butthurt limão, his mom literally was a shit-cleaner in Italy and Greece

Are you sure?

Attached: Cucks BTFO.jpg (1263x624, 268K)

>low runs
>deep runs

try k36 (the best one) or k15 and so on. And some are inacurate as fck, 23 and me is good tho.

Calm down Jaõ, I'm just asking fore a pic of white portugese. If you have one. For me you look like georgians/jews/balkanites/some livantines too. For americans you're all white but for euros... heh

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Portugal are our bros.

Attached: Spanish invasion of Portugal.png (329x1222, 270K)

wtf she is so specular

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>White is a made up term

It's made up but it has consistent and easy to remember criteria.

Look how quick he replies, he has photos of meds categorized and numbered in his PC haha, what a fucking loser
No matter how much you shitpost you are still an Albanian

23andme hides a lot of North African though. Incudes in "Iberian" instead. Portugese results are rare af.

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>cherrypicking the battles you won

Face it Paco, we stole a shitload of colonies from you

Nah I'm just interested in this stuff. I have folders for any ethnicity. It's called ethnography. Have a ginger m8

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>>cherrypicking the battles you won

That's every country ever.

You are literally posting white meds , whta's your deal with that? are you so much inferiority complexed?

>Giving replies to the Portuguese autist moor that thinks that Portugal is white
You are new on Sup Forums aren't you?

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>Spends hours shitposting against meds
>Is an Albanian

oh mah lawd, you are quite the retard, have the greeks fucked you so hard m8?

you feel need to shit in every thread ?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

That's enough for me. Portugal is white

Yeah, half of them look white. Such an accomplishment.
This one is nice. What town?

Some of them are clearly not natives, the other's just atlanto, and med phenotypes but go on crazy guy, keep on your obsession with us. It's laughable

Do you ever sleep dude? Stop the stalking.
The guy in your pic is some mentally challenged mutt, half hohol to boot.
White and suebi.
Albanian, portugese... what's the difference?

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At least post crowds

Attached: 012020Portugal_lisbon0portuguese_m.jpg (640x480, 101K)

I do post crowds, lol. Is this guy native btw?

Attached: IMG_3495.jpg (1064x1600, 243K)

Where do you get this pics from?

I regret to inform you the autistic empire obsessed portuguese are at it again.

All portuguese are whites (european) of course,that's an historical, a genetic,cultural and civilization fact. Only crazy people and bait still speak about any of those stuff.

Attached: portuguese728_10.jpg (600x450, 52K)


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Think about it dude, int makes fun of finns not being white because of their slightly asiatic look and they're only 6% asian on average. What makes you think that 10% of berber DNA can't make you look like a slightly diluted version of an algerian?

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>The guy in your pic is some mentally challenged mutt, half hohol to boot.
fits for you

foda-se que autista do caralho, literalmente quase ninguem nessa foto é nativo


I'm not that autistic moor and you didn't answered my question
>Só ha ai 1 branco


Isso são imigrantes como tu seu boi

Attached: portugal_port993U.jpg (640x428, 332K)

No hohol in my lineage
Native and dark-looking, like georgian :D
I know how to use google.


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Tens autismo

Para de responder ao Putin, ele também posta no Sup Forums

How'd you tell apart portugese from an albo? And why albos are bad, they're basically greeks by genetic? Thats rethorical, you can't answer that anyway.

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No portuguese marks 10% berber, in iberian peninsula it's 2% - 7% (and is not even connected with the moors) but with ancient populations (pre history). Why do you think we are only close other europeans genetically?

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I haven't seen the dude you're talking about for months now. I think he has given up.

>P-Por Favor, nós somos branco!

Epa que autista patetico, caiem em qualquer bait.

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>I have folders for any ethnicity

Shit quality. Second attempt.
As you can see they can be modeled as 85% Spanish from aragon (whites region where spaniards reside) + 15% berber.
I know most of it isn't moorish. Never claimed otherwise. You have indeed absorbed sephardic jews though.

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Central and north west europe is almost 10% west asian /syrian, turkish cauc) and why don´t you post about that? we all know why shill, because you have inferiority complex about iberians, because of our history and glory

Attached: 0Vdna_1anatolianyri.gif (800x581, 90K)

Jesus the Portuguese dude always posting the same shit about genes in EVERY THREAD. Falling for EVERY BAIT.

Attached: 1464118493080.gif (633x758, 9K)
It's in a range 3-6 for most euros, what are you talking about? Besides, when you meet a person you don't see their fucking genes mate. You see a face.

Por que diabos vocês são tão obcecados com brancura?

Ele é suebi

Attached: 84843271ad19d5e7f68149039f277a1f1ff71d60761aa1dd224fb57df8cb7671.png (800x650, 702K)

É apenas o emigrante brasileiro weeabixa

How do young people who travel for work to Northern Europe feel about being nonwhite?

Mouros com complexos. Os que são realmente brancos só shitpostam como nós.