How do I achieve immortality?

How do I achieve immortality?

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With blood and stone mask

You gotta have something to trade in

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Sorry, can't remember

protip: You already are. This universe is cyclical there is no beginning, no end. Just like day and night is no beginning and no end one follows the other. The heat death of our universe follows a big crunch and then a big bang until you are where you are here again. We are doomed of living over and over in diffrent forms until we reach nirvana. This knowledge is common among all ancestor religions from Paganism to Hindusim to Shaminism of Aboriginal Australians. It is just supressed by the death cult of Abrahmism.

Watch this if you don't believe me;

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why would you want to live forever
when love must die

>living this shit hole planet forever.

no thank you.

Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour and he shall grant you life eternal.


Serious answer
extending telomeres in chromosomes while maintaining necrosis (with continuous receptor chemical intake externally maybe)

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You think dieing will save you from being reborn on this rock? Lul

>the virgin vampire
>the chad HAMON

What you just said literally makes no sense scientificly

*tips fedora*

full reset = another person
you can even say people who have long term amnesia are just other people

These are biologically immortal(no increase in mortality with age).

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Won't work because natural radiation will keep inducing small errors into the genetic sequence that will over time amass into such a mess the organism cannot contunie proper operations. Telomeres only reduce the amount of mistakes during the DNA-replication process. Truly "immortal" organisms like the Jellyfish that goes through repeated metamorphisis has a way to reverse it's genetic sequence back to the original, I'm afraid this is simply unfeasable given the complexity of the human genome.

Ok take it with mathematics again. If you assume my assumption correct that the universe is cyclical and a heat death is followed by a big crunch die to how time and space works (which we don't fully understand) then it is simply a matter of time until every atom in the universe reaches the same arrangment by pure chance that lead to your conciousness. It might take multiple googols of years but in an infinite universe that's irrellevant.

Why would you want to? Life is already depressing enough as it is in an average timespan of 70 years. People chase over immortality because it's unattainable and people love chasing after things they can never have but in reality most people don't really want immortality.

True. But a part of "you" will always exist on this rock no one even knows if reaching nirvana will allow your entire being to leave the cycle.

look how shit they look. here's where i play my favorite song

They might not be. We simply haven't seen a molerat aged older than a few decades because natural predators get them eventually. We don't know what effects natural DNA damage due to natural radiation has in a span of a 200 or even 1000 years.


The most depressing fact about this is that I'm doomed to repeatedly shitpost with you Q*tari cunt cycle after cycle. Fucking shit.

btw this one of the things i can be totally heretic about: i hate Heaven
the whole idea of eternity in Light (or in Dark which would be Hell) abhors me. it's incredibly boring
God might as well promise me eternal oblivion after i get some sort of resolution of some kind, like a dream or a nightmare, actually even skip that. eternity of good things sucks and ancient people are dumb for not realizing it

There is nothing more dishonest and cringy that saying that you don't want to live.The mere fact that you are able to type it proves that you are lying. Dying isn't hard

This existance might already be heaven or hell if it is truly cyclical. We cannot fathom something existing outside our universe if a "life" or something completley alien to us exists beyond it.

Because killing yourself takes effort and a person who's unmotivated enough to live, is probably also not motivated enough to kill himself.

there is such a thing as "living too much", you know?
then again, yeah we're hardwired to cling on and even the most suicidal person doubts and despairs before doing it

well that depends on your definition of "Death" as ceasement
if something stops, it stops. i'm not gonna be materialistic about it but for me True Death as in "God says 'alri lads' and shuts down the lights before leaving the room" is full stop of Life and Force, it's a cease of thought and spirit
so yeah has Death ever happened? i don't know, for i am not the Alpha and Omega, the Last that becomes First

Through influence you dork. Make a major contribution to human knowledge/achievement and your name and influence will live on forever (well, maybe not forever-ever, but for as long as there are people). da Vinci achieved immortality, Plato achieved immortality, Newton achieved immortality, ect. That's your best bet to living forever.

Btw. Have you already found one of your previous lifes? I have. I legit started crying like a little girl when I discovered it, when I was standing upon "my" grave. It all felt so increadibly real I threw up, it was also my second "out of body experience"

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Stop screeching about radiation because it's not of any concern actually(if that was the case, just fucking shield you and you're immortal kek). DNA is damaged mostly through errors in replication. And finding a way to regenerate telomeres WILL work. This is how some organisms are biologically immortal.

>I'm afraid this is simply unfeasable given the complexity of the human genome.
It's not about "complexity" of the human genome, it's literally on the same level of complexity... It's about cellural biomachinery.

>We simply haven't seen a molerat aged older than a few decades because natural predators get them eventually.

It doesn't need to age for more than a few decades, if it's already there then they're completely unlike any other rodents which would have shown obvious signs of ageing. And predators have nothing to do with that, the animals we have data from were kept in captivity. It's also consistent with our knowledge about their active DNA repair mechanisms, they rarely get cancer and stay fertile even when really old.

>previous lifes
dude, no
that's schizophrenia in its most raw defintion: split concept of self. you are not those experiences, the same way you are not Henry at "Hardcore Henry" movie or the main character at CoD or any other first person videogame
just... no. they're just pieces of information that went into your brain, they're dreams of other people. they're your heritage ghosts
really dude. this is you now. You're the man now, dawg

OOBE literally doesn't exist, it's just a dream.

>killing yourself takes effort
Not really. Going for groceries take more time and effort than killing yourself
>there is such a thing as "living too much"
Really doubt it. I guess old people who don't want to live are more tired from illness and pain (prolonged physical pain is actually much harder to deal with than mental one) than life itself

Immortality consists simply in understanding that within You there is no one who lives. Therefore, there is no one to die either. Just like in one famous song "People don't live or die, people just float". I don't know if you're immortal or not, user. Go ask yourself.

I'm sceptical about it too but in my view there is so much overlap between us for me to consider it pure chance or even an "ancestor ghost" because we share absolutley no bloodline. Here I'll share my previous identity with you: "Erich Kästner" (pic related) We have the exact same thought pattern, we have the exact same mannerisms the same manner of walking, we share our profound belief in "anti-millitarism" and he died of esaphagous cancer, which still haunts me since I have regular heartburn since age 8. I feelt all the pain of "my" cancer again, which is why I threw up.

This is also not were the simmilarities stop; His mother: Exactly like my mother, his relationships the women he has been with, exactly like mine in every regard, almost even in looks. His love for poetry and writing, I share that, I remember all his poems as if I have written them myself.

It might be shizophrenia true, but what if it isn't? Then I would have discovered "my previous life"

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>25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
>26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
>27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
>28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

>Not really
Except it actually does require a ton of effort. Physical and emotional effort. It also depends on where you're living, some areas have access to guns some don't. People like in the case you're talking about are just unmotivated to do anything.

alright, that's some similarities
now tell me the differences

Please take your schizophrenia to it's appropriate board

>Out of body experience
>cyclical life
Nice pseudoscience you got there buddy

He's German, I'm Turk-Iranian. He lives in Germany, while I live in Austria.He is a professional renown writer and poet, while I'm only an amateur who peaked with one prize during high school. He studied German, history and philosophy, while I only do it as a hobby and currently study pharmacy in university. He was a binge drinker, while I only drink sprakling wine and hate all other forms of alcohol with a passion. He smoked while I quit 2 years ago for good and hate it with a passion now.

see? you're a total different person. be free of the anxiety of destiny and make your own mistakes like posting deep shit on an ainu ninja scrolls internet board

I don't feel much diffrent. Only diffrent in the regard that he followed his passion while I had to abondon mine because my parents would not let me become what I wanted to be and that I changed "my" attitude to drugs after drinking and smoking has literally killed "me"

alright, though that's like saying "i became pacifist after i got shot and left to die several times on Battlefield 3"
[spoiler]which btw hopefully was the intention behind all those war videogames [/spökenkieker]
if it makes you change for good, then good

I agree it sounds absolutley and completley bonkers and that I have exactly 0 evidence for my claim other than asumming we share a connection due to the amount of simmiliarties. However, there is so much in this universe that is left unexplained such as it's origin, conciousness etc. What we claim to know today may possibly be as false as the assumptions ancient greek philosophers had, though they did so rationally and observed as best they could with the little tools they had. We claim to know that the universe will experience a heat death, not knowing what came before the big bang and where existance comes from. Maybe I'm shizophrenic and lost my mind, maybe I'm onto something. We shall see after death or maybe not if you are reborn with amnesia of your previous lives as I see it.

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eat yourself

Through your work and family.

>clinical immortality in a shell that's not suited for it
absolutely revolting, even singularity fags are superior to this faggotry

Hope for science to find a way to prevent or repair:
>cell loss and cell atrophy
>death resistant cells
>mitochondrial mutations
>intracellular junk
>extracellular junk
>extracellular crosslinks

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And then what? Eventually a human turns into hedonism and kills himself on an overdose of drugs after he has done and learned everything there is to do.

it's impossible to do and learn everything
but in hundreds of centuries there will probably be drugs that give you pleasure in a way that makes you more functional

1. Make homunculus
2. Pay someone to transfer your brain and rewire it to the homunculus when your body becomes too old
3. ??????
4. Profit

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The reason why everyone isn't killing themselves on a overdose on heroin right now is because they have to do something or be there for somebody. If you remove this when they have done that something or that somebody no longer needs them the human loses the reason to live and devolves into satisfying his primitive directive; getting pleasure which will eventually lead to his death either by accident (if trough sport like climbing) or by overdose (if through substance abuse)

okay lol have fun killing yourself

>implying the soulless minions of orthodoxy will ever let anyone achieve that

>implying there's a big bad evil cabal suppressing scientific research