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Do you love Japan

of course

I haven't fapped in like a week and woke up with the biggest morning wood i have had in years.
Almost came just by touching it, NoFap is very difficult

>I haven't fapped in like a week and woke up with the biggest morning wood i have had in years.
I-I want to see it

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Wtf that's not a finnish flag

It's very gay to ask to see someone elses hard penis

There is nothing gay about it, it's not like I wanted to fap to it or anything

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Silly hes not the only one here

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I'm uncut anyway, you'd probably not like it, it doesn't look like the ones in your hentais

that's even better desu
mutilated cocks are disgusting

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cuck girl

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Even then there's a few of us ;^]

I want rub mine against user's cheek and lips.

I want to rub mine against anons cock


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I want to use mine to play drums with user's cute buttcheeks and poke him on his button.


I can be your whore ;3

Is your cock mutilated?

These threads are honestly probably more on topic of the OP than 90% of this board

If I can pay you with dick and semen. >:3

It's lovely

who wants to taste my kebab?

Oh I'm cheap that can be arranged ;)

No. One of you called me names when I said Australia doesn't want Syrian refugees.

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mee too