Why do Germans hate USA so much?

Why do Germans hate USA so much?
Americans love us and have always been nice to us

Attached: Germany-USA.jpg (400x320, 78K)

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verzieh dich und nimm deinee vater mit über den teich, jeremy
du wirst nie deutscher sein

English please

>Americans love us and have always been nice to us
wrong, fuck off hans

weil Amerik*ner sind gay

Don't know, i love you guys thou.

America just hate everything, don't they?

not true. you guys really love us for some strang reason

Kek, i just assume this was the standard threat layout of the internet: "why USA is bad and/or arrogant"

But i don't like the Americans either?

Wusste ich doch, dass du ein Besatzerkind bist

I mean considering so many germans came to America, those guys must have been hated in their homeland to come here

Wusste ich doch, dass du ein Besatzerkind bist? Pathetic, to those who still believe that.

why dont you like Americans?

I think they hated being religiously persecuted

>google this

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die russen sind schon lange fort, wann gehen die amis?
bist doch bestimmt der ami der in dänemark lebt

It's weird. Germans on Sup Forums used to be cute, harmless, funny guys but since about 2015 they've become increasingly butthurt and anti-American.

greetings fellow Amerikaner

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>they dont like us/dont agree on some points with us
>that must mean they are bad people

We are not bootlickers, also keep in mind that Sup Forums always has been anti american and anti imperialism, dumb retard

Germans are bootlickers
When daddy Trump threatend sanctions, Altmaier hurried to Washington to beg for exceptions, since Germany has always been a good vassal of USA

thats not sanctions idiot

Probably the refugee crisis.

you are still bootlicker though

I understand them. Nothing against America, but would you like it to have German bases in your country.

Too bad, they shouldn't have started two world wars. And relatively speaking, they got off easy--the French wanted Germany simply Balkanized and removed from the map.

Burgers killed Europa in the wwii when they joined forces with the commies

Because I pressed refugees that the United States generated in large quantities to Germany

>have always been nice to us
we destroyed your country twice in the last century

Americans don't like Germans though.

Weird since America protested harsh treatment of Germany after both WW.

>Americans don't like Germans though.
t.Pedro Johnson
Can't fool me, Mexi-Saxon.

I am sorry that my people hate you so much

Germans are a savage race bent on the wholesale destruction and subjugation of Europe and the world. The biggest mistake we've ever made was letting them out of their Cold War cage by supporting unification.

do you really believe that?

I hate the fact you are right op.
For whatever reason there’s quite a few people here who like germany. But we are some of the most hated people there. What’s the point of going somewhere people will hate you.

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Germans hate America, not Americans.

For me they are okay and sometimes I don't get people who hate them for whatever reason. I don't like Trump and his politics though. And I'm not a Putin chill for Merkel lover either.

I'm totally fine with Americans and you are quite bro. But these sentences will make me hate you at some point. Why do you even wonder? If you seriously believe this, you need help.

>be American
>teach us to be progressive and anti-racist
>Trump comes into power
>we are most progressive place on earth
>Trump: Look at Germany, this is terrible
>Trump: Evil German Companies and their cars
>Trump: tariffs and trade war evil Germans
>this double standard
It's the American Government though, I can't blame ordinary people though who might think otherwise

>OP asks question in English
>gets replies in German

every fucking time.

Take some fucking time to learn the English language you fucking handicapped morons.

need help?

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we never taught you to be anything, you're not children.

take a history lesson.

there are German troops in the US.

bc most americans are germans?

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only mindless upper middleclass autists from the progressive states "like" us. Americans naturally look down on us and quite dislike or despise us. Silent or loudly, depends on the burger. Hence why I and most of the people I know hate them.
Although the average america-hater here only hates the country and not the ppl.

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Maybe they're just not cucks and use their mother tongue instead of their colonizers tongue?

Yes please. OP is a fag.

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need 2 more?


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Well I'm just some Argentine so this is a shot in the dark but what if:
>Germany after wwII
>the war is finally over
>Thousands of German families lost their loved ones, they were killed by ruskies or were taken as prisoners
>German soldiers that did survive we're shown what they did to the prisoners and have to live with the guilt that they were part of that forever
>Country in shambles
>It's finally over,the worse is over, though it will be tough they can rebuild
>Many will resent the Germans but honestly it could have been worse
>There have been worse dictators
>Hell,Stalin from the same time period,on the opposing group from the germans killed 6 million more people
>Besides people will know that not all Germans agreed with Hitler
>Possibly the first war the USA was part of where they fought for something noble and admirable instead of invading and robbing from weaker country,or the natives(even the first few wars were a bunch of traitors to the country that were tired of being plebs)
>Even though the USSR and UK were the ones responsible for ending the Third Reich the USA convinced the world that they saved the day with minor assistance from others
>Start mass producing comic books,novels,movies/movie tickets, history books,etc glorifying the USA and demonizing Germans
>Up to this day Germans are the media's villains in pop culture
>When someone mentions Germany those who hear automatically think about Nazis and it's the United States'es fault
>They became a joke for lazy writers

Did they sit your country down in the bad boy corner to think about what you did?of course they didn't idiot they didn't teach you shit,they don't care

wtf is this logic


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I don't hate Americans, I just hate Trumpcucks.

America is an amazing country, I've always enjoyed visiting.

>we destroyed your country twice in the last century

You liberated us from nationalist scum. Your ancestors gave their lives so we could live in peace and harmony today, and I am grateful for that.

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>America is an amazing country,

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Germans are the most bullied group on Sup Forums.

>let me tell you about your country

Maybe I'm biased because I spent an entire school year in the States a few years ago, and while some of the memes are true, I loved every second of my time there and I met so many extremely likeable and great people over there, I still keep in touch with them to this day.

Americans have destroyed my country and my people but that's not why I hate them. I hate them because they are the most empty, the most disgustingly unspiritual beings in history, the most ignorant "humans" imaginable, but calling them human is an insult for they lack everything that makes a human human bar the biological essentials. Americans have transcended being human, but not in a good way, they haven't evolved, instead they have devolved into being antihumans, yes in fact their whole existence is a rejection of humanity but ironically they even lack the consciousness to realize that and at least embrace their lack of humanity. In short, Americans have no souls and they are the role model of everyone who wishes humanity to become like that, soulless monsters. That's why I hate them, that's why they repulse me.

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you were treated differently because you were an exchange student. But that isn't the real face of the American.
If you have to work with them on a professional level, you'll start hating them

You're going to run into horrible people no matter where you go, sub humans literally exist in all peoples.

>posting memes as a point
You are clearly a child wtf

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Maybe you just aren't very likeable, user.

Everybody hates us. That's what happens when you're #1 and people think they can do your job better.

you shouldn't mix profession with feelings user

you probably went to the right state(which one?). I've heard some semi-believable stories about exchange students from here getting treated like shit . Or you're just lying.

they say "it's lonely at the top" for a reason

I think there is a simpler explanation. Sup Forumsmericans worked tirelessly to ruin your reputation, and the pushback comes with a hefty dose of collateral damage.

Hey, we are NUMMER EINS. Nobody besides Germany is WELTMEISTER. Chanellor Merkel, leader of the free world, is going to teach Americans a serious lesson.

Attached: American soldiers and Japanese women just hours after the last nuke was dropped..jpg (1972x1567, 175K)

>you probably went to the right state(which one?)

South Carolina.

An extremely valid point. It's all very complicated, but I try to make a complicated situation digestible in something less than a 30 page thesis accurate weighing all the points why we're losing the propaganda war - even though it's quite obvious we're a force for good. (I cite all of human history and its conflicts)


why is it that we always have to turn such simple things into serious long-ass discussions?
Is this the aryan power?

We're the only reason the commies didn't march all the way to fucking Lisbon

>even though it's quite obvious we're a force for good.

You aren't. You have the habit of overthrowing and destabilizing other countries to this day, and you brush it off as American exceptionalism.

We are philosophical people. Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno,... all are German.

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You didn't watch Team America, eh? At the end they still save the day. Considering the global history of humanity, that is a huge step.

I like to confuse movies with reality too. Makes me feel good about life.

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There's literaly nothing wrong with that
It's a single thing so it should be described using a single word

Because, and you'll start to get this if you ever leave your base, we're a rejection of the German ideal.

Germans need everything to be super planned and thorough. All ideas need examined and the best route chosen. Success comes from hard work, good planning, logical reasoning, and having a good team.

America is the most successful country in history and we've completely been winging it. We absolutely make this shit up as we go and everybody knows it. We champion risk and competition that bulldozes through careful plans and ideas. We think nothing of completely abandoning an operation halfway through to switch to something different to achieve the same goal.

This triggers the Kraut.

It often helps you to get a more realstic approach to reality though. If you compare America to other major political players in the past they are way more civilized.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at ancient warfare or that of the early modern period.

>America is the most successful country in history
most succesful at destroying nature, other countries, wiping out other cultures and turning its own population into easily controlled mart-sharting retards. the only "goal" the us have ever reached was making 1% of their population incredibly rich on the backs of the rest of the world while their proud 56%er underlings stand and clap while begging for scraps.

Germans hate everyone.

So, how do way differ to us though?

I like you

Then you are not a true German.

yes we are all robots. pls join our hivemind

modern day "germany" doesn't except in that it's an inferior copy

isn't the americano dream alone like borderline german autism?

>Success comes from hard work, good planning, logical reasoning, and having a good team
This is just common sense not our ideology

fuck you fatty McLiar
Burgers don't even see us as human beans

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10/10 for not going to fucking New York, Texas, or California. I'm thrilled you got to go to a state that's actually relatively similar to like 90% of the rest of the country.

Everybody likes Germany and Germans hate everybody.

At least this is what the polls show.

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I just don't see any significant difference expect we are smaller and more often fuck up than America (Kaiser Willi Zwo, Adolf)

but that's a lie. Even immigrants inside of this heckhole hate us, while most people here suck brit, french, other euros, russo and US cock.

The American dream is just having a good job with a good family and your own house with as few neighbors as possible/all of your neighbors are cool people. It's kind of universal, not sure I'd say it's an extreme of anything, much less Deutschtism.

everyone takes risks and goes tactical at the same time. Do you think germans calculated their way through the world wars or that americans literally built their nation on random chances?
Goddamn yank b8s are shit, and that's not even your own. You took that from the "brief lesson of german history" video.