legalise rape edition
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first indian claiming flag
makes me hard thinking about how 90% of rape victims orgasm from it
why do indians smell?
start licking toads
the lads at the Russian embassy are a right laugh
only good anglo is the dead one
me first putin
*continues to breath*
heh nothing personal kid
Based Russia
stop the act we know you love us really
I'd be visiting frequently if you legalise it.
get anxious when spending my toilwages
He used to brag all the time about his time in NI. Did documentaries and all on it as if he knew anything about the place.
Starting to get worried now aren't you, you little AIDS-riddled vatnik?
Not seen a good bollock smashing post in ages
>r*ssians talking about rapes going unpunished
wish all poor people would die, they're killing our nation
Agree with this post.
There must be poor so there can be rich
got a body like a wet sandbag full of cottage cheese
americans in the 19th century were the pinnacle of european genetics
they degenerated completely in the 20th century
err alri may
2, 1
(factually objectively correct rating)
>alan deletes his post
ahhhhh yes
It didn't have to be this way...
fact: mi6 killed Rasputin who prevented cuck tsar from going into war
fact: George didn't let cuck tsar and his family move to Britain because he was afraid that "revolution would follow them"
fact: monarchy belongs to guillotine
conclusion: kill all anglos
Because of moist food and high in spices diet.
because we have nose duh
oh you're not russian you're a jew
*stops talking to you*
Es bleiben im Raum: Thailad, Beto, Algerian und Vietlad
ah yes, the famous "i'm not a nonce" alan
Also this proves nothing, do they even have expensive schools in Isaan?
elaborate on your perfidious brutality philosophy please Alan
Sup Forums is making fun of us brits again
Read the great divorce lad
Replace 'hell' with 'england and English culture'.
yo alan what the fuck mate
>MI6 killed Rasputin
the reason alan hates brits is because the anglo mentality is one of protecting and caring for children, we get very defensive about kids, whereas alan preys on children and sees them as sexual things- this is why alan and brits will never get along
haha you look 14 haha
haha wouldn't it be funny if you wore a schoolgirl costume hahaha like for a laugh haha
>the anglo mentality is one of protecting and caring for children
*extremely loud laughter heard from the rest of the western world*
nonces should be strung up and skinned alive
*global snookerface*
England is lost.
stay still anglo
someone post the list of rape gangs
Sweden is lost.
the ordinary briton is more defensive about children than most other people, it's why we're so prudish and molly-coddle our kids
the main types of people who prey on children in the UK are either third worlders or the elites (who are very rarely british, but usually of French or German ancestry)
*fifth westminster pedophile investigation closes without a conclusion*
here we protect children
Genuine made me laugh.
She was told she looks 15 by a street food vendor we went to hence the private joke.
it's not the ethnic brits doing the raping
Agree with this post mate. Brits *ignores Rotherham* would *ignores Rochdale* allow *ignores Peterborough* anyone *ignores Telford* to *ignores Oxford* harm *ignores Manchester* our *ignores Bristol* children *ignores Aylesbury*
ah yes a private joke, not a nonce are you alan
absolute freak
Peterborough mentioned
Not thirdwoelders, pakistanis.
Also ahem ahem Jimmy saville, all the nonces in football, and millions of others.
Noncery is an anglo-pakistani thing.
yeah just the ones letting it happen
>alan is a 40 year old man dating a 20 year old who looks 14
>says he isn't a nonce
saville was a roman catholic, probably of irish descent
yeah you're really defensive about children except when something good is on telly, or when another bit of news comes along, or sometimes you just don't feel like it. the "defensive" attitude is nothing more than virtue signalling, a quick warning shot that never accomplishes anything but lets you feel like you're protecting someone somewhere.
white males
Where would you move?
What about Adam Johnson, that man city youth coach, etc. Etc. You either make generalization and all English are nonces or you have a nuanced view of things and it applies to all the people in the world. Can't have your cake and eat it too sunshine.
springtime for amerikkka and drumpff
naisssaar sounds cool
See this road on which I walk on paved with the tears of my blood, illuming the augur of my success. Hark and behold and hark again as verily I do not speak with the slithering tongue, but with my eyes blinded from the darkness of absence of the primeval man.
can't understand these jfs who plonk themselves down in /brit/ and just passive aggressively snipe and whinge about britain all day
i wouldn't go to /cum/ or /eire/ and do that because i don't give a shit
can you tell your mates to fuck off back home
You're the ones starting shit. I always come in peace tbqh.
chicks with dicks
this is literally the way i see the world
>and your other gun
The mid-afternoon sun streams through the futuristic reflective glass at a restaurant in Northern Germany. It is about 5 o’clock, so naturally many locals have begun to arrive for a quiet, relaxed, dinner.
I’m seated at a table with my cousin, Alfred*, almost five years my senior, discussing politics while quietly sipping a glass of wine. No one dares to raise their voice above a soft murmur, even the wait staff finding it prudent to bend down in order to speak with the many patrons seated around us.
Until, of course, the American walks in.
Loud and boisterous from the very start, the American demands a table, yelling, “What do I hafta do to get some service in this country?”.
An already disgruntled hostess seats him, alone, at a four person table. He immediately orders a glass of whiskey, neat.
Almost collectively, the rest of the patrons shrug slightly, returning to their local brews and bratwurst.
The waitress brings the American his drink, and sets it in front of him. In almost toddler-like fashion, the American throws his glass to the floor.
“Neat! NEAT! I ordered my drink NEAT!” He bellows, as the waitress explains in soft English that his drink was “clean” and not at all dirty. As he continues raving, the waitress chatters in German to her coworkers, obviously upset at this treatment.
His raving continues, becoming less and less coherent, before ending with the famous, “Doesn’t anyone speak English in this goddamn country?”
Nervously, I raise my hand, attracting his beady gaze. “I’m from Canada, I think there’s just been a translation error…” I begin, before I’m quickly cut off.
“I don’t want someone that speaks Canadian, I want someone that speaks ENGLISH!” He screeches, taking a step towards my table.
Dehest dehs deh dehe dehy deh dehie dehs. Deh deh dehing deh deh dehard deh deh dehs deh Dehwarts Dehdemy deh dehey deh dehed dehs deh deh indehable deh deh dehs. Deh deh deh dehy dehery, deh dehs’ deh dehency deh deh dehs deh deh dehment deh indehive deh deh dehial dehs, deh deh deh dehic undehical, deh deh dehtion deh indeh.
Dehs deh deh deh deh deh Dehling dehed deh deh deh Dehlberg dehing deh dehs; deh deh deh deh dehs deh deher deh dehen deh deh deh deh deh deh deht dehthing deh dehbody?deh dehusly dehable deh-dehtion deh deh dehs. Deh Dehry Dehher dehs deh deh anti-Dehtian (deh deh), deh deh’s dehly deh anti-Dehes Dehnd dehs deh dehs deh deh deh, dehty deh dehment. Deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh. Deh, dehfully, deh deh deher deh deh.
>d-deh dehst deh dehs deh deh dehough d-deh
Deh dehing deh dehful; deh deh deh dehble. Deh deh deh, Deh dehed deh dehry deh deh deher deh deh deh deh, deh dehor deh dehtead deh deh deher "dehed deh dehs."
Deh deh dehing deh deh deh deh deh deh dehry deh deh deh deh dehed. Deh dehed deh deh Deh deh dehed deh deh dehal deh dehs. Deh deh dehlous. Dehling's deh dehs deh dehed deh dehes deh deh dehs deh deh deh deh deh deh deh dehing. Deh Deh deh deh dehish, dehing deh deh Dehry Dehher deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng. Deh deh dehthing deh deh dehect deh, "Deh dehse dehs deh dehing Dehry Dehher deh dehdeh deh dehdeh, deh deh deh deh deher deh deh deh deh deh deh Dehphen Dehng." Deh deh deh deh dehght. Deh deh deh dehing dehic. Deh deh deh "Dehry Dehher" deh deh, deh deh, dehed deh deh Dehphen Dehng.
Either way, you failed to prove your point, the fact that you're nonceing isaan farm girls still stands
I look him dead in the eyes. I wonder - is he fucking serious? No one can be this stupid. Next to me, Alfred stares intently for a moment, before he LAUGHS.
Belly deep, brown eyes open wide in absolute delight, he laughs like he’s doing an impersonation of Santa Claus. His smile is infectious, and before I know it, I’m laughing too. Suddenly, so are the other patrons in the restaurant.
“Speaks Canadian!” A man in a tight business suit yells, slapping his thighs to express how absurd he believes the statement to be. Even the uptight woman seated alone with a gin and tonic finds the sentiment to be worth cracking a smile for.
“Dumme Amerikaner”, I hear whispered all around me. (“Stupid Americans”)
The man, understanding he is being laughed at (but not much else, apparently), yells “What kind of dipshit doesn’t speak English, anyways?”
This does little to help his cause, as nearly everyone in the restaurant speaks English with - at minimum - basic proficiency. The raucous laughter continues - Alfred wipes a stray tear from his eye, his face turning red from laughing so hard.
The disgruntled American leaves in a huff, vowing to never go to a country where they speak “Canadian” or German again.
Of man of unknown, you say with voice that is not your own, but of the voice of memery. See into your heart, and look back, and see into the future to realise and to envision what is natural (quintessential) can not be changed.
pet rock has just done ket
haha thought this was /brit/ not /london/
The Blockbusters bloke just died
How does a woman sitting on your face feel and smell like desu?
honestly wish the sun would FUCK OFF
hate sunlight literally cannot see my screen
starting to sweat too lads
cant be fucking having this
smells a bit like fanny, arse and sweat
had a 15" pizza for lunch yesterday (have a method)
still feel like shit
the reason britain has so many pedophiles is because its quite impolite to accuse someone of being a pedophile, and if there's one thing brits hate more than child abuse its confrontation.
fat shit
bet someone replied filtered to my original filtered post message (not that I would know because I already filtered them)
whenever i smell my own bum i find it disgusting but whenever i smell my gf's bum i find it arousing as fuck, it's got such a lovely musk even though it's probably had a shit earlier that day
good lad
face your demons, cowards