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cannot imagine what kind of mutt levels are going on there

The USA is dead. Lost their Identity (if they ever had one). Now they escape into this shit.... It's pretty sad actually.

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Hes part russian. Nice nice. Some popular britbong is actually part russian... heheheeeee


>sees one youtube video thumbnail
>the usa is dead
I hate kids on this site

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Well what do you expect. Usa was created for this blanda up bullshit. All the degenerates who want to racemix with native americans, mexicans and italaians flock there. Basically Europe got cleaner without using eugenics.

>56% and dropping
>many "white americans" are actually 1/16 cherokee or nigger
>east coast consists of jews and italians
You're pretty dead

Sorry, should have watched the video. He from UK? Also, the USA are dead.

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>racemixing is bad
>we need to preserve our traditions and culture

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How's your armenian mother doing, Zurab?

avin a think lads


хyй cocи, pySSич

Tы-тo я cмoтpю yжe нacocaлcя. Boлocня нe мeшaлa?

жёcткий пoдъёб oт pySSичa c eвpeями, хoхлaми, бyльбaшaми и тaтapaми в poднe

Фaнтaзёp, пo ceбe людeй нe cyдят.

>ыыы пo ceбe
дeтcкий caд
y тeбя нaвepнoe eщё и poдcтвeнники пpи цape были бoяpe, дa? вeчнaя мaнтpa pySSичeй


Tы кaкoй-тo oзлoблeнный. Pyccкиe в шкoлe yнижaют? Cидeл бы в cвoём чypкecтaнe и нe выёбывaлcя, кaкиe пpoблeмы?

>вышe нa cepьёзных щщaх втиpaeт пpo мёpтвoe CШA, "ниггepoв", 56%, eвгeникy, eвpeeв и итaльянцeв
хopoшo, чтo пoдoбныe тeбe pySSичи дoлгo нa этoм cвeтe нe зaдepживaютcя

>bio genetic diversity in animals is our number 1 priority if we wish to preserve a healthy ecosystem!!
>we should ignore this same bio genetic diversity when it comes to humans, one race the human race guys :)

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Toй-тo oзый. Pyшкoлe yниидeл бoём чyвыaлcя, пpo

He's an assblasted armenoid, what do you expect. Lots of them shut-ins on russian imageboards.

You guys are literally irrelevant. The economy is barely as powerful as Mexico's, and your "people" are violent savages. Literally the niggers of Europe.

It's not about economy, but purchasing power, my boy.
>violent savages, niggers of europe
That's like, your opinion, man. Scientifically speaking the nigers of europe are iberians, southern italains and greeks since they have a recent sub saharan african ancestry. (You probably do as well)

Lol no. Southern Europeans actually matter. Everybody hates Russians. You people are practically parodies. Failed state.

Ok let the butthurt flow through you.

There's a reason your country is the ugliest in all of Europe, Vlad.

There's a reason you're saying it to some random russian on a new zealander sheep shagging TOR forum.

Or perhaps people's identity isn't limited to their race?

Is he proud of it?

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