Yeah but they went to Limbo and they're pretty chill there, sitting around and talking, discussing shit and stuff
The Divine Comedy
This guy is right on the money
>user's Inferno:
>"Ch. 1-8 I go to hell and theres rapists and murderers and all this terrible shit"
>"Ch. 9 "This is the last, and worst layer and boy of boy guess who is here? Bernie, and Hilary and they're being buttfucked by satan cause thats what they goddamn deserve"
>"Epilogue: Trump (my guide) and I ascend into heaven like we deserve cause we're good little Democratic Capitalists, AND YOU CAN TOO"
This might be the closest thing we'll ever get
>sodomy (straight to hell)
not to go Sup Forums mode now but this is pretty logical if you think about it, anal sex is extremely degenerate
were tragedies just cautionary tales? sorry I started with the greeks but didn't quite get this
Jumped through random bits, the imagery is pretty well done.. who would play Vergil and who would play Dante if something like this were made today?
Dude. Morals don't come from biology or any sort of inherent 'goodness'. They're defined by white patriarchy.
You have to understand that every art in Greece is trying to provoke an epiphany, because for them this is the greatest "feeling" art can achieve. So, if you read any tragedy it'll have a big plot twist (that's the motif of the epiphany) which means someone will get fucked. It's not that they are cautionary tales, they try to apply some morals or values so it won't be just a plot based entertainment.
cast dante
Robin Williams
Is it the most influential book on Hollywood? I can't help but think a lot of movies are using it as a pattern.