Why is India such a poor shithole? Literally worse than Africa

Why is India such a poor shithole? Literally worse than Africa.

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Haha the rest of the world are meatlets. How will they ever recover?

>not being vegetarian

they don't eat meat for religious reasons, retard

man imagine how many animals you saved by not eating their meat after they already been killed at slaughterhouse
truly the hero

t. soy

Based Indian

A majority of the indian population are vegetarians I think because of religion.

i vote with my wallet

t. tamasic pleb

what makes you think that I eat soy? did I mention that I don't eat animals in my post? stupid australians can't even understand English unless you throw in some words like cunt or mate in a sentence

I prefer fish.

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>tfw a slav understands you are what you eat

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There's been talk of the spread of "the western diet" (a.k.a Meat and Cereals) in the Nouveau riche countries (Korea, China, to an extent India). Can anyone from those cunts fill me in on whether that's BS or not.

What religion is Australia that makes you eat so much meat

There’s a lot of campaigns to encourage Aussies to eat meat. It’s a part of the culture. People have barbecues all the time and you can win packets of meat at competitions.

We are orcs

Only became cool very late in your history, you ate raw meat because you were too savage to even think about cooking it. Thankfully the Portuguese came and showed you how to properly cook meat.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating soy.

Are you okay?

We didn't eat only pig/cow meat until Meiji Restoration was happened.

Portugal doesn't related to our meat culture.

thought argentina would be higher tbqh

Why does pol shits so much abou soy when the real fags are strict vegetarians?


Holy shit, explain

So this is how much meat people eat PER YEAR?

Does this include kids too? So adults would be higher? How much higher?

Yes you're right. Cereals that were eaten in my dad's village are sold in cities under brandnames and called cornflakes. And there are cereals like muesli which entered India around 2010

>tfw never won a meat tray
why live

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Does this about cow meat? Because I see a lot of people buys fried chicken everyday.

Is this about cow meat? Because I see a lot of people buys fried chicken everyday.

Palestinian children weigh more than a steak.

That isn't true though. Most Indians are not vegetarians, there are only certain castes that are vegetarian. However the meat content in a meal is low, and for many people there are certain days you can't eat meat.

India is the only country where you can be a vegetarian and still eat delicious food

Idk. Vegetarians are even more weak and effeminate than soyboys.