This is a French Nazi.
This is a French Nazi
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>hmmmmmmm...yes...can u open ur sexi aryen bobs?
nobody honestly knows what the fuck was up with that guy, even nazis never wrote about how the vichy prime minister was a pajeet
nazis did have a hard on for indian mythology and all but still they'd hardly miss that detail right ? this guy is a mystery
even more surprising is that he was officially a native french, there's no proof he was an immigrant at all, by all sources this man is actually white
i mean we do have some dark types in the south but not that dark so idk
a gypsy descendant maybe ?
France, number 1 producer of brown nazis since 1939.
(USA is catching up quickly though)
He looks my dad
He looks elegant as an Indian.
>those evil Germans occupied and humiliated us never again...
>it's okay to be occupied by foreigners if they are white!
Typical new worlder who has no concept of a nation
Nazis and Nazi sympathisers should get their teeth kicked in world wide
Go home to Israel.
Except they weren't occupied they were still French.
>no evil white nazi government worse than becoming 10% arab
Liberal Eurangutans are fucking retards.
Typical violent anglo. Go bomb more women and children and conquer more 3rd world then complain about Nazis.
Auscunt living on stolen land and complaining about Nazis. Germany is one of the few European nations not sitting on stolen land.
>Except they weren't occupied they were still French.
You should be thanking the nazis they created Israel and taught your people everything they need to knowabout bombing brown people.
>except they werent occupied
Holy shit you're dumb
>taught your people everything they need to knowabout bombing brown peopl
But Palestinians are white and the Nazis didn't bomb brown people.
>Except they weren't occupied
Maybe since you retards are english second language speakers you can't tell what I was trying to say and I need to explain it. France had no threat of becoming not France under the nazis (unless you subscribe to the retarded idea nazis wanted everybody to speak German) meanwhile now? French won't even last another century.
Anglos loved to send brown people to their deaths in wars that didn't involve them.
>it's fine to get cuck3d by another nation if they're white
What they say about new worlders is true...
>there are genocidal wewuzzers occupying my country while exterminating the eastern european population and it's much better than some niggers in my streets
Except the nazis uncucked you??
Ah yes those genocidal nazis who wanted to take other peoples lands... Oh wait they just wanted the territory stolen from them back. The slavs you defend are your greatest allies even though they did the very thing you detest.
>Oh wait they just wanted the territory stolen from them back
Absolute state of leaf education
>Oh wait they just wanted the territory stolen from them back
ah yes, everybody remembers all of european russia being german at some point, damn those slavs!
holy shit the absolute state of stormniggers
I agree
Fuck off Sup Forumseaf
Just like Israel. Taking land from palestinians because of 3000 year old jewish fairytales.
Ah yes the Germans wanted evrything up to the volga river to speak German that communist psy op
None of you retards have done anything to prove me wrong. Cry more and become more Arab because those pol tears so good.
>i dont know what generalplan ost is
>None of you retards have done anything to prove me wrong. Cry more and become more Arab because those pol tears so good.
Oh how am I grateful they uncucked us
If you want the entire list
now watch as he screams "KIKEPEDIA REEEEE"
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a NatSoc board.
False, Sup Forums is a RadCen board
>Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a NatSoc board.
It's a fabrication. Go ahead believe everything the communists made up since you are straight out of leftpol
Oh no the partizans got chimped on boohoo
Escape to South America and live a comfy life and die of old age? Okay. The cia recently declassified this educate yourself.
>it's a fabrication because i say so, if you disagree you're a commie kike white-hating shill
good, why dont you go there then?
Hey man believe whatever you want. Germany totally wanted to repopulate all of Russia with Germans. Oh wait is that something people in Russia and other allied countries have been doing for centuries? I thought that was bad though better take half of Eastern Germany for good measure.
>Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is a NatSoc board.
>Germany totally wanted to repopulate all of Russia with Germans
yes because that was hitler's main objective you fucktard
>Oh wait is that something people in Russia and other allied countries have been doing for centuries
>I thought that was bad though better take half of Eastern Germany for good measure.
start shit, get hit
I'm skinny tho
I mean I can see why Russians would be upset they could hypothetically be replaced. They've only been doing it to people in the Baltics, Siberia, Caucus, Altaics for centuries. Yeah sure Hitler was going to launch his attack on the Russians to ethnically replace him while he was in the middle of another war, no way it could have been a pre emptive strike.
How do I have to elaborate I'm a fucking canuck and I'm speaking English in the middle of a north american steppe, Anglos pride themselves on their empire but those dang dirty huns theoretically may have wanted to according to our propaganda want to conquer the entire planet.
Now you are just being shildish I called you out for being hypocritical and that is your response, "talk shit get hit" you are an absolute child. Poland was holding onto ethnic German territory because of Versailles. Also France and UK declared war on Germany this is grade 8 history.
Where did you get this picture of me?!
this tbqh
>Also France and UK declared war on Germany this is grade 8 history
i wonder why they did that? maybe because they told hitler not to invade poland but he did anyways?
>Poland was holding onto ethnic German territory because of Versailles.
Damn, look at how many germans! that's an excuse to invade and occupy the whole country!
Are Oz'