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International #873
The single reason why most foreigners think why the USA is a shithole
Opinion of Russia
Why can't Slavic people grow beards?
Tell me about your neighbors, Sup Forums
Your country
>brazilians non ironically think they are white
1. yo cunt
How do Russians deal with the fact that all of their cities and towns look exactly the same?
These are the top 10 most common foreign ethnicities that Finnish men get married with:
/world of polska/
Mexican Mafia vs. the Sicilian Mafia
Jesus was born in Palestine/Israel in the Middle-East so he couldn't have been white
What are your thoughts on Taiwan?
What did you do on your most recent birthday?
We all agree on this?
W-woah, Brazilian bois look like THIS?!!
/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico
Mary Magdalene and Apostle John was Black
At least you live in Europe
Racemixing is good and everyone should be doing it
Surrounded by fish
Wake up
Japanese girl here
/v4/ + orcs
Wtf country
Spanish - norwegian couples are qt. Don't you agree!?!
'Christianity as default is gone': the rise of a non-Christian Europe
Famous person on Instagram goes to Israel
Rate my new home /int
What are her thoughts ?
What is your dream job?
Why are Europeans not fat?
Hey Sup Forums
Who /rich/ here
Which Spanish speaking country can actually act like a functioning western democracy?
This is what an avarege south brazilian looks like
My fucking sides
Find a more ridiculous sounding language
If you knew that you only had a year left to live, what would you do?
Do not forget your keys, Darling
1.your country
Sverige2Den: mysupplagan
Why are Americans more willing to die for various causes more than other White countries...
Thank you Finland!
Soyboy hate thread
Which one is the superior country?
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ - Stormy Daniels ausgabe
Unofficially: Russian diplomats expelled from Poland
Is this country well known for literally ANYTHING aside from giving birth to a genocidal tyrant?
Post girls from your country
Asian guys have beautiful white gfs are always korean
Are you prepared for the HUNGARIAN century??
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What nationality wouldn't you date from?
I want to make sushi
Why do white women only care about sex?
Post yours
Can somebody translate this please?
Tfw you live in a country where all the men are 10/10 handsome male-model-tier and all the women are butt ugly 2/10...
Your country/city
Why is American debating so fucking stupid...
/deutsch/ '' Fallen sind nicht schwul'' Ausgabe
Now that this is settled, can we stop the "x is white, x is not white" trolling?
So powerful as Muslim
Americans are stupi-
/fr/ - le francofil
By far the highest consumerbase of manga outside of Japan
Hello, i am from Russia. I am going to immigrate in Germany. Which city i should select...
Are skinny people made fun of in your nation, Sup Forums?
A useless country
Jap porn vs usa porn
/ibe/ = /esp/ + /pt/ Fio ibérico
Daily reminder these are the people that ruin this board
We can lauch rockets and satellites
Which country has the highest likelihood of being nuked?
Be british
Bully a kid
Are you racist int?
J POP edition
Europeans don't have tomorrow off
Your flag
/v4/ + lads
La abominacion
Wake up
ITT: former leaders of your country whom you hate the most
Do you love Japan?
Eightchan banned the board /younglove/ where do I go now
As white what do you think about white race extincion ?
What does Sup Forums think of Philippines and Filipino??
Serbian shopping mall fire
The crusades happened because the Muslims invaded the Balkans, Spain, and Sicily
Why don't Europeans build shrines to thier gods?
Why do Americans get so triggered about California?
Daily Russia Obssesion Thread
*achieves highest GDP per capita in Russian federation*
How the fuck don't Americans use kettles? This honestly weirds me out more than your dystopian healthcare
How come in the western world (western europe and north america), Hitler is viewed as the personifaction of evil...
Gun control movement in Tokyo
USA is ironically the least Amerimutt in the Americas
Is Sup Forums gay friendly?
/Hilo Latino/
ITT post delicias from your country
Why do wypipo have such terrible food?
The year is 2050...
Your cunt tree
What happens in hainan?
Why did Russia think this was a good idea?
WTF is wrong with them? They literally tell our parliament what laws we can and can't makke...
Ukrainians are disgusting subhumans that nobody wants in Russia
/luso/ fio lusofono
Long straight black hair
I'm going to post webms that are in my Sup Forums folder
What Sup Forums diaspora is the worst?
Sverigetråden - Olles upplaga
Yankoids will literally throw a fit over this sign, despite their weekly gun massacres
Culture Pals - /cp/
Puerto Rican DNA (72% European, 15% Negroid, 11% Ameri-indian)
Are trans women allowed to use female bathrooms in your country?
Is Kosovo Albanian? (Honestly don't know shit about the area)
Part of Japan was American territory until 1972?
Non-americans thinking they know what's wrong with america
Do you have driver's license, Sup Forums?
Ur cunt
A new real state boom could be right around the corner for Panama
What keeps you going
White South African Genocide
What is His problem?
Why the fuck does everyone suck euro cock, even americans and east asians?
Do I look Irish?
Levantine mongrel cum dumpster thread, shoot your loads at this animal everyone
ITT: go to Wikipedia and see how many links it takes to reach Adolf Hitler
You call China weak huh?
Does British man actually look like this????
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
Are Portuguese really white?
Do you like ASMR Sup Forums?
Hey Sup Forums if whites are the master race then why is Asia outperforming every 99% white shithole?
1. your country
What do you call this in your language?
Question to Boers and other white South Africans
Amerimutts made up the term "white" because they're always 1/16 Irish and other such nonsense
What country has the sluttiest boys?
TOP 5 cities according to Sup Forums
Why cant soyboys handle black queens?
Watch out, NATO!
C*nadians went to club this
What can you say about portuguese cuisine?
How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...
Why is anglo cuisine so low-tier(ヽ´ω`)?
Post your best Sup Forumsernational bantz
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Reminder that if you advocate race mixing you should just look at Latin America to change your opinion
Racemixing is wrong
Which are the best Nordic cities to be Greek?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Ugly languages
Anything is possible there are no limits :,)
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
France has the most interesting/vibrant history
How would you're parents respond if you brought home a Dutch girl?
Why are Americans the only people in the world who are alpha enough to stand up for their freedoms?
Towards 2020 Kimono Project
Itt: We pretend to be American
Why is my dick so tiny
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do people say Belgium is a non-country when the founder of Europe was a Belgian?
Why do mexicans think of themselves as white?
Post your town city flag
Why are Asian men such beta soyboys?
Rate finnish breakfast
How do we stop him?
Be located off the coast of Southeast Asia
Are you ready for the huge influx of newfags coming?
I didn't know pajeets and chinks hated each other
Sverigetråden - Evangeline upplagan
TFW my big sister cut ties with me and I haven't seen my nephew in two and a half years
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I hope that all of our Russian friends and their families are okay
What is your country's greatest contribution to the United States of America?
/auto/ ehemals /deutsch
Are you afraid yt boi?
Do you like japanese girls?
Post police from your country
7 Minutes ago I heard several loud bangs outside which caused my room to shake
Terrifying reports from France.. the madness has been unleashed from the Paris Catacombs
Getting older
Why are Latin American laws so shit? Socialists?
What goes on here?
Are there a country that every person (100%) of the people in your country hate?
What do you think will happen to Russia once Putin dies?
La goblina
This is a map of public saunas in Finland
European Portuguese:
If your flag is unrecognizable in black and white, then you live in a non-country
Why can't I find a girlfriend Sup Forums ? I think I look all right (pic related)...
Met a guy from Malmö, Sweden
Be miss USA
Post enemies
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do Finns hate americans so much?!?
Do any black people post on Sup Forums?
Is this the worst board on Sup Forums?
Why do white “””people””” do this
Whats the most dishonest political organization in your nation?
What does this picture imply? Sweden is a woman who just sucked black cock?
Nothing on this planet worse than being indian/paki ;_;
Does your cunt have a marine corps?
/Somali/ Thread
Why are Muslims more respectful than Europeans?
Mexicans, is he right?
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/v4/ + mates
Why haven't you bought the album user?
/djt/ - Daily Japanese Thread #1989.75
Your country
What language has the silliest pronunciation rules and why is it French?
Dubs decide what happens next
Nationalistic immigrants
French coal burner
Parle français!
/tr/ - turkey and frens
Why is France the only successful Romance country?
Malta is
Do you think ayy lmaos exist?
Hey Sup Forums, what's your least favorite country; Italy, or France?
/fr/ Fil francophone
Why do Amerisharts worship guns?
Can you guess what this is a picture?
You think that Europe is rich, but actually it’s just Germany and Scandinavia
Why do mediterrenan women love nordic cock so much?
Why isn't Portugal a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world...
Meds talks to me
Sverigetråden - Gymbögsupplagan
Okay italian bros. Why should I an Americano. Learn Italiano? What's in it for me. Wasting hours on it? huh?...
Pakistanis in the UK
European lies and corruption
Why don't meds fuck their women?
All our problems will be solved once we build a white enthnostate
Why don't Irish people start speaking their language again? It's pretty fucking sad that it's dying
Sup Forums refugee general
Which country is closest to being futuristic dystopia?
Your country
In a scale of 1 to 10....How easy to pick up are girls in your country?
/dixie/ Southern US + Friends
Wow, really changes my perspective
Why are they no longer relevant?
/ita/ il filo di umaru
How would your family react if this was your gf?
Do you like American girls?
Finnish-Swedish relations
Have you ever met a Portuguese before?
Why does this game make Europeans so angry...
Are they Meds or Germs?
Who was the greatest leader in your countries history?
Contre fil édition du bon goût
This is what the avarege brazilian looks like
Why are finns so superior to swedes?
Should people from this region be their own race? What should it be called?
Gun grabber logic:
Guess the name of the poster above you
/fr/ - le francofil
ITT: Ugly Flags
Do european women like indian men?
Japan and south Korea, why do we fight each other so much on the internet...
What are your honest thoughts about this country
But I thought Russians are the peaceful saviors of the white race and Amerimutts are evil warmongers?
High school class
What is the most expensive property of your cunt's ordinary folks likely to be? Except cars and housing
Really makes you think
Founders of western civilization
Thanks for the world to come out and support us! I hate living in America so much where students are killed for wanting...
How do people from poor countries travel...
/flags/ + /extraflags/
How is Sup Forums different than Sup Forums?
So when America finally decides to ban guns, do you think there will be an armed uprising...
/deutsch/ Mama Merkel Ausgabe
Which country outside of Europe and America is more or less Roman?
It must fucking suck to be new worlders
How many interracial couples do you see each day?
Post army girls from your country
Italian girls look like THIS?!
Why are Europeans such pansys?
Explain yourself Korea !!
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Cute planes edition
Could he pass for a local in your country?
Why are J*ps such barbarians compared to Koreans?
Why is northern Africa so gay?
Language thread
Jesus Christ, Britain
Rate Collection
Are you ready for the Chinese century?
When will Pooland realize that they are only improving because of the funds that Western Europe has provided them with?
Weird traditions of your country
France has 5 types of cheese
Europeans of Sup Forums how many arabs or africans did you have at your high school?
What is this uspposed to eman?
What tanks does does you country use?
/lat/ hilo latino
Should pornstars be banned from getting married/pregnant?
Why is Japan the lest Sinicized country in the East Asian sphere?
Why are they sooooooooooo butthurt about our butthurt?
Great! Now WE have to deal with this shitshow
Have you ever said nigger to a black guys face?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Holy fuck, you actually can't make this up, America is a fucking sorry excuse for an "Anglo" nation
I hate these two countries
Do you love Hellas?
Was he a cuck ?
Meanwhile somewhere in a german bedroom
I learned that my brother smokes weed for 2 years since end of high school...
Truly our best ally
Why isn't your country actively working to make this a reality?
/fr/ - Fil francophone et francophile
National Geographic Determined Who Will Rule The Middle-East in 2050, and It's Beautiful
Most British people live in semi detached houses like this
I fucking hate the tolerance of nordic countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries
Homosexuality is acceptable
Swedish woman in India
This is an average house in Sweden. What's an average house in your country?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
1. Ur cnt
What do you celebrate on your country's national holiday?
Why are they soooooo stupid??
ITT we post A E S T H E T I C flags
Ctrl F
Why are white people so autistic?
Why are Japanese girl names so cute?
Guess the country
In a near future, the planet will be more matriarchal and nothing can stop it
5:00 am
Thank you Japan for creating yaoi
Do British men actually look like this ???!!!
Millions upon millions of square kilometers
Why nobody likes niggers?
/v4/ + friends
Is Russia really a shit hole? Every time you see the country and its people in a film, the portrayal is cold, run down...
Another islamic terrorist attack in france
Why is Sweden the female on this picture?
Whats their fucking deal
Why are British women importing white semen when the UK is a white country?
Which country is the most weeaboo?
Memri TV
I unnironically hate wh*Te """""people""""
How can white whores compete with asian goddesses?
Post your (formal) male national dress
Culture Pals - /cp/
My love against whitu can't stop
Phenotype classification
Who is your favorite Roman?
Kurva anyátok
Did you miss us ?
Why do they hate asians so much?
Southern European
How do Asians tell Southern Europeans apart from Middle Easterners?
Post the oldest coin you have
Big march today in Brisbane for South Africans thousands in attendance
FaceApp Thread
Indonesia - 261,890,900
Is Italian ancestry considered patrician in your cunt?
/dixie/ Southern US + Friends
How do i grow a beard as an asian with almost no body hair? i don't even have pubic hair
/cum/ ~ Canada, United States, & Mexico
Which country outside of China (Taiwan notwithstanding) is the most culturally Chinese?
Care to explain euroweenies?
Do Black become bald before the age of twenty??
Why is Northern Mexico such a cultural wasteland?
Someday Korea will be one country again!
What British cultural exports are popular in your country?
Go on vacation to Mexico
Unironically is American rightful clay
Be american
Which country has the most attractive women?
Why aren't there any notable American F1 teams or drivers?
Tfw mom had me at 34
How Anglophones pronounce the word "No"
Tell me about Belarus, Sup Forums
Why are Brazilians so fucking racist?
Any wh*teoids online? I wanna kick your fucking ass!
Tfw not ethnic enough for norwegian girls
This monkey has gone (GONE) to heaven (HEAVEN)
Which country has been worse for the world?
What city in China is your favorite and why?
/luso/ fio lusofono
Why is the North such a cultural wasteland?
Do Brazilians prefer whites as sexual partners? Is it easier for first worlders to hook up there? Asking for a friend
Are other Latin Americans jealous of Cono Sur?
Why do most American men look like this?
Is the UK a real country?
No culture
Fun and kissing
Buddha was White
Apologise American pigdogs
1. ur cunt
Why don't they have pop-culture?
Do two administrative units in your country have a big rivalry?
ITT: we post maps of the world by rates and try to guess (or remember) what they represent
Want to learn spanish
Does this really happen to white men in Asia?
Texas: Lonestar Beer Edition
/esp/-/gal/ Edición SUEVA
Walking down the street in Berlin
Does your cunt have elite universities at the level of the Ivy League?
Why isn't Latin the official language of the EU?
What do you know about Portugal?
I'm marrying a Danish girl
Do Americans really do this?
Russia should give all of these islands to Japan to make the map more aesthetic
full-grown adults mocking and belittling literal children for standing up for what they believe in
/rus/ - Russia and friends
I never got drunk
What goes on in this country...
This is Andrés Manuel "El Peje" López Obrador aka AMLO, Mexico's new president until 2024
How the fuck are mexicans so bad at sports
Sverigestormen - Kampupplagan
Cultural divides
Why do slavs enjoy this disgusting excuse for a drink?
Why are we the toughest white country?
Preferring beer over wine
I am ukrianian ama
You are walking into a sauna after workout when this creature demands you to breed her with your white seed
Talk to girl
Western women think they can compete
Why are Indians so handsome?
Design its flag
Would you marry a Swedish girl?
Are Mexicans the ugliest people on Earth?
I'm finnish
What's their fucking problem
/luso/ fio lusofono
Russian army
Fapped to BLACKED again
Why don't Americans...?
/deutsch/e Spätschicht
The absolute STATE of the United States
Keep your guns close at hand, Americans. You're going to need them sooner than you think
/brit/ Royal Tonbridge Wells
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
How the fuck are they still alive?
/Sv2D/ – Sverige2Den: mysupplagan
Love the the American cultural imperialism
*Steals your patents and punishes you when you call them out for it*
Oh deary me, what day is approaching? I can't seem to remember
Post your refrigerator
Gentlemen. How do we wipe out the Wh*tes, the Bl*cks, the N*tives, and the Mestizos to ensure our Castizo ethno-state
What does your country look like?
ITT: Countries you hate for absolutely no reason whatsoever
Why are mutts so homophobic? Does all the lead in the water give them brain damage?
/fr/ - le francofil du deuil
/fr/ - le francofil du jour
Alright anons, post your age, gender and relation status
Why Lithuanians are such alcoholics?
Denmark is fla-
5:00 am
So you call Poland weak huh?
Why haven't you visited Rome yet?
/v4/ + frens
1. Your cunt
What's the grading system in your country?
Your country
Would you accept a new life in Canada if you won one?
The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan
That guy doesn't speak French. Kill him!
I'm italian but I've never been to italy
What the fuck
Shitaly is fucking SHIT
ITT: Post your cunt's Embassies of the country above you
Scotland should just secede from the UK and join the EU
How comes Russia doesn't hate Germany the way Poland does?
What flags get most butthurt about your country?
Spain supports you Nigeland, fuck the kra*ts
Norwegian dad
1. you are country
ITT post jokes from your country
Would you live in Portugal if you had the chance?
Compare your nation with the cunt above you
/sino/ - 中文
/desi/ late night edition
This is a family of Syrian refugees in Canada
Is there any difference between them?
They are rich in everything and they have access to the most modern medicine and technologies...
I love my European family :3 <3 <3 <3
He has a semitic christkike name
/deutsch/ /aye/
1. Your country
Don't stress your life with hate, spread love instead
Why are Americans so obsessed with Europe's racial purity?
Is tomato soup popular in your country?
What is the easiest way to move to another country from Russia?
Are Jew White???
Does your country like Oasis?
Norway can into saunas
I’ll never move to another wealthy, stable country probably.. Sigh
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ fio lusofono
/luso/ - fio lusofono
Were you on the LSD, Sup Forums? I was on it February 2017
What went so wrong?
Why do the French smell so bad?
Have you ever wondered where he get the macaco from?
/gsg/ + Sup Forums
Why are Europeans so Islamaphobic?
You are only allowed to post in this thread if you are one of the /goodguys/
The russian coward fears the ANGLO BULL
This is fucking bullshit how am I just supposed to not eat I'm starving all the goddamn time I try to snack on an apple...
Post maps
What went so wrong?
We live in a world that tells ugly men the reason they're virgins is because of their personalities...
The real discrimination is against ugly people. Not black people or gay people
Why is inbreeding so common among muslims?
Póst military vehicles from ur cunt
/fr/ - le fil de la France
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Thoughts on school uniforms?
Europe has so many car companies
We will protect Estonia
Your flag
Do you remember how people made fun of Americans
Why are they so grumpy?
Is he just your average Finn, or is he even autistic compared to the average Finn?
Kanji ability is a common way to judge someone's intellect and education
America is dead
Why are russian women so good looking compared to other women? How do they do it?
Why is Russian (male) life expectancy so low?
Me and the lads
Why are they sooooooooo stupid??
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/carib/: unity edition
/v4/ + orcs
Would you racemix with a tunisian girl
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Post Middle-Class houses from your country
Are female foetuses aborted/female infants killed in your country?
Why do europeans have such little respect for nature?
How the fuck does Japan have a population crisis?
This is why Arabs want their women to cover up. They're keeping all the best women to themselves...
What your country's cultural view of crow (aside from scavenging)?
I suggest to improve english transcription
This is a French Nazi
/deutsch/ - Final Fantasy VII ausgabe
You mess with tigo
/brit/ (بريت)
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...