Whats the most dishonest political organization in your nation?
Whats the most dishonest political organization in your nation?
Whats the link to NRA?
The state
The NRA edited and spread the picture
It was actually a video. Probably made by some random Sup Forums redditor.
You think NRA would be stupid enough to fabricate shit like that claiming it's real?
The NRA is also active in Europe, so the NRA is the most dishonest political organization in my nation.
'SOS Rasisme'. It was a leftist anti-racism organization that recently went bankrupt. Several of their organizational leaders just went to prison for fraud. They cheated their partners and created fake membership numbers among other things. It's delicious to see them go down. In the past even the mainstream media has revealed that they manipulate the Norwegian immigration debate by creating controlled opposition. These guys infiltrated right wing organizations such as the Norwegian Defence League and built it up to be controlled opposition.
Any political organization backed by the jews, so all of them
The Liberal Party of Ontario. They will finally be out of office in June.
Arbeiderpartiet. Basically, it has very rapidly devolved into a British labour party lite.
our current bundesregierung
Like the PCs will be any better. Half the shit the Libs get shat on for is exactly the kind of shit that the PCs would indulge in.
(Northern Ireland)
All of them
Probably PSL, a party known for having 0 established views and serving as a coalition lapdog to whoever gathers more votes during elections
What do they do in Europe?
There's also Mormons in Europe.
Fuck knows what they want
The point being made is still true regardless of what she ripped.
true dat
Why are you americans so brainwashed by the lobbies? The NRA needs to be taked down with violence desu
The NRA is something else, though. What the fuck?
>Fuck knows what they want
Gold, probably. Those religious freaks are obsessed with stockpiling gold.
Lmao why can't ameriguns handle some cheeky banter
Nah man, I'm aware that there isn't usually that much difference between the red and the blue, but the Ontario Liberals are by far the most corrupt government I have ever seen in this country. Dalton McGuinty, Kathleen Wynne, and anyone else who has served in a senior cabinet position in Ontario over the past 15 years should all be in prison. That probably wont happen unfortunately, but I'll settle for turfing them from office in June.
Cute pupper.
So many brainwashed anti gun retards in my country. Fucking hate this jew shithole.
Federal libs are fine, but Ontario libs are truly cancer. That’s mostly because Wynne is an actual ideologue who believes in SJW rhetoric whereas Trudeau only pretends to be retarded for votes.
Can’t say I’m enthused about Ford being premier. A LITERAL drug dealer and uncharismatic trump-ripoff as our premier will be pretty well just as cancerous.
>You think NRA would be stupid enough to fabricate shit like that claiming it's real?
Yes. They're really fucking retarded and unhinged.
Who's going to win the elections
>Party i fucks up
>people vote for party 2
>party 2 takes control
>party 2 fucks up
people vote for party 1
>part 1 take control
Is this American politics in a nutshell?
Sounds like European politics in general, except over here party 2 will actually back up party 1 after they clean up their shit and vice versa.
>Fucking hate this jew shithole.
But the "jews" in this are the corporate overlords influencing your government. This includes the NRA and Republican party.
The NRA is run by boomers who spend as much time sperging out about SJWs and Socialists as they do actually defending gun rights. So yes
Yeah the Republican party are just boomers. Wont lie, but when people talk down on the NRA. They aren't specifically talking about the group they're talking about guns in general.
Well, the conservatives in our unelected Senate are all in a bloc and made a gay speach about how they unironically "speak for all Canadians" when they tried to derail weed legalization. Then they bitched to the media about how the other senators were basically also a bloc when left wing senators were ASKED to fly back into Ottawa to vote on the bill.
>the NRA are the Jews
This explains our political system perfectly. Hence why progress has been stunted for the last few decades.
>last few decades
progress has been stunted since Reconstruction
>total profits
yeah because those numbers never get tempered with to lower your profit tax.
Serious answer, the tea party and everyone who pretended to care about budget deficits besides a few rand paul/justin amash types. As cynical as it gets
UDI no doubt
Basically. But don't forget that when one party is in control, the other party bitches and screams about the end of civilisation no matter how much the party in control appeases them. The retards in OP's pic are good examples.
Have you fucking SEEN the videos the NRA have been putting out recently? People like to throw the word "orwellian" around, but holy shit.
Anyone who's still jumping behind the NRA has to be nuts. They're like free advertising for anti-gun proponents.
It's one of those things where I generally support some gun control measures, but I oppose the left's attempts to assert themselves after the election.
Nice damage control
They traded in their dog whistle for a blow horn.
Just rubbed some skin conditioner on my balls
15? Try 25. This province hasn't been properly run since the end of the 80's. The Mike Harris gov't is a large part of why Ontario is so utterly fucked with debt and shitty services, and Dougie is pretty much cast in the same mold.
I wonder to what people they are appealing. I mean they talk about people that do 'real' work like logging and trucking but that's less than 1% of the population.
I am sure there must be a far larger audience with erectile dysfunction or general insecurities regarding their manhood they can reach out to.
I can't exactly blame them. There's very little reason for anyone who cares about this country to consider those who associate with the left either our "fellows" or "Americans".
Idk Ford has a lot of baggage, but Wynne is disliked beyond comprehension
When I get my magazine every month from the NRA. I’m reminded how delusional the leadership really is. Unfortunately they’re almost all delusional boomers who have 0 understanding of politics beyond playing to your base. Even then they have a tendency to lose sight of what their base even is.
All indications point towards the PCs, which is frankly awful. At the minimum, it's going to be Mike Harris all over again, but given the current political climate, it may very well be worse.
Why is she hated
Is Ontario usually left wing like California in the US? Or is it more of a toss up state?
ITT: Shareblue posts the laziest spam thread imaginable
check this out
>muh russians
the jews of the 21st century
They aren't really appealing to anyone. This is just throwing chum in the water. They pull this shit to get their base into a frenzy.
I mean the left has been harboring communists and anarchists for generations.
I'm sorry you hate your redneck father from Indiana, user. I sincerely hope you can work things out with him.
>you haven't met the heartland
Many different kinds of people own a gun or maybe even two guns, but there are "hobbyists" out there who pile together a fucking arsenal and who represent a significant portion of all the gun sales in the U.S. each and every year. These people, almost universally rural whites, are afraid that they'll lose out on the opportunity to try to be Rambo when Obamaunism inevitably overthrows the government and are therefore resistant to any sort of gun legislation. The NRA, an industry-controlled lobbying group, likes to whip them into a frenzy because then they go out and buy even more guns.
Wynne is hated partly because she inherited a ton of problems (both party and provincial) and partly because of her social politics. Also, she's a dyke.
Ontario actually tends to be more centrist. We've only had an NDP (left-wing social democrat) government once, and that was only for one year. Pic related will give you a good idea of what our politics look like. The far north tends to go NDP because gibs, Southeastern Ontario outside of the GTA tends to go PC because they're either rural farmers or blue-collar industry, and the GTA generally tends to be Liberal because they're educated and in business or finance, though parts of it can swing to either NDP or PC. There's also a few minor parties, but almost none of them are in any position to be a viable part of government, let alone take power.
>These people, almost universally rural whites, are afraid that they'll lose out on the opportunity to try to be Rambo when Obamaunism inevitably overthrows the government and are therefore resistant to any sort of gun legislation
Did you fall in a coma in 2009 and just wake up now?
>very rapidly
Not recently, though, right? From what I hear they went with the british version of """"social democracy"""" right around the time Blair and new labour started, under Stoltenberg.
Socialists always need a dialectic/class enemy. In recent times we've seen lefties use things like the NRA or (during the Obamacare debacle) insurance companies as their all-purpose class enemy to blame all society's ills on.
>Socialists always need a dialectic/class enemy.
now its white people.
I'm thinking of NDP desu. The liberals arnt even properly legalizing weed atleast the NDP will fully decrimanize it. What's your take on this.
Post more NRA kino
This one's my favourite
No this is democracy in a nutshell
The rot will continue under the Liberals, and we'd be outright screwed if we go with the PCs. If NDP has a plan that doesn't involve giving workers gibs, then they might have a chance.
From all the materials I've seen so far I can already see the NRA losing the fight if they're going to continue to roll with this fucktarded "Your problems ain't my problems, we're going stand our ground even if it ends up feeding the opposition" attitude and their complete and dead refusal to discuss any sort of gun legislation that doesn't involve screeching and kicking whenever it actually happens.
Far from being a gun grabber but lets be fucking honest has anyone ever made a compelling argument for civilian ownership of self-loading firearms that doesn't involve
>muh hobby (a point which I consider absolutely fair but a point that has less and less supporters throughout the US)
>muh rambo fantasies about overthrowing muh tyrannical government (americans are extremely obedient people with a huge hard on for authority, no fucking way these are anything more but a power fantasy by some obese faggots in their basements)
>use things like the NRA or (during the Obamacare debacle) insurance companies
Wonder why that is. Couldn't be that mass shootings and unaffordable healthcare is and was a problem in america in the 2000s, could it? Nah. Must be a psychological hangup of muh lefties.
all 100%
no exceptions
American politics is so binary that giving any ground will be latched on by the other side. If gun owners conceded at all to legislation, the Democrats would see it as encouragement to abolish the 2nd Amendment. European politics is becoming increasingly like this.
>muh hobby
>muh Rambo fantasies
What about
>muh somebody breaks into my home to steal anything that's not nailed down and/or kill my family
I support legalization but the weed issue won't sway my vote either way, I pay a lot of tax and I will never vote for a socialist party.
>the Democrats would see it as encouragement to abolish the 2nd Amendment
How would that work exactly, do you mean? Why would it happen? Because the democrats hate america and want to destroy our freedoms? Because they are working for the terrorists and want to sell us out?
>>muh somebody breaks into my home to steal anything that's not nailed down and/or kill my family
Stupid bog-trotter
That's what handguns, revolvers, hunting rifles and pump shotguns are for.
Those are fine.
AR-15's and other military grade weapons, equipment and accessories aren't.
>>muh somebody breaks into my home to steal anything that's not nailed down and/or kill my family
You certainly don't have to unload 30 rounds into them in a quick succession friend.
Repeating shotguns make compelling home defense tools.
Statistics coming right from the US itself tell that in majority of scenarios involving armed citizens protecting themselves with their legally owned firearms regardless whether that's in their own homes or on the street the assailant is either killed, incapacitated or runs away after just two shots being fired regardless of the type of firearm used or the kind of ammunition used.
Like I said i don't want to play the gun grabber's role.
But that's not a compelling argument because I don't see people advocating the legality of owning stationary machinegun nests installed on their pickup trucks for the purpose of self-defense.
The left is pretty broad, it would be wrong to see their conflict theories as coming from socialists alone. That being said, the communists and anarchists they protect will side with the broader left on most of these issues.
none of them can be trusted.
all parties has been proven lying over and over again.
it will never ends.
For Australia? Has to be the Greens. The most anti-Australian political party in Australia at the moment. Their politicians are more concerned about calendar dates and American politics to actually care about local problems. Thankfully it seems people have had enough of their shit and after 30 years are starting to throw them out of their seats. Pic related is one of their notorious cows.
>in the us an organization about guns is a political organization
what the fuck
>How would that work exactly, do you mean?
Because, right now, it's all "let's put some limitations on the 2nd Amendment." If the Republicans said, "Ok", then they'd move to, "Let's put more limitations on it." The end-game would be, "Let's abolish it." Leftists don't feel a moral obligation to defend their principles so they're okay with disingenuous incrementalism.
>Why would it happen?
Why do you think? They hate the 2nd Amendment.
>Because the democrats hate america and want to destroy our freedoms?
If you can't see that they're opposed to the first and second amendments, I don't know what I can say to you.
>Because they are working for the terrorists and want to sell us out?
You asked for an example different to the strawmen you gave and I provided one. Now you're moving the topic of the argument.
Another one could be
>muh a literal bear comes and attacks my farm and I need to defend myself
If you ban some, the Dems will see it as encouragement to ban all. You're both doing it right now. You claim to be okay with handguns, but you'll be against them once bigger guns are banned.
The Greens are among the most dishonest in any country.
>form environmentalist political party
>Care more about immigration and abortion
Not to mention their environmentalism always ignores people dependent on farming, etc. for a living.
I imagine something pretty close to “Whiter than you Muhammad”
Would fuck.
the Clinton foundation
Atleast we can agree to not vote for the corrupt fucking liberals. Are we in favour of heavier taxes on corporations however my fellow Ontario's?
breaking silence.
yes of coarse people should be punished for UNJUSTIFIED violence but they are mostly just pushing literal lies and left propaganda. the army is mandatory (understandably) and not everybody wants to fight but above that there are leftist propagandist following you while you try to do your work