Nice weather edition
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selamat pagi
we already have a thread though
A 16-year-old Texas girl ran away from home in hopes of escaping being forced to marry an older man, San Antonio TV station KSAT reports.
The teenager’s parents, Abdulah Fahmi Al Hishmawi, 34, and Hamdiyah Sabah Al Hishmawi, 33,
were reportedly set to receive $20,000 compensation for the arranged marriage. When their
daughter Maarib refused, they allegedly began to choke the teen, beating her and pouring hot
cooking oil on her. The teenager tried to escape the abuse by running away from home in January.
Fuck your recycled thread.
When’s your arranged marriage gonna be, Malay-chan?
next year inshallah
please come
the woman that will take me is 30 year old senior than me
I sucked my bf's cock too far last night now my throat hurts.
any recommendations>?
Is s(he) a chink?
Why is there so many ASEAN threads?
never seen her
heard from my mom, the woman willing to pay her rm100k
I would use the word deep instead of far
Betadine mouth wash + salt wash
Is your mom pimping you? lol
Tell me about Pepe, what is he doing in Singapore?
mashallah dont say something like that brother
like an arab this country this will become there arent such thing as pimping because our people follow ar*b esp saud since they are the ideal people to be follow
they never abuse other muslim esp non ar*b
trust me im an expert
certainly not for an*me carnival
Thanks will try, i have only bactidol right it should prob work
Palabok is delicious, especially from Jollibee.
good morning my friends
Selamat pagi. How is Shinzo doing lately?
this is important
does the Philippines has papaya fruit?
Shinzo is not human. Duterte must kill Shinzo already.
>he thinks he's talking to a real nip
yes, why?
Yes but it's not native here. Mangoes are native here, though.
first this
bye bye this place.
Epic fail. And to think they rented almost the whole SMX for this. I guess those issues caught up to then at the end.
Sounds haram. Why is she so much older than you?
Are you off homosexual?
How can you eat those? They always smell rotten and taste not so good.
Why are /asean/s so dead today
Bananas and possibly coconuts are the ones native in SEA, Mangoes are from South Asia, India
3 cups of coffee isn't enough
I need more
Don't or your acidity will go up. It happened to my cousin and now she can't eat fried food/fast food/coffee/citrus/many other kinds of foods for three months.
>complaining about /asean/ being dead at 11:10 AM
>The teenager’s mother is 33
>getting pregnant at 16
>forcing the daughter fuck at 16
Abolute trash circle
How does /ASEAN/ feel about this?
Everyonne I met from your countries seemed to be so happy and not caring at all.
I regularly get jealous when i read stuff like this. Do you also get jealous? How do you cope? You seem to be much better at it.
I would be emberassed to ask this IRL.
fuck, these people will get 10 to 20 years prison in Indonesia.
Any Malaysian here?
Is the oi band "ACAB" still popular among you?
I like them but can't find mp3 or CDs.
Are their songs on sale?
I'm jealous of course, but why should I care about stuff like that? He's just lucky for being born from rich family, and it will only bring you unhealthy life if you are always jealous with something simple like that. Unless if your friend brags about his lifestyle, then better off stay away from him. He's not worth to be your friend.
How about people you meet randomly? For example today in the gym I went to change my clothes and realized I forgot the hoody I put on to hide my body.
So I had to go with just a T-Shirt, thinking "Eh, maybe it won't be half as bad". Just when I was about to go to the weigths, a blonde blue-eyed magechad at least 10 cm taller than me, ripped and toned came around the corner and I became jealous of his body, noth the part you can influence (muscles) and the parts I can't (heigth, hair and eye color).
What would you do in order not to become jealous in random situations like that?
anjrit mati lampu
Sarita and her daughters. Are they even considered as celeb? But doubtlessly, their issues make me cringe. A lot. Berapa banyak orang dengan masalah rumah tangga yang sama, berapa banyak orang dengan kondisi perselingkuhan yang sana? Toh, papanya juga tetap menjalankan kewajiban seorang ayah. Buat aku pribadi, masalah relasi ortu ya masalah mereka, bukan sesuatu yang harus diintervensi anak di situasi tertentu. Tolerable banget untuk aku, kalau misalnya si Jedun tuntut Shafa, he he he bisa banget sih untuk kekerasan fisik dan verbal. Kenapa harus diviralkan sih masalah kayak gini, oh, wahai netijen bekas bumi Hindia Belanda. Baik kedua belah pihak juga gada yang beken-beken amat, apa yang ditontonin sih? Apa serunya sih? Yang bikin aku tambah naik pitam, dengki, murka, dan kawan-kawannya adalah, cewe-cewe ini jadi rajin banget nih nampang di TV. Bingung, apa guna gituloh ngomongin masalah keluarga, nebar aib, mancing empati, haus ibaan orang. Aku gak mau ngomong kasar lho tapi im on the edge, this issue is beyond sto0pid and oVerr4t3d. Selamat yah Harris' Angels, sekarang banjir tawaran talkshow, banjir followers, banjir subscribers. Asik ya? Jangan mancing lebih banyak attention seeker untuk memanfaatkan isu pribadi sebagai umpan popularitas yah. Sudah cukup ratusan kata 'muak' saya torehkan di halaman asefem saya yang terkasih ini. C U K U P. Stop making stupid people famous
>1 hour sleep
>fueled only by adrenaline from forgetting to do my assignments
Started my thing at 10pm, slept at 5am, woke up at 6am, now non-stop
And whadya know? I missed my deadline :'^)
Never jealous with something like that desu. Maybe I just get motivated more for hitting the gym so I can be as ripped and toned as him.
Hey, at least Mami went to your country before she retired.
Let the sword of reason shine,
Let us be free of prayer & shrine
God's face is hidden, turned away
He never has a word to say
He was never on your side
God was never on your side
Let right or wrong, alone decide,
God was never on your side.
hello lads
It's not morning anymore
selamat siang
I took a nap and woke up now hehe
I'm inside train now. Gonna take a nap for the next 1 hour.
Duterte is probably the best president in the Philippine history. Thank god he gave us Duterte to purge the druggies and triggered the butthurt liberlels
I am going to show you Japanese girls who are supposed to get attentioned in 2018 right now.
Can I do it? you guys can rate them.
do it
>>Sup Forums
Are they singers?
No, actress
No.1 Mei nagano
Mei nagano (2)
who is Mami?
>Mei nagano
>cute smile
why koreans do more crime than niggers in japan
1st step are the junkies
2nd step are the butthurt liberlels
Riho Yoshioka
Riho (2)
The one in my trip.
>Riho Yoshioka
>nice boobs
but i've seen so many japanese actress with this type of face
Nip user, do you know Mami Kawada?
No.3 Minami Hamabe
Why the fuck do you always ask this shit everytime jap posts here, you fucking autist?
her lips are made for kissing
No. 4
Marie Iitoyo
japs are ugly
but its understandable people like them since they have low standards
I need to know if Nips still know her. Also I don't always ask that.
>tfw my relatives are sick of air pollution from China (that affects Korea a lot) and started to think about relocating to SEA
Where would be the best place? Kinda expecting something within budget of USD 2000/month.
Singapore if you want to avoid pollution.
Are you kissless virgin?
Marie 2
I won't give her 10/10 like him She is beautiful but too vanilla, I'll give her 8/8.
Batangas City so you can live with Mommy Kawada Cucker
>smog your country
>nothing personnel my friend
No.5 Nana Komasu
>resting bitch face
Nana (2)
Nana (3)
itt: the jap and the cocksucker colonies: the thread
Aoi Morikawa
Watch your mouth! Nips is /asean/ hero. My great ancestors welcome the nips to malaya after nips have kicked the british out of here
people should be allowed to get rich, the shouldn't be allowed to inherit it more than some degree (they still should be allowed to have better education).
not because of the social tension it makes but rather to make natural law stands
Calm down
Aoi (2)
No.7 Karen Otomo
because you’re cucks
like how your country is called malaysia but indonesia, brunei, and the philippines are way more malay than your country
come to think of it, we should just inherit the name malaysia instead, you can use the name Malaixiya given by your colonial overlords
But the Japanese colonizers destroyed property, killed thousands of innocent civilians, raped many more women, and had comfort women.
Karen (2)
fuck is wrong with nips teeth
No. 8 Kyouko Yoshine
Kyouko (2)