>getting older
is there literally any worse feeling than this
i only have a couple more years, then if i don't have things sorted out i will have literally failed at life
Getting older
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Suicide is the quickest way out, waiting to get old is just prolonging it
Then you can go full yolo and do silly shit.
how old are you user?
>25 years old
>master's degree
>solid start of a career
>some good friends
>no gf
I still have one more thing to fix. Too bad literally have no idea how.
t. assburger of the highest order
I'm only 18, so not too far gone, but fast approaching my twenties and have 0 accomplishments of any kind
born in 1987
feels still young
>worrying he's getting old
go out in the woods and spend a year as a hermit
Dude, you still have all the time in the world. People only start thinking for themselves when they are like 14 years old. And you only get a sense of urgency around 18 to 21.
You can still study and date until you are like 30 years old. And you can start a business at every point in your life.
You sound fucking retarded, so there is a good chance you are fucking up your life.
As a male cuck in Sweden you will be unable to have a family that deserves the name by default though
Are you for real motherfucker? You've got nothing but time
>30 years old
>failed at my dream career
>now working an entry-level job with 20 year olds for an average salary
>no wife
>no kids
>no property
>no savings
You're perfectly fine. Sounds like you haven't figured what your interests are?
Don'T worry, modern life doesn't allow a functional family anyways.
I can do better.
>28 years old
>recently left long-term gf to fuck a 19 year old
>finishing my master's until september
>erectile problems thanks to finasteride
>basically no relevant job-experience
>made the sacrifice
>you have choosen poorly (not even meme career, stem but I kind of suck at it and not longer even find any joy in it anymore only reason I keep doing it is because I don’t know anything else and I am too old to switch)
>now the only option left is becoming voluntary organ donor for people worthy of existence
>but I cannot even do that because of family
Thank goodness I live in America and am privileged enough to own several firearms. I can't imagine how tough a decision suicide is for 3rd world shitters when all I do is literally pull a trigger.
Come on now. I mean, the age to have your stuff figured out is 25, that's not too far away
>Come on now. I mean, the age to have your stuff figured out is 25, that's not too far away
In movies maybe, but not in real life. Nobody I know really did.
There are easier and less painful ways of suicide.
>having buckshot pop the top of your skull off like a cork
>feeling it
Choose one.
Nobody knows...human reaction time is what, like less than 2 miliseconds? There's some evidence of people stating they felt the bullet cracking their skull. You run the risk of feeling horrible pain before everything goes black. Why not go with a nice helium high or something.
Could be worse. You all could be women and have your value to society exponentially decreased with each year you age past 25
>about to give up on my dream career because it's almost impossible to crack into the field without using nepotism
I'll be in your shoes soon enough user
We can always open our own businesses...right...
Curious though, what is your dream career
Being president.
Please tell me you are not that retarded
Yes, that's an option of course, and I might start some software businesses
Stock trader
"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest - whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories - comes afterwards. These are games." - Albert Camus
>>you have choosen poorly (not even meme career, stem but I kind of suck at it and not longer even find any joy in it anymore only reason I keep doing it is because I don’t know anything else and I am too old to switch)
Every bit of it.
I should've just done some business related shit and networked self into a cushy, nepotistic job.
First time i'm listening to that guy. I assumed he was a clueless nigger, but what he says makes sense.
Yeah, I'm already 24 and my life is coming to and end, soon I'll hit the old age and have nothing but regrets
i'm pretty much you, but I have some savings, i got part of my dad's shekels after he hung himself
I don't know a lot of people who are successfully into stocks in their 20's let alone 30's, it's all one big gamble.
>tfw your path for life is set in this country by the time you're 20
>tfw your 24 and already know how terrible the rest of your life is going to be;
I'm about a couple ticks away from giving up on wanting to raise a family, then running away innawoods.
Yeah, your life is pretty much decided at 25.
That's when you got all your cards layed out, then it's only about what you can make out of what you have.
>tfw took care of my school then realised connections and social skills are much more important
>tfw your path for life is set in this country by the time you're 20
Wrong. Your path is set once you enter high school. If you don't do well in high school, you end up at a second or 3rd rate college, and from their you end up with horrible work opportunities if you can find a good one. I honestly don't know what happened that made the world so shit like this, where a few years determines your path for the next 60 years
I know it's a gamble. I actually spoke to another person who tried to enter this same field. They were in their 30s, and told me all about how they spent a good 6 years trying to get into it and failed. They ended up rising up some of the ranks in a large company, so it's not like they were poor off financially. But you can tell in this guy's voice that he probably would never feel fully satisfied with his life
I almost want to give Communism or Fascism a whirl, but I know that's probably a really, really bad idea.
I fucked this up too user. Should've spent more time talking to people
>not failing at both leading to a bleak future
In this world, having an introspective nature is your doom
Don't listen to the ppl telling you you're fine. kys instead faggot
>I was only pretending to be retarded.jpg
lets form a international nihilist loser terrorist cell
>sophomore at community college
>haven't had a job in almost 2 years
>parents paying for my rent
>have to use public transit
>really need to get a job and been putting it off
>been with my girlfriend for almost 7 months
>broke my 5th 3 month nofap challenge
The only thing I have is my girlfriend
There is nothing scarier than time.
Let's go, baby. We can start our headquarters in my mom's attic.
I probably am going to, kind of hard to get a hold of a firearm here though, can you sell me a powerful caliber handgun and ammo on the silk road? I got maybe 400-500$ to work with
You can get some cheapo Makarovs in Ukraine, but you're gonna want to be accurate.
>25 in 2 months
>never had a job
>on masters degree
>got no real friends in uni
>old friends slowly drifting away
>live in student apartment, isolation is burning holes in my brain
>never kissed a girl
every physiological and psychological impulse coarsing through my being disgusts me, I am pure sickness, I am the wet blind things living beneath the earth, I am a fate worse than death, I am the spirit of failure, I built my own fate with fat, clumsy hands and now suffer the consequences
>have 0 accomplishments of any kind
Same here although I'm 21 this year
fuck off normie
we /illegalism/ now
What we need is a Christian cult focused on garnering the desperate, disabled, diseased, and depressed. A bunch of losers blessed in each other's miserable company.
>christian cult
lol no
I want life in bloodshed and destruction, and the sensation of channeling power into the world
christianity makes you sick and long-lived, we need the opposite
Man, if you're this panicky at 18, just wait until you're 25.
t. 25
>>never had a job
How the fuck do you endure 5 years of uni without having an internship once?
I'll probably have done a shuaiby by then tbqhwy
go to classes, take exams and go home???
Turn to Islam
How did you spend your summers then?
Honestly, ship-posting aside, this: The message of Christianity is a really tired one. It's either "peace and love" faggotry, or foaming at the mouth about gays and just submission to Jebus "because". There's practically no in-between. Furthermore, as the Swede indirectly points out, disenfranchised people (mostly young men) in places like 4chinz tend to have accumulated a certain amount of bitterness, resentment and spite towards the world and/or society. This is ultimately why converts to pisslam are so much more common: because Islam has a message of destruction and revenge against the world. The problem though is that pisslam is still just a sand religion full of retarded durkas.
What we need is a non-sand religion which is a bit like a satanic cult, but without the cringy LARPing and pretending.
kill yourself already
do nothing because I saved up student loan money
I can easily live on like 15k SEK for a summer, which takes me 3 months to save
>do nothing
Well that's no good.
I hate searching for jobs, I hate doing things (and I also hate doing nothing, but hey)
if I become chronically unemployed on graduation I can just make bioweapons and fucking kill myself
>if I become chronically unemployed on graduation I can just make bioweapons and fucking kill myself
Oh well yah, haven't ventured about your major yet. If it's STEM-ish, you're not really that fucked.
it's biotechnology
I don't know if it's that good on the job market, I just took it because it looked cool and the alternative was looking for jobs through the job centre (aka arbetsförnedringen)
>I don't know if it's that good on the job market,
You'll get down looked down upon by the chemical grads how I understand it, but it's a great major otherwise. Don't know how bad lack of internships will hurt, but it can't be as severe as in business/finance courses.
I think you're fine.
>Albert Camus
>a bit like a satanic cult
Why? It's nothing but Houdini rituals and hedonism.
I just want to start a community that helps poor schmucks like everyone in the thread.
That's why I said "without the LARPing", but perhaps I should have said "death cult" instead
Ah. That's much different, but the hedonism part still stands with a lot of Satanist groups I used to know without the LARP (rituals, potions, divining with dry ice vapo- demons, and other stupid bullshit).
I suppose death cults would be fine with the suicidal people in here. Aim for the lobbyists.
You guys are like little babys watch me
>18 years
>never had a job
>never had a girlfriend
>doing a meme degree at a shitty university
>no savings
>still living with my parents
My biggest accomplishment that i can remember is that i learned how to ride a bicicle
That's all of us, except tack on "good at a video game," maybe.
>18 years
literally half the fucking 18 year population has your exact circumstances
Maybe in Sweden, but having no girlfriend or job here are major redflags
We need to fuck this society up, the reason there are so many man-childs and suffering shows you something is very wrong with our societies
All the same except I learned how to skate
>most musicians put out their best albums between 18 to 26 at most
>Orson Welles released his Magnus opus at 26
>Thomas Pynchon published his first book at 25
>Alan Turing essentially founded Computer Science at the age of 24 after publishing his thesis
>By his mid 20s Aristotle had now become well bersed in every subject known to man at the time
>By the end of his 20s Jesus had formulated the chritstian philosophy that would be spread around the world
>Be 25 creatively, physically, and mentally past my prime already
>Have not created anything
>Did not do anything I set out to do or visit anywhere I planned to
Stop whining and do something about it.
A bunch of smarty tardies got lucky, whoopdeedoo.