japan and south Korea, why do we fight each other so much on the internet? the old sentiments are fading away yet these days it seems that the ones obsessed with the past are the Japanese anons, its china the real problem these days, every year they pollute our air with deforestation and factories, acting like a bully around the region 24/7 (which is funny because they say they're not imperialistic at all).
Japan and south Korea, why do we fight each other so much on the internet...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Japan vs proxy
it's more like Japanese vs another gaijins under Japan flag
Do you love Japan
It is not only the Internet that Japanese people hate Koreans
Korean people are hate in Japan as discrimination against Koreans becomes problems
Do you love Korea?
What is this? The hell is this?
its a subgenre of NTR called K-NTR, where the Japanese male gets cucked by stronger, more physically dominent korean male and korean male only, think of it as getting BLACKED
It's his phantasm.
In fact, tens of thousands of Korean prostitutes are prostituting in Japan.
In Uguisudani 鶯谷, there are many Korean prostitutes.
If you want to have sex with a Korean prostitute, go to Uguisudani.
...thanks for the info. Was this drawn by a Japanese artist?
>dog eaters
Yeah, I think I'll stick with Japan
meanwhile in bongland ....
you know i have always wondered that my self but never really cared enough to find out
We can't draw such thing...
>fight each other so much on the internet
Wtf do Japanese men enjoy being cucks?
Even if I wanna make nice conversation with Korean, always be disturbed by someone.
As you know, so many Jap flag shitposters exist here.
I don't care whom actually they are, but they post meaningless shit, and kill thread.
I'm sure you know what I mean, my friend.
>Jap flag shitposters
Just you
good boy good boy
yes its a disgrace, our ultimate goal should be working together as neighbors that share so much stuff with each other
cuckolding is a very genuine and respectable fetish user
Because we secretly love each other but too embarrassed to express our true feeling OwO
you should watch news and read newspaper.
Japanese school don't teach anything about political problems.
Their products are diverse
Not only K-NTR
I saw tons of japanese NTR hentai
Maybe NTR has it's demand
Why do foreigners pretend they are Japanese and Korean then proceed to ape around like shitty stereotypes?
Are you faggots autistic enough to not have any self awareness? Then again, most of you are American.
umm not really
in Japan, it's basically right-wing Japs vs left-wing Japs
they fight each other on Japan-born Koreans, historical issues and something like that
real japs vs real koreans like here is nothing compared that
nip bois...
Is this the guy that you just mentioned?
How can you keep saying your bullshit argument of nip/pepsi posters being American when all they spit out is completely incomprehensible broken English including this sentence? They surely are legit Japanese/Korean and you are at self-denial phase caused by watching too may kpops and anime series
some are actually foreigners
I asked this auty poster many time to write his posts in Japanese, and he always neglected or refused
>why do we fight each other so much on the internet?
There are No reason why both 2 have been fighting.
It seems S.Korea is One of biggest mistaken about who you are and another one reason.
1st, S.Koreans are clearly above Japan.
We already pass the baton to you 15 years before.
Asian Boss pls do what you ought to do.
2nd, Your race are Super mixest in the ***.
I keep watching you.川`≪≫__,≪≫川
If you would try to fight against Japan,
personally,Its OK.
This sentence is Dear AI desu.m6
>if I speak in broken English, people will believe I'm Japanese
Fuck off, proxies.
>real japs vs real koreans like here is nothing compared that
Really? I thought you guys care less about politics than other countries.
oh men....first time?born in the earth..
its so good to me dear AI-chan
Japanese don't say their true feeling to
the others in their daily life. They express that on the internet. Actually they hate Korean because they don't buy any products which made in Korea even though Korea is neighborhood of them.
>no broken English
Must be a tiny minority otherwise you would have more political instability.
hey thanks i lived in the states for like 7,8 years