How come in the western world (western europe and north america), Hitler is viewed as the personifaction of evil, like Satan himself; whereas in the rest of world, particularly Asia, Hitler is viewed as just another historic leader and conqueror, no different to Julius Caesar and Napoleon, if not outright idolised by some?
How come in the western world (western europe and north america), Hitler is viewed as the personifaction of evil...
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Asians think of the IJA as the embodiment of evil while Westerners think of it was just another army for the most part
Because the west was the most affected by him, whilst the Far East was completely oblivious
They had Japan after all.
>Asians think of the IJA
nah only mainland Chinese think that way. Taiwanese and HK love Japan. A Taiwanese Chinese person once told me that they'd prefer if Japan annexed Taiwan than the People's Republic of China annexing Taiwan.
I'm pretty sure he's viewed as the personification of evil in Eastern Europe too (along with Stalin).
And the extremely obvious answer if you stop to think about it for literally five seconds is that it was Europe that suffered under him and his armies, and America has its strongest cultural ties with Europe.
Yeah but Hitler hardly did anything bad to the west. His occupation of France and the low countries was mostly benign, he did even less damage to Belgium than the Germans in WW1 had.
Most of his alleged """""atrocities""""" were in eastern europe, and most Russians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, etc. today love Hitler or at least have a neutral to positive opinion of him that's not influenced by western goyducation.
>nah only mainland Chinese think that way
Ditto Koreans, Filipinos, and almost anyone else Japan occupied.
>I'm pretty sure he's viewed as the personification of evil in Eastern Europe too (along with Stalin).
you couldn't be more wrong. Stalin has a cult of following in modern Georgia and Russia, only Ukraine really hates him. Like Russians will outright state, "yeah stalin killed millions of people but he wasn't as bad as people say".
Theres a small Croatian neighborhood where I live and they actually celebrate Hitler's birthday instead of dude weed lmao on 4/20.
I was thinking of the old Eastern Bloc. I don't think he's very popular in Poland/Hungary/Czechoslovakia/the Baltic countries/etc. Obviously Russia's a different story and Georgia's hardly Eastern Europe.
Nah Hitler is loved or at least admired in Eastern Europe
only in Baltics
Think again, fatso
Can we get some actual Eastern Europeans to chime in on this
the bastards, getting genocided like that
>Most of his alleged """""atrocities""""" were in eastern europe
>wehrmacht dindu nuffin
Germany(Hitler) vs Russia(Stalin)
which do the Baltics hate more?
they dindu nuffin dey wuz good bois need mo money fo dem programz
Baltics are fascist dogs.
Take a wild guess
why does getting genocided in europe by germans justify Jews stealing land from Palestinians and ethnically cleansing them and bombing them?
>why does getting genocided justify this thing you never tried to justify or even mention
Because we're god's chosen people
Ahh, so this is the famous Jewish mental gymnastics in action.
>God's chosen people
>brutally murdered and crucified the Son of God
>were told by God they are a brood of serpents and sons of the devil
Pretty sure God "unchose" you a long time ago.
No one mentioned Palestine or tried to justify it, he just brought it up like a retard.
>Because we're god's chosen people
somebody should have told hitler
>le jesus is the true messiah
Jesus was a Roman agent LMAO
Because they are mindless authoratarians.
I wonder why...
That's because our diaspora is 99% fascist / natsoc
Only soyboys hate Hitler
>tfw you guys killed the guy with the strongest claim to be the messiah and nobody with an even close claim has shown up in the 2000 years since
just admit you fucked up. Its okay, Jesus forgives. :)
Bernd Hoecke, get off the computer.
I can speak for the ex yu region, and it's pretty much the same situation as in the west. National socialism and fascism is considered very wrong and offensive, while communists get a free pass. The difference in Croatia at least is that there is a significant community of far right ustaša simpatizers, especially in the diaspora, who probably revere Hitler because the ustaša regime was the ally of the reich, but even then you can barely hear them say anything about Hitler, they are far more interested in the Croatian identity and strong cultural values.
How could i put this?
>real men love autistic, socially-awkward painters who lose the biggest war in human history
Krauts are the bane of the west.
Hitler is just the most recent one to be of note.
Get fuck in the ass muhhamad
Nazis is a loser party for mutts and ugly niggers
Fun fact: The reason for this was because of the lack of trade with the West, Hitler had to import most beans from Japan, which was a major exporter of Soy beans.
This is the Eternal Anglo's doing. The Anglo is working nonstop to destroy civilization. The Anglo killed millions to destroy the EU and leave. The Anglo is the only reason the US was dragged into two World Wars. Hitler's personification of literally Satan is due to Hitler's rightful near destruction of all things Anglo. Hitler tried to save Europe and the Anglo is on a mission to flood it with immigrants and destroy it. Hitler understood the Anglo had to squashed for world peace to be accomplished. For this reason Hitler must be hated with fanaticism by the Anglo.
tl;dr the reason the holocaust, hitler is evil is shoved down your throat for most of your life is due to the dirty Anglo
I mean if you weren't a Jew, I guess it would be relatively benign
Though there was also that whole forced labour of the civilian population
International Jugglers Association?
Eh not really. More like, we respect and enjoy modern Japan's products and culture, maybe even some hints of weabooism, but when you talk about ww2 in general, we hate them as much as how I think the today's French view the ww2's Germans. Not as much as the mainlanders, but still a lot.