So when America finally decides to ban guns, do you think there will be an armed uprising, or will Americans hand over their guns without a fight?
So when America finally decides to ban guns, do you think there will be an armed uprising...
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A bunch of Americans will say they'd rather die than give up their guns, but realistically speaking it's more likely that a few of them would chimp out and get killed while the rest would just lower their heads and accept it
Feds have been arrested by local law enforcement for taking guns from people before.
It would be interesting to see.
Examples? I'd love to see ATF/FBI/DEA agents getting shot at and cuffed by local sheriffs and park rangers or militia if that's what you're actually suggesting.
Feds and local police clash all the time.
All state/local governments secretly loathe DC, and want to fuck them over whenever we can, just try not to a lot of time so we keep getting gibs.
Americans are fucking cowards and there will never be an armed uprising in the states so long as they continue to be cowards
Everyone imagines themselves as some kinda action movie star but at the end of the day they're just as scared of dying as anyone else
You'd need a hard left congress to pass any law of the sort, a hard left president to sign any law of the sort, and a super hard left batshit insane scotus to not rule any law of the sort constitutional.
It's true
Ever since I was a little lad I always imagined myself leading my platoon against the Russians.
But in reality i'm a worthless fat NEET that spends all day on computer
Especially when the government gets their drones, tanks and fighter jets out. I wonder how far Cleetus will get with his hand gun in that situation.
it would honestly lead to civil war. from a small faction but with a population as large as the us a small faction can inflict huge damage
Americans talk a lot about how they need guns to resist a tyrannical government. It would be interesting to see if they will actually revolt or not if their guns are taken.
>armed uprising
This. Not too well organized, mostly just nutjobs who religiously watch Alex Jones, but it would still be too much trouble. A lot of people would probably just hide their guns.
So a full gun ban won't ever happen. You'll see pieces of legislature passed towards one side or another, but nothing more.
A revolt would never occur.
Because the minute a president orders a general to kill american Civilians, is the minute we get a military government.
Or alternatively, repeal the 2nd Amendment and go through that whole process.
America is unironically the site of an absurd amount of conflict with the federal government. I'm not taking about Dixie and the Civil Was either, I mean the fucking Mormons fought a war with the feds.
A law passed in such blatant violation would make the OKC Bombing look like a fucking joke.
>Because the minute a president orders a general to kill american Civilians, is the minute we get a military government.
So what you're saying is we already have a military government then
Just stop selling ammunition/stuff to make them in stores and the problem will solve itself.
Outlawing guns will never happen. Ever. There may be restrictions and amendments, but the outright ban of all guns is a statistic impossibility.
There's too many people with tons of weapons who are just crazy enough to bust at feds. Or even if they were outlawed, how are you going to collect them? There would be hidden caches all over the place, it's be worse than prohibition.
Can a fighter jet enforce curfew?
Can a tank watch the homes of every senator and soldier/officer to keep them safe?
Can these heavy ordinance weapons prevent bombings?
Has the conflicts of the modern world taught you nothing?
It was never about Johnny and his AR15. It is about the societal collapse following civil unrest that makes things unproductive and unprofitable for government. Syria has government tanks and fighter jets. So did the Ukrainian government.
How fucking goddamned dumb are you?
>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT be infringed.
really makes you think when liberal eurocucks complain about the US putting its nose in other countries' business while at the same time literally telling Americans how to live their lives
Most gun owners are too fat and weak to actually be able to hold up a gun for more than a few seconds so I don't think there's much worry.
>tfw actual leftists shouldn't be pro gun ban
Syrian rebels only got as far as they did because half of the Syrian army defected. And with Ukraine, don't pretend that wasn't an outright Russian invasion.
I always get tickled at seeing Berkley Trotskyists preach for gun bans.
Want to know how I know you're a mutt?
Foreign actors would very much begin to help any uprising in the US, and you can bet your ass that a military that swore an oath to the Constitution would have defectors to uphold that oath.
Leave my country you filthy animal.
They aren't, but in America, anyone to the left of Hillary Clinton is considered a "commie leftist"
Probably because the scenario you're describing doesn't exist.
Proving my point. It doesn't matter what civilians want, it matters what the military wants.
>there were no ethnic Russians in Donbass wanting Independence
user I...
American soldiers come from American families, from American homes in American towns; they go to American schools, American churches, have American friends and American partners.
You are deluded out of your mind if you think they are simply going to just obey an order to attack their own countrymen.
>the military exists in a vacuum
America without the Constitution is just north of here, why not go? You'd be happier there.
That's my fucking point you illiterate retard. The "gun owners" wouldn't be the ones fighting a war, it would be the military turning on itself.
>le soviet canuckistan xDD
No more replies for you, immature mutt.
Don't tell him about how the military, both enlisted and officers, are disproportionally from the American South.
Not an argument you wannabe Old Worlder soyboy
>That's my fucking point you illiterate retard. The "gun owners" wouldn't be the ones fighting a war, it would be the military turning on itself.
Boy, it's almost like soldiers come from civilians!
>Not an argument you wannabe Old Worlder soyboy
What part of "that's my fucking point" do you not seem to understand, Cletus?
>soldiers are the same thing as civilians
If you really are this stupid then there's no point in arguing with you.
>You are deluded out of your mind if you think they are simply going to just obey an order to attack their own countrymen.
Half this country already wants to kill the other half
Police kill people all the time with no remorse
What makes you think the military are any different
It will never happen... just look how powerful the NRA is:
It's time to buy a lor of weapons and ammunition and hide it in the ground.
t. wise russian
Americans did nothing when PRISM was leaked.
You're all talk, apart from the extreme fringe minorities.
Kek, we're just waiting for a chance to rebel again
FUCK yankees
>What makes you think the military are any different
Even better, the military personnel involved don't even have to know who they are killing, just like most of them have no idea who they are bombing and drone striking around the world.
>If you really are this stupid then there's no point in arguing with you.
Ask me how I know how you, nor any of your family is military
>Ask me how I know how you, nor any of your family is military
Lmfao imagine trying to get a Texan to bomb Dallas or San Antonio
You actually don't understand how absurd that is
>banning guns
intellectual property is dead. freedom is here to stay
Americans have an innate superiority complex.
Americans wouldn't think twice about nuking Brisbane, London, Toronto, or any other ally capital.
But we'd never attack our own.
The only fighting will be between lawyers, and it will cost a fortune.
America will never ban all guns unless the second amendment gets repealed, but I can see it getting limited in various ways. All it will take is a court challenge failing and the NRA will cave and accept a compromise to keep what they can.
As for the gunhappy nutjobs, they can all go to the wall.
>oh god i hate the US Constitution, why can't we be more like the progressive European Union instead
>oh how i wish this country was a spineless, emasculated joke like Canada
so which one are you?
>ban guns
Boy, you must be some special kinda stupid.