Gentlemen. How do we wipe out the Wh*tes, the Bl*cks, the N*tives, and the Mestizos to ensure our Castizo ethno-state

Gentlemen. How do we wipe out the Wh*tes, the Bl*cks, the N*tives, and the Mestizos to ensure our Castizo ethno-state.

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>Castizo ethno-state
Why would you want that?

The countries are too mixed and lacking any common ground. We need to narrow it down to a single "ethnicity" and I'd the pick one that I identify with.

How would you know if someone is castizo?
This whole sistema de castas has me confused as fuck

this fo rizzle

>I'm 3/4 wh*Te

I prefer the phrase "pale native american. "

Good point. Kill pure breeds only then.

>how do you know if someone is castizo

Very easily, castizos are very far apart from.mestizos and natives.

Only people who resist castizo domination and rule should ve executed, rest should be assimilated and bam world power.

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What the fuck is "castizo"?

Get out my country, spic.

Sons of spaniards in the americas
So basically, ethic spaniards (or portuguese i assume)

It's probably someone using Brazilian proxy.

>So basically, ethic spaniards (or portuguese i assume)
That is criollo.

Castizo is a race-mixed individual who is more European than amerindian ( aka 3/4 european, 1/4 amerindian)

I thought that's what is known as a Criollo

Nadie conoce memes de /lat/ egendro

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Fuck off macaco*d
नई भारत Belongs to Desi übermensch

Attached: r68.png (3178x1569, 216K)

Fuck off
All of Americas belong to white man

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genetic tests

Oh, yeah, that's true

Fuck off, creepy wanna-be white faggot.
We'll hang you from a tree when the time comes.
Latin america is AMERINDIAN and BLACK.

Niggers are as much of an invader as whites, they do not belong here

>wanna-be white faggot.
What part of killing off the Wh*Tes don't you understand?

The world belongs to the BLACK BULL though

kara boga brother


in sha' allah

You need to go, half cum skin.

Race based genocides are a white thing, you dumbass.

The American continent belongs to the black man.