>be british
>disrespect allah
>get expelled from country
The absolute country of Allah Kingdom
>be british
>disrespect allah
>get expelled from country
The absolute country of Allah Kingdom
>right wing e-celeb bullshit
Fuck off back to your containment zone teenager
This is really fucked actually.
thats what u get for disrespecting KARA BOĞA(ALLAH)
>be wh*Teoid (j*Wish)
>disrespect ALLAH(KARA BOĞA)
>no mutt policy
That's a good thing actually
Not religious, but why would anyone say such things and expect a country like the UK to allow her to visit? In my opinion, she should be kept on a terrorist watchlist in the US because she is inciting violence while being a social media personality.
UK is pathetic tbqh
Classic Ummah Kingdom
Brits should just let her be, some jihadi will kill her eventually, and nothing valuable will be lost
They also banned the guy who organized the pegida marches from entering the UK.
You need to be killed.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to say whatever you want to say and get away with it, nigger.
das rite, hang those who insult Allah
They also banned Wilders from the UK.
But in return Canada banned a British politician.
>you dont share my views??? omg u should die!!!
So much for the tolerant right
Allah was gay though. Look how gay all the sandniggers on Sup Forums are
This is some next level cucked shit. Fuck allah and all sandniggers. Bunch of closet faggots the lot of them.
Who said anything about tolerance? People like you and him shouldn't be tolerated; you should be killed.
I'm sure saying kill all non muslims is okay though
But that's exactly what freedom of speech means. Unless I'm actively gathering people to bring harm to Allah worshippers, if I just say "Allah is gay" no one can touch me. Only muslims are triggered when someone insults their god, and cucked countries like UK are afraid of terrorism and censor anything that could enrage their muslim friends. We really need to bring back crusades and crucify all those who dare insult our God.
your god (Mazinger z) are gay
>Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to say whatever you want to say
This would not happen even in Sweden. I'm serious. Sweden.
I thought she is Irish from States.
It actually doesn't. I'll admit I wrote that post with a bit of irony trying to be funny, but my point remains. Freedom of speech does not cover cancelling out another person's freedom of speech or hate speech. Once you cross that boundary, you lose your right to freedom of speech just as you've taken it from other people. It goes both ways.
lol no
It probably has to do with the difference in education level on average among the Muslim population in Sweden compared to the UK
UK created Saudi Arabia and they are they are the ones funding schools that teach to hate non muslims and promote terrorirsm.
Dude, in Saudi Arabia there are no a church, and even Arabs with heritage from a different countries have less rights.
Tell about this to someone else.
Also you will not be aviable to detect the hatespeech if you won't understand the language ;)
Not sure what you mean?
Is this true or did that slut do something else to get banned
please post in French here
Dude, you country is fucking angloboo. Why can't you use Russian as international language? a lot of finno-ugric people speak it.
нa злo мaмe oтмopoжy yши.
I think, on an average, Muslims in Sweden are better educated and hence will not impulsively react to trolls like her.
Non toi
They banned Wilders too.
More interestingly they also banned Tyler, the creator for inciting violence against gays I think because he once said faggot during a performance. Also Snoop Dog too has been banned.
Freedom of speech means you are free to say whatever you want without legal consequences unless it's a direct threat of violence.
>in Saudi Arabia there are no a church
And how did you come up with that idea exactly?
The end will be that even brits won't speak English.
Because you can't detect "hate speech" if you don't understand the language.
lauren is a cum dump for niggers
she's jewish
Saudi arabia is the islamic world's equivalent of Vatican city, of course you won't find a lot of churches there
who the fuck signs up to be British police? they're mostly white Britons right? are they all crypto-Muslim converts or something?
The only line I can think of is to cross is when you are threatening someone I'll say.
Everything else should in principle be protected by the freedom of speech. I mean, saying hateful things and such is not cool, but it should not be illegal.
Think about it this way, popular utterings do not need protection. Utterings that do need protection is the unpopular ones. If you say something that the vast majority will think is wrong, then THAT is what freedom of speech is protecting you from, the right to say it anyway despite how many people disagree with you or think it's wrong.
Otherwise, why have a law protecting speech at all?
She's fucking canadian, retards. Do you really think the british government would ban a citizen from accessing their country? That's not even fucking legal.
The people deciding who is banned or not are not your average streetcops. You can bet your ass they have a taskforce of former social workers to pick the meanies they are going to ban.
>equivalent of Vatican city
That's like saying all of Italy is Vatican city.
Brit policemen are trained not to use weapons, violence or other forceful means. They only have the MEAN LOOK, and if that fails they just kneel and beg for forgiveness and abdul cocks.
>That's not even fucking legal.
Who do you think makes the laws, faggot? Retarded fucking monkey. Exiling citizens is perfectly "legal". Kill yourself.
But it happend. This thing is widely reported. If you do not believe it, then just go to the newspaprs.
The problem with giving people complete freedom of speech is you give people to also incite hatred and violence and trample on other people's freedom of speech. It seems like an abstract concept, but putting certain limits on people's freedom of speech ensures actual freedom, because people can't abuse the concept anymore when those limits are put in place. It's the same thing with why businesses have regulations. They're put there for a reason. I agree, getting banned from entering a country for saying "allah is gay" was too extreme, they should've handled this better but the idea behind it is not wrong, it's their implementation. They went too far with the punishment.
>right-wing authoritarians want a strong border to prevent people they don't like entering the country
>cry foul when it happens to one of their own
What really surprises me is how they manage to find something on everyone they want to ban. They manage to find really specific stuff you said once 10 years back if they want to ban you.
Indeed, there is a qualitative difference.
so British cops are enforcing a directive from above to ban a lady for saying that god is homosexual?
some bobbies can be pretty tough. we had one from london on here a long time ago talking about all of the fights he would get into because no weapons.
B-but they are the based good guys out there spreading messages of good hate.
British cops are not involved in this process.
If I write ‘Allahu akbar death to great satan USA’ and border control turns me back, the US police was not involved.
Exactly this, jihadists yelling "behead all infidels" are welcome here and we are sure to treat them well and make them feel at home. Meanwhile if I say muslims are uncivilized savages everyone gets mad and someone even tries to censor me and take legal actions.
BASED britain banning confirmed tollpayers
not trying to shit on the UK, but the UK does not have freedom of speech. in fact, the only two countries that I know of that have freedom of speech are the USA and Japan.
this would not fly in the US. she's a Canadian citizen, she can visit here for so long without a visa, no matter what stupid shit she says. this is a Bongistan problem.
border control are considered cops, not bureaucrats
Yes, there is such a thing as good hate; righteous hate. We hate and must kill the traitors and the invaders alike.
>Exactly this, jihadists yelling "behead all infidels"
Nobody that was caught on record yelling this has been allowed to come here
>also incite hatred and violence and trample on other people's freedom of speech. It seems like an abstract concept, but putting certain limits on people's freedom of speech ensures actual freedom,
No. I will need some examples on this.
> It's the same thing with why businesses have regulations.
No it's not the same
> I agree, getting banned from entering a country for saying "allah is gay" was too extreme
Surely, you should be able to say WHATEVER you want about allah. Allah is not special, it's a ridiculous notion that allah should be protected from "blasphemy".
Strike U.S.
You do not have it either.
You need to be killed.
Border control answers to the ministry of internal affairs or home security, not the ministry of justice.
Freedom with limits is not freedom.
That being said, I don't believe in freedom. I believe in oppressing and rooting out all the traitors and subhumans from our societies once and for all. Put them all into camps and make them dig their own graves.
The problem with that is, she wasn't banned because she insulted Allah, she was banned because probably brits feared a retaliation by the hand of some terrorist. This fear is legitimate, but it generated from us giving too much "freedom" to some people.
Brandenburg vs Ohio
I can say "kill all of the Muslims, British, and everyone in the US government" and this is 100% perfectly legal.
Oldest trick in the book. They ban people because they cannot guarantee their safety from their own terrorists
You cant actually do it though
>and everyone in the US government"
That is not necessarily legal. Could be threatening the president, which you will be arrested for.
I can't actually kill them, no. but I can say "all of these groups of people should be killed". this is 100% legal in the USA. First Amendment.
Internet tough guys...
I'm right wing but all the talk Sup Forums tards make about killing people with different opinions, "defending the white race" (while being a basement dwelling loser on the verge of doing a mass shooting) and incel shit about "cucks" just confirms my opinion that Sup Forumstards are all complete losers.
incitement to imminent lawless action is the test. if I said "hey we should go kill the president right now" and stat making a plan, then yes that would be a felony. saying "maybe someone president should be killed" is not.
That would include shouting "fire" in a full theatre which is illegal for good reasons.
>No. I will need some examples on this.
Right wing hate groups, neo nazis, jihadists spreading islamic extremism and terrorism etc. They all constantly spread hate speech and incite violence, hatred under the veil of 'freedom of speech'. You need to realise that freedom of speech can be used in a bad way if it doesn't have limits and isn't regulated.
>No it's not the same
Analogically, it is.
>Allah is not special
Yes, to you he isn't, but to them, he's a sacred deity. I'm an atheist, but if I came to your country and insulted your country and your people as much as possible, then all I'm doing is inciting hatred.
Yeah you're right, political circumstance is always there when judging this. The government did this because they felt it was the best decision to avoid problems, not because it was actually right. But the idea still remains the same, their implementation was wrong.
actually, it isn't. the court case that had the whole fire in a theatre thing, Schenck v. United States, was overturned many decades ago.
>Right wing hate groups, neo nazis, jihadists spreading islamic extremism and terrorism etc.
there's literally nothing wrong with this.
you have to go back.
Why are Brits still allowed to post on Sup Forums or imageboards in general?
Gotta ban them from here
>Think about it this way, popular utterings do not need protection. Utterings that do need protection is the unpopular ones. If you say something that the vast majority will think is wrong, then THAT is what freedom of speech is protecting you from, the right to say it anyway despite how many people disagree with you or think it's wrong.
I agree. But it's ironic that so many far right "free speech" advocates really dream of a totalitarian dictatorship that would kill everyone who they dislike.
It is illegal in most nations of this world. If you seriously think that shouting fire in a full theatre should be legal, you're retarded.
>Sandniggers are not ga-
Check what the wikipedia says or something about hate speech in USA, please. You have laws against it (I think).
If I'm wrong then I will applaud to your cunt.
What I will say about the USA though, regardless of whether you have laws against it: your academia has made USA the most SJW-infested country in the world. In fact the ideas we get in Scandinavia comes directly from your campuses. For example, a debate was started here in Norway not long ago, about cultural appreciation or whatever it's called. Some blogger started a shitstorm about it when our finance minister wore an indian costume on halloween. The entire nation of Norway rejected her ideas about cultural appreciation, luckily, and she was laughed back to the hole she came from. But this is just one example of many, your SJW stuff is reaching europe, and it's YOUR fault that it does, because USA is extremely innovative when it comes to SJW and your culture good or bad is always reaching Europe. It's annoying as hell.
mashallah brother
legal in the USA, deal with Europoors
>Check what the wikipedia says or something about hate speech in USA, please. You have laws against it (I think).
lmao no we don't
you're right about American universities being absolutely cancer and being largely responsible for the cancer in northern Europe. Sweden is its own special brand of retard that has been retarded pretty much ever since the Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti came to power, though.
Fight back you Brits, death from poison that called muslims it doesn't suits you.
>deal with Europoors
I am honestly glad we cannot just yell fire in enclosed areas and cause mass panic.
One question.
Why do people on the internet always either buy into retarded SJW bullshit or go full Sup Forums neckbeard basement dwelling Nazi.
I am against illegal immigration, against letting in people whose culture is incompatible with ours, against shit like giving gender changing hormones to 6 year olds, and I think my language and culture should be nurtured and protected. Yet I find Sup Forumstards to be disgusting losers mostly motivated by virginity and some weird Hollywood power fantasy about "cleansing the world".
>They're useless things
he's right. fuck f*males
It's mostly just ironic memes, most of the people you see on the internet aren't actually like this in real life. Chillax nigga
oh i think i saw this woman in a femminist protest tryinig to bring up muslims and shit
also currently have a loaded handgun right next to me in my room. unlicensed, unregistered, maximum freedom. bald_eagle.jpg
people that don't fall into either of those wells get sick of it
shit, I'm part Middle Eastern (probably Jewish) and part Hispanic, and part Irish, and I enjoy going on Sup Forums to post about how the Jews, Hispanics, and Irish are ruining about. it's funny as hell.
>lives in Qatar
>doesn't know what freedom of speech means
seems about right
Fuck Spain, Spain is a non-country filled with ugly inbred retards that should all be killed by anal bleeding. Oh and jesus is a gay kike on a stick and christianity is not a religion. They should all be banned from posting on Sup Forums, Sup Forums is a muslim website.
Oy vey goyim, why are you getting mad!! I was just practicing my freedom of speech.
I'm like you.
I don't spend time on Sup Forums but I've seen the cancer that is there the few times I've been there.
Just look at this guy Not sure if he's all serious, but I know many in Sverigetråden is like that unironically.
It's the weirdest thing when kids these days start to support the enemy that we had not too long ago. Sweden was never invaded, maybe the difference lay there, but here in Norway the nazis are the enemy. Why would you want a foreign totalitarian take over your country? It's beyond my understanding.
yes you're practicing you're freedom of speech, you are free to be retarded. it doesnt mean that there wont be consequences for your freedom of speech like people thinking you're and ass
Are you trying to make a point that nobody should be allowed to say what you just said? Because that's stupid. You should absolutely be allowed to say what you just said. You will look stupid when you do, but nobody should be able to prevent you from saying it if you want to.
>be Syrian living in Poland
>say that islam should be delegalized and fuck mudslimes
>be respected politician and everyone agrees with you
Poland is one of my candidates for where I'll move when Scandinavia goes completely to shit in some decades from now.