Nationalistic immigrants

>nationalistic immigrants

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so half of america basically


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>"I'm Norwegian too!"
>"Cool, where in Norway are you from?"
>"Minnesota lol"


>hey ese I'm mexican but I also hate mexicans cabron I'm better than them (us) USA USA

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>fuck people who look the same as me and care about my country and will try their damnedest to integrate


But their hyper patriotism is cute

Integration is bad

are you retarded

I will give my life for mother Poccия

What on earth are you talking about? I was just poking fun at the fact that you're a nation of immigrants, yet a significant portion of you identify more strongly with your forebears' country of origin than the one you live in.

Poccnr, did you misspell popcorn? What about your mother's popcorn is so amazing that you would give your life for it?

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"Dude I have blue eyes so I'm basically a native, right? That's how this works right? My Grandfather was Hitlers Plumber bro, I'm more austrian than you, achmed"

Blacker than you Franz

just gonna leave this here

unironically this

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I am african but I am white

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More autistic than you, Senior Cruz.

are you the iranian


are you the gay egyption

Gayer than you Chad

all the non nationalist immigrants are wannabe ameriniggers