غلواند نگین edition
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Serious Q: If they (have to) wear the veil to protect themselves from looking to sexy for men, why is makeup allowed?
They recently issued a fatwa here to ban designer burqas.
Stop posting white girls and get out of my country, shitskins.
Race de merde.
>white girls
She’s persian
Because makeup is a modern thing, but if you wear a hijab and put a shit ton of make up everyday that makes you look flamboyant it’s quite hypocritical
So she's white.
>"do not make sexy with not sexy clothe"
Is it wrong to be attracted to hijabi's without being m*slim?
Lebanon used to be the pearl of the Middle-East until Iran and its proxy Hezbollah ruined it.
So nobody cares about being white or not
Good morning /mena/
Where my fellow Tunisians at ?
All girls want to use make up and be beautiful but they use hijab because they grow in Islamic countries and cultures and they believe they must(religious beliefs or forced by goverment) to use hijab.
You can't declare make-up forbidden for women. they will use it even if it's against their beliefs and religion.
It's قلاوند (ghalavand)
all the Tunisian womans are on my bed
That bed must be HUGE then
Makeup is not really disallowed in Islam. Some salafists and wahhabists try to say it is, because if a girl wears makeup then she's lying to her boyfriend or some shit like that but it's completely okay.
Tabarruj (displaying over beautification to strangers) is haram, so do the tight clothings. Whores exist everywhere, in muslim countries they're doing the bare minimum while still trying to be whores.
I typed غلاوند first and couldn’t find anything so I improvised, my bad
Make-up is still very common here though. Like any girl who's older than 17 can use make-up. And some of the tend to overdo it.
desu lipstick is the only make-up I like.
what do you muslims think of cathilics?
Wish I could die in my sleep
Pls rember when u scare or frighten, billy aniki watchs over u from heven. Wen day is dark alway rember that ass we can.
Cucks. Orthodox are better
>tfw no middle eastern &/or north african gf
i fucked your mother last night
Having two gfs at once mashallah
slave labourers comissioned by grand sheik Aladdin Al Jazeera for the completion of the stadium are not allowed to use le epick latinized r/jihad idioms
fuck off izem
Why are you so hostile ?
fuck off ugly bulldog faced subhuman
just ignore iraqis
he is some autist don't give him attention he will fuck off
NTR fetishists. The Eastern variant denomination is gooder.
look what the cat dragged in, he shows up as soon as he's mentioned and posts twice(from different sources) to give the impression it's two different people
you're honestly the biggest fucking loser to frequent this general izem
newfag kek now fuck off and don't mention me again ugly negro what an attention whore for god sake leave people alone
Why do you have 3 flags ?
extraflags extension
oooo samefagging using incognito or your phone to hide the (you)s is sooooo difficult
you used to fucking LARP as a girl on discord cut the crap lmao
oh, I feel dumb for not finding about it sooner
Also that user from the UK is starting to get on my nerves.
ah do i have superpowers to make 2 post in 4 seconds what a brainlet kek
christ all mighty imagine the smell on that thing... let alone the fact that it's excreting too
he's some kind of kurdo iraqi chav recluse eternally wanked in his gay summer discord chat. he's harmless but likes to play contrarian in attempts to push others to their limits
Guess who is going to become a NEET?
Because you have to realise some aren't convinced of wearing it. Some wear it not for religious reasons but as a fashion statement or a result of societal pressure/peer pressure.
This is why you tend to find some hijabis wearing tight jeans, smoking and partying in alcohol filled parties.
why tho
im glad I wasn't the only one
Everyone itt
Nuke the Levant.
Nuke mena
This makes me want to go to Egypt so bad.
Your average cuckwashed Maghrebi
>christ all mighty
you have to go back
>browse beurette porn
>it's all Jacquie et Michel (french porn brand)
>there is never an arab, it's always a dozen of blacks and whites teaming up to fuck the beurette
>can't identify to none of these men
>realize I start identify to the beurette
dumb frogposter
In all seriousness, we're both.
Maghrebis have a Arab-Berber culture and traditions.
**runs away**
Nigga this is gay as fuck
>The Algerian Ambassador talks in French while the american ambassador is talking in Arabic
on the subject of 'going back'..
No seriously you have to go back. Christianity is a european religion
>beurette porn
Amazing, I didn't know such a thing existed. This shall be my fetish for tonight. Thank you random maghrebi man with the developing sexual identification crisis.
>war footage
MENA needs a baby boom, more Arabs and Persians will only make us stronger
Sad. Another step in the gradual de-francization of the Maghreb.
Gas the maronites
>pampered maghrabie first worlder is mad he doesn't into epick boom tatata pew pews for shits an giggles
don't forget to rate my wife chino, she's mine waifu
Thoughts on somalis?
Weirdly enough, I never met one in saudi arabia. only outside of it
Lol good
No way I'd let my wife wear the stereotypical 10 pounds of eyeliner
>snotty-nosed greenhorn is used to thinking senseless bloodlust is tantamount to an all out war
Sure must be nice living in a privileged environnement that has the common decency to attach things like 'cause' and 'war' to their tendency to bathe themselves in blood and gunpowder, yours truly's compatriots bypass such formalities and revel in the chaos and gore for the love of it, regardless of this country's apparent state of 'peace'
>maghrabie first worlder
Where my al-habibis at?
dumb frogposter
Srat sri akaal, what's up?
Is the Bilal excuse a real thing? Are Beurette-Black couples more common that White-non-white couples in France?
Sat sri akal, brah
I'm still thinking about going to a mosque. I've never gone to one before and I'm afraid I'll just embarass myself and make it awkward for everyone
Well some beurettes do date blacks but it's more of a meme desu, the boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian is Algerian and go on her insta page and you can see a shitload of Maghrebi girls insulting him for dating outside Maghrebis
Both my sisters are with black dudes. Most of my cousins are too. Yeah, it's pretty much a trend, beurette/hlel couples are probably the most representative interracial couples, I'd even say it's the norm for beurettes to be with africans.
I'm not racist, so I don't really mind, but most srabs are pissed.
Most beurettes embraced multiculturalism.
wowe, i always knew lebanons were the worst posters on this board
Kim Kardiashan sure was a big factor to this new norm. I don't even think she's a muslim.
Lol bro she's not even Arab she's Armenian """christian""" but yeah her whole family is coalburning, even Kylie Jenner. American white girls ar eprobably full into that now.
You're too hard on yourself bru, it's a nice gesture you want to do if you make it awkward it will but they don't have any reason to be embarassed by it or make you embarassed about it
How do I ensure that the money is used for good? An user said yesterday that the imam can be trusted to use it for charity but I'm not so sure.
Also, I'm thinking I'll be able to avoid human contact if I just send the money to an Islamic charity. I donno if there are any such organisations.
Yh it was me, told you about friday, maybe ask the imam to distribute the money on friday and come this day to see it being distributed. Besides that I'm afraid I don't have any other ideas
Why do beurettes do this to us ?
oh you're back, indiachan didn't doxx you after all kek
Ah I see, You're a man of culture as well.
New to islam?
What are they saying?