Would you racemix with a tunisian girl

Would you racemix with a tunisian girl

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>inb4 anyone saying I wouldn't be mixing

Ban cuck poster

But aren't you guys unironically christianized arabs

I wouldn’t be racemixing

holy milkers batman!

Sicilians/Southern Italians.


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No, because it wouldn't be racemixing as I am Arab as well


t. arab

Of course, I would also impregnate her

What if she's Berber though ?

As expected from that flag.

everyone is berber here
but berbers don't look very different from arabs anyway

You mean a self-hating Arab in denial? She's fit right in with me

>tfw no sand angel gf

You're not Berber

If you speak Arabic as your main language you're Arab. KHALAS

So the "Arabised Berber" meme I hear Kabyles saying everyday at my uni is real ?

just banter i love malta:)
also malta is our clay

She looks Panamanian, so it would not seem like race mixing.

I wouldn't mind a Brit bombshell calling me an Arab while I give her a baby desu.

>also malta is our clay
Thank God we're not. You would've turned us into an Alcatraz for immigrants.

Why don't you guys speak Arabic?

yea had top tier maltese slags at school there was a really peng one on babestation too

and dont lie you love us really:^)

Because we're not Arabs.

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would milk tb h

>yea had top tier maltese slags at school there was a really peng one on babestation too
Honestly, I have no idea what you just wrote.

>and dont lie you love us really:^)

Tunisians are white and so am I so it wouldn't be racemixing

gib tunijun qt

That specific one? Yes


>speak a dialect of arabic
>not an arab

Then why do you speak Arabic

pic related
in your dreams
that's why i hate pan arabist
also derja is spoken in maghreb and middle eastern barely understand it

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North African girls make my dick super hard
They're like latinas, but with morals

>tfw I'm an Englishman because I speak English.

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>Would you racemix with a tunisian girl
Only if she can press me some qt Tunisian olive oil

Why did you post the pic of a Frenchwoman, Nigel?

post moar tunijun qt's already, mr. camel merchant

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I could've been a Frenchmen if I paid attention in French class.

Your loss I guess


My true loss was not taking Italian instead of frogspeak.

French and Italian have an extremely high lexical similarity, so when you know one of them it's easier to learn the other. Granted, Italian is probably the easiest to learn in the first place. We just added weird verbs and exceptions.


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And the answer is no, although I did try.

Tunisian french

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Malta will one day be invaded by the Arabs inshallah and annexed

You french may not know it but you are directly responsible for the arabization of the Maghreb.
Arab pride amongst maghrebis is a recent phenomina. Before the colonization, they never called themselves arabs.
All maghrebis (both darija and berber speakers) were called moors until you arrived in 1830.
The change of identity from moor to arab is your creation to justify the conquest of Algeria, because moors were thought to be indigenous to the Maghreb as the term was used by the romans to describe the people living in ancient Mauretania.
Peyssonnel's notes (written in the 18th century) on the regency of Algiers distinguishes between arabs (living in the middle east) and moors (living in the barbary coast).

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implying derja speakers existed before 1800 :-:

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Based French

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True, but I already had a basic knowledge of Italian. I know Italian more than French just by watching TV. I sort of had a head start and I gave it the finger. What can I say, I'm retarded.

Keep dreaming Ahmed.


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Fuck off izem you ugly pajeet

I wish my name was Ahmed

Sadly I have some faggy French name because my parents did not share my hardcore 3ruba

panarabists are mentally ill desu

Darija developed over a millennia

Kill yourself

She's probably whiter than I am.

I too have a French name, which I loathe. I wish I had an Italian name. I wish the popularity of Italian names is as much as it used to be.


wtf I support maghrebi immigration in France now

>wanting a strong nation is being mentally ill

You wannabe wish-you-were-French larpers are the mentally ill ones

Every Tunisian I've met irl was a hardcore Arab, you Arab-self-haters are a (((vocal))) minority

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>shitskins being ashamed of their french heritage
wew, the absolute state of my country


Means Arabism I.e Arab nationalism

>met tunisians

Wouldn't you be ashamed to be French as well?

I don't have French heritage. I was just tagged with a French name, just like that.


Why would I be ashamed of it?

Because it's embarrassing desu :3

thats ephebophile to you

oh yea, just a name...my bad.

you better fucking delet this

Pan-arabism is an ideological fiction, like white nationalism or pan-africanism

>ideologically fiction

You what now?

Also my parents country was never even a French colony so it makes no sense for me to have a French name

Yes because Anglo women are dog shit

Stop whining, in Europe, we have Slavic, Latin, Germanic, Celtic, Greek, Hebrew names etc...

>You what now?
One quickly sees why pan-arabism is nonsense: Algeria, Syrian, Saudi Arabia and Egypt all fall under this category of "arab countries" - yet they each have their distinctive cultures, traditions and way of life that, if you intended to unite them as one "arab nation", would defeat the very purpose of nationalism.

>Also my parents country was never even a French colony so it makes no sense for me to have a French name
French names are ugly


they're all muslim desert shitholes, who cares

The distinctions between regions of the Arab world are no more significant than the distinctions between regions of Germany or regions of France.

You don't know what you're talking about, Arabs speak the same language and have the same culture. Iraqis Syrians and Egyptians are all the same people. I don't need a Frenchman to educate me about my ancestors culture and history

nice troll

Honest question, does Tunisian pussy taste like maqrout?

Kys faggot your country literally supported Saddam in the gulf war

Are you the Australian Tajik, Iraqi, Leb....? Btw he's right, all countries in MENA are different, even the dialects of Arabic we speak are very different. Pan arabism is a good idea, but we're still very different don't deny this.



What a shit-tier troll

I'm one of many Iraqi Australians that seem to shitpost on Sup Forums. I've seen others

Also a khaleeji hating Arab nationalism is no surprise

How can I racemix with someone who's already white?

Don't ever call us white again you dog. We're not Jew puppets, we still hold on to monotheism and traditional cultural family values unlike the (((white))) people's of Western Europe and North America

I'm not hating Arab nationalism I like the idea, but we're very culturally different. We all share common things in our countries but Tunis is still very different to Saudi Arabia, Saudi is different to Egypt, Iraq is different to Lebanon etc. I find lebs we wuzzing about being phoenicians or north africans we wuzzing about being berbers as cringy as you do, but we're still different.

not surprised
ugly subhumanoid
don't you the us

Our differences are no greater than say, north Germany and south Germany.

Balkans are home of the MUTT, I hunger for new genes.
Feed me your exotic blood!

It tastes like kus-kus

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>lumping this phoenicianism nonsense with maghrebis embracing their rightful berber heritage
You can't really compare the two. I mean do lebs even know for certain that they truly descend from phoenicians? The culture is long dead.
On the other hand, berber heritage is still alive and strongly impacts maghrebi culture.

The only reason people from Algeria and Iraq have anything to do with one another is because they were both conquered by the caliphates and speak a dialect of arabic now. They don't have the same culture, experiences, history, mentality and cuisine.

Sounds interesting.

There was this qt Basque born Tunisian girl in my school that was in love with me (she told me). I rejected her because she was 1 year younger than me, and at the time, that seemed important to me (I didn't told her why, I just ignored her moves). She hates me now.

Man I miss her.