aggressive anime dabs edition
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Fuck Dane
late registration has some decent bangers but is not better than college dropout
worst edition of all time
Fuck you too
*dabs more*
N-n-n-now, my flow Is in the pocket like wallets, I got the bounce like hydraulics
I can't call it, I got the swerve like alcohol-ics
My freshman year I was going through hella problems
'Til I, built up the nerve to drop my ass up out of college
My teacher said I'se a loser, I told her why don't you kill me
I give a fuck if you fail me, I'm gonna fol-low my heart
And if you follow the charts, or the plaques or the stacks
You ain't gotta guess who's back, you see
I'm so Chi that you thought I was bashful
But this bastard's flow will bash your skull
And I will, cut your girl like Pastor Tro'
another lyrical masterpiece by the Yeezy
>fucked a /k/fag on thursday
>he was really, really, really tight
>3 days later and I'm still missing some sensation in my penis
>have jerked off since then, but my penis isn't as sensitive
what do? will the sensitivity come back on it's own?
i'm the only one allowed to dab here
breathe in
breathe out
If ya iced up, pull ya sleeves out
Push a big truck, pull ya keys out
Girls go wild and pull ya D's out
breathe in
breathe out
Let them hoes fight, pull her weave out
If a nigga act up, pull a Desert E's out
When I pull the piece out niggas like "Peace out!"
lets settle this once and for all
is he /our guy/?
Really want to kiss Zando on the lips buds
same but dane
>I always had a Ph.D: a pretty huge dick
What did Kanye mean by this
>kill all the ladybugs on my window
>come back an hour
>they've repopulated
nope dane is my gf
why are you killing cute little ladybugs?
Ph. d
*takes dane on a date*
>killing ladybugs
fucking queerlord
oh, ok, its like rosario vampire and she has a demigod thing in her subconscious
Last I heard, y'all niggaz was havin sex, with the SAME sex
I show no love, to homo thugs
Empty out, reloaded and throw more slugs
How you gonna explain fuckin a man?
Even if we squashed the beef, I ain't touchin ya hand
I don't buck with chumps, for those to been to jail
That's the cat with the Kool-Aid on his lips and pumps
I don't fuck with niggaz that think they broads
Only know how to be ONE WAY, that's the dog
nice numerals but pic related is me and the dane yesterday laughing at you
one flew into my face at night a few weeks ago and I have a score to settle
this faggot tranny loving proxy loving general needs to be fixed
when the forest grows wild a purging fire is both inevitable and necessary
ummm Zando is NOT a tranny
you're not allowed to fedora your own posts newfag
holy SHIT she just gouged his eyes out
what an ugly couple
My eyes are slanted
My skin is pale
You gussed right
I'm a superior Asian male
>what an ugly couple
I was on Sup Forums before moot was born u fag
fuck off raas al ghul. i'm fucking lovable
don't get why some faggots dislike the dane, he's a quality poster unlike a lot of other people who frequent here
what does moot have to do with cum
fucking idiot
definitely better than the kraut who obsesses over porn
I like to imagine Moot browsed /cum/ at one point in time
he still browses this website youre insane if you think he doesnt
you're right, I do
moot is the one that posts the constant trap threads on
because he doesn't give me enough yous
the gee eff
you can have one from me
aw geez, this is fucked
bipartisan idea:
end nigger discrimination and let trannys and fags do their thing, BUT passing trannies become sex slaves and we enslave muslims
mmm yas queen
very good idea
>tfw zando will never post a pic like this
better idea: deport trannies into active volcanoes
There is nothing that I despise more than this retarded "daddy" shit
niggas iffy uh
blicky got the stiffy uh
dont have a problem with this desu
>better idea: deport trannies into active volcanoes
idea: clone the italian but remove the autism so that at least his genes will be passed on by the clone
better idea: deport trannies to my DICK
Just ordered 3 pairs of shoes and will send back the ones I don't like haha :)
t. Zhang
it's actually very masculine and heterosexual to leave a wet steamy load in a traps asshole
Im not italian, you oaf
got blicky uh
drum it holds fifty uh
all me
>you oaf
we wuz germanics?
if you're on my snapchat i'll send you some pics of her ass and feet once she's here
never said that
do traps use tinder?
it's 2018 bud well accept you for who you are
why is ""dane"" such a raging faggot holy shit
I've seen a few but not many
suuuureeeee buddy
reminder that trannies are an abomination
if evens, dubs, 42, or 69, i go get a bag of delicious trail mix instead of actual dinner
do you like pretty japanese girls?
canada. yes!
no what the fuck
how could this be happening
best 2/3 rerolling
lets be honest, if you like traps you probably like girls. There are not enough passable hot traps to go around.
shan't be hovering over any links satan posts