Puerto Rican DNA (72% European, 15% Negroid, 11% Ameri-indian)

>Puerto Rican DNA (72% European, 15% Negroid, 11% Ameri-indian)
>Genetic IQ should be around 93-96
>Do research
>Despite all nutrition, median IQ of Puerto Rico is 90
>One or two studies supporting an IQ of 94

Why is this?

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>be Albanian/Bosnian/Montenegrin
>100% genetically European and Caucasian
>average IQ of 82

how does this happen?

d e s p a c i t o

Because they're not white.

"European" here means Spanish, mostly from the south, so it's lower than 100

>Genetic IQ should be
The problem here is none of your statements are founded in biology

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If that's true, why do straight-up black-white mixed children have an IQ that strikes a middle ground between parents?

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But Spaniards have a tested genetic IQ of 100.

if thats true why can two average iq ppl give birth to a genius :thinking:

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Recessive genetics, mutations, etc.

I'm just pointing at a general trend, not outliers.

and what genes are responsible for ""intelligence"" or whatever the iq test attempts to measure

It's not fully mapped, so I can't tell you.

We only have the ultimate results of genetics to observe. These results are, of course, showing that intelligence heritability follows a general trend of falling between parents like height.

because IQ and white superiority are a meme
sorry you had to find out this way

IQ is easily 20% environment, living in shit tier conditions like puerto ricans, with shit nutrition doesnt let people reach their IQ potential.

also this is an example that environment plays a huge role. Most eastern europeans going to america in the early 1900's had IQ as low as african americans do today

Fun fact: despite Puerto Rico being a third world shit hole with a high poverty and unemployment rate, and high multi decade long economic stagnation it still has the highest GDP per capita in Latin America, and is only behind Spain by a few hundred dollars

Fun fact: If Puerto Rico were to be incorporated tomorrow, The US of A would become slightly whiter

Because they are usa babies that benefit from us

fun fact: Cuba is the whitest country in latin america
you benefit from us a lot more though

Memes aside it's Uruguay followed closely by Argentina. Cuba is very white for LatAm though

>genetic iq
Have you considered suicide?

>White superiority is a meme

Real life doesn't tell me that it's a meme.
Black people can't think, and they suffer because they can't think.

Literally every other sub contractor I've ever encountered has either been Hispanic or White, and I ran into one black electrician, and another black blind installer, but he was from Uganda and the cream of the crop from Africa.

Life is fucked-up

Cuba is the the 2nd above Argentina and Brazil

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all the whites in cuba left when castro took over

not really

>you benefit from us a lot more though
How does the US benefit from PR?

>Real life doesn't tell me that it's a meme.
>Black people can't think, and they suffer because they can't think.
>Literally every other sub contractor I've ever encountered has either been Hispanic or White, and I ran into one black electrician, and another black blind installer, but he was from Uganda and the cream of the crop from Africa.
>Life is fucked-up

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Inbreeding and low quality founder population. Majority of Puerto Ricans descend from the lowest peasants. The government sterilized like a 3rd of the population as they where deemed unfit to breed.

it seems like you're mixing up flags

You hit too low.
You need to go spend time with inner city black people that aren't descended from intelligent black people.

That's the average.

>You hit too low.
>You need to go spend time with inner city black people that aren't descended from intelligent black people.
>That's the average.

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This is my favorite meme

do you know anything about biology at all?

blacks have had terrible luck historically but that doesn't mean they're inherently dumber than whites. Also anecdotes aren't facts
source: the deepest ends of your rectum
off the top of my head:
rich jewish investors, vulture hedgefunds and tax evading companies love us. Also we're 100% American whenever there's a war. There are many other ways in which their benefit from owning us, they can literally do anything they want here and we can't do shit about it. I don't really have anything against yanks though. I'm completely indifferent to everything they've done to us at this point

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It'd be nice to rose-tint reality, but the truth is black people have evolved far enough from white people to have HIGHER bone densities on average.

They've got different skin colors for a reason.

You need to go communicate with a straight up black man and see how much faster you are mentally.

It's depressing. I always let the black man feel smarter than he actually is because life is hell.

>talk to Chinese, Indians, Ecuadorians, Venezuelans, Arabs, Filipinos, even Dominicans
These guys seem pretty normal, racism must just be a meme
>talk to dark-skinned blacks


>It'd be nice to rose-tint reality, but the truth is black people have evolved far enough from white people to have HIGHER bone densities on average.
every race is different, SEAs are smaller in height and their armpits never smell, that says absolutely nothing about intelligence
>They've got different skin colors for a reason.
exposure to sun. Again, not related to IQ.
>You need to go communicate with a straight up black man and see how much faster you are mentally.
I've had brilliant black co-workers and friends, some of them even graduated from ABET-accredited universities and are very succesful. The dumbest people I've met and known have been white. Does that mean all whites are retards? See how anecdotes don't prove anything?

there are many dumb blacks, and many violent blacks especially in the US, but try to put yourself in their feet. Read about their history. Think about your history and how it compares to theirs. Realize how lucky you are. People only started treating them like humans and giving them the same opportunities as everyone else there about 50~ years ago. You should be amazed at how much they've achieved in so little time.

Your co-workers and friends are statistical outliers.

You need to go straight into the heart of negro town (Not the half-white negro town) and talk to the people there to really understand reality.

I'm not surprised you met some stupid white people in Puerto Rico. A lot of them are there because of legal troubles, and white people aren't all 140 IQ geniuses. You get whites with 85 IQ all of the time.

I'm still not sure how you can observe physical changes that are bone deep and say that brain function isn't affected too.

If you have to live in a climate with food scarcity, you need to have a brain that can function in such an environment. You need to have a brain that can hold variables inside of it and pick the best one for any given situation.

That's the difference between the Congo and freezing European nations. The Inuit out pace whites when it comes to navigation by a large margin. They can remember every step from the smallest land-mark in a Tundra.

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>every other sub contractor I've ever encountered has either been Hispanic or White
where the fuck do black people work? I literally can only think of my PE teacher in HS and thats it. I live in LA btw.
construction workers: hispanics/whites
service workers: hispanics/whites/ME/asians
tradesmen: hispanics/whites
software industry: asians/whites/indians/hispanics
policemen and firefighters: whites/hispanics
teachers: whites/asians/hispanics
doctors: asians/whites/hispanics
nurses: hispanics/whites/whites

excuses, excuses.

tendency towards the mean. If two geniuses have a kid they won't have another genius but a kid at least above average.

What really matter is the educational achievements of the parents and wealth.

Jesus Christ you are brainlet.
>They can remember every step from the smallest land-mark in a Tundra.

That's because their culture DEMANDS it just like living in tech rich environment means you know how to operate computers and touchpads. Our culture doesn't need memorization anymore that's why we don't remember much. What you say also applies to the Khoisan or just about any people in the world that hunt for food (on top of farming/pastrorialism)

>That's the difference between the Congo and freezing European nations.

Europe isn't freezing you fucker. God sake they have can current moderating their winters to be much more moderate then said cold places that are more interior. Your bullshit relies on people having no idea about world environments.

My IQ is 94

Islam weeds out the intelligent

Puerto ricans have better living conditions than most eastern europeans and chinese.

Don't you know that russians was 90iq level nearly 70 years ago? Muh genetics.

>where the fuck do black people work

Culturalists and Racialists have been trying to push the idea that intelligence is a culturally and genetically influenced thing, but that has been debunked and psychologists nowadays prefer to move more to assessing people on an individual level. They've also found that a person's economic background has more influence on their development and intelligence than their culture.


>Why is this?
Reggaeton and sudaca mentality.

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