How do we stop him?

How do we stop him?

Attached: Fernando Martinez.jpg (750x900, 176K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Leave the planet, n*Rdcuck. It belongs to MED BVLLS

The world belongs to browns and BLACKS. Yellows and wh*tes can kill themselves if they don't like it.

You can’t. He is a free spirit.

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meds are not even that dark

Why do Portuguese and Spaniards love that meme when the character was Cuban?

t. Jose Martinez

why would we stop them?
we should rather tell them to start because they aren't doing it themselves

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>That one autistic dane that keeps posting his meme graph on every Fernando Martinez thread

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you again lmao, why are you so butthurt?

He got cucked by Fernando Martinez?

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he's posted in our general with that graph but everyone laughed at him. he's just some fuckhead incel who can't take a joke.

d-dios mio... q-que hombre...
me temo que está robando a mi esposa germana...

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my nonna always told me that Italians are the nicest, cleanest, most humble, hardworking people on earth

Don trust me

>he's just some fuckhead incel who can't take a joke.
honestly why would i care what a literal cuck thinks about me?

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that's funny because you seem to care an awful lot about people posting a literal meme, you insecure sperg.

why is this meme reviving itself again

we cant, fernando martinez transcends reality

>im forcing my cuck fantasy onto you and if you dont abide you are a SPERG
ok user
you can go back to sharing your girlfriend now

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again, you are taking a meme seriously like an actual autist with no sense of humor.
just stop posting, you're honestly pathetic.

>you post a meme
>i respond to it

All I know is that he is

>act like a butthurt Sup Forumstard who can't take a joke
>people call you out on it

>you post a meme, in a hope that people will react a certain way
>i react a different way
>you get mad

you are the sperg here
you want it to go your way but since this isn't reddit people will probably respond in a myriad of different ways and so you get mad because you didn't get what you wanted and obviously it is me and not you who is in the wrong because people MUST react like you wanted them to

>this entire post
the asshurt is off the chart holy fuck

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it's ok man
you will post what you want to
and ill post what i want to
and you'll get mad because i posted something you didn't like
but you will never be able to stop me from posting

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You can't

>actually trying to project his autistic anger onto me
do you even look at what you post? I can literally feel your blood pressure rising from here.

>keeps replying
>im the autist
i know ill win this one because this will be my last post in this thread

so you can either prove that you are the autist or let me get the last word
choose yourself

Shit guys what do I do if I've already been Fernadoded

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don't forget to kiss your mom good night before she heads out with her boyfriend Fernando Martinez

>you can either be an autist or let me be a bigger autist

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Why is Fernando Martinez a meme on Sup Forums? He's not even Latin, he's just a cheap pimp from upstate.

*faint sounds of flamenco*

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Why don't you find out at knowyourmeme you fuckwit

La caliente passion de Fernando Martinez hierve dientro de sus hijos.
Tienes dientro de ti una fuerza que deja el culo del Danés a arder como los corazones de las mujeres.

Please help me padre Fernando
I'm 21 and still a virgin. I'm not kissless though.